Yea, the higher doses thing as well here too. I learned this myself. I think if you are competitive, do what you need to do to stay or win at the top, but for 99% of all other users, keep it simple and easy and give it more time.....concentrate on the not injuring yourself and stay consistent over many many years, like 1-2 decades plus. If after 1-2 plus decades of staying consistent and pushing heavy slag iron/weight and progressively getting stronger in some fashion, a good diet for your needs, and lower-moderate dosings.....if you do not have a solid build by doing that, then just quit and go for the skinny athletic healthy look, haha.
When i was on higher doses, and they aren't even close to what i'm seeing from guys these days, is that after going a year or two at higher doses or more, and still not looking like a pro physique (or national in that case depending on who i'm compared to, lol), what I was faced with was......"Where do I go from here?" I mean, if I am taking a crap-ton of gear at that point, I don't have much tricks left to pull out of the bag unless i just keep going stupid high in dosing. Meanwhile, Joe Blow Bodybuilder with a great build is cruising on a gram or less and looking like a tank.
If you are starting out, you will know if you have what it takes to go to the top when you hit 500mg/wk and outgrow everybody else around you. Otherwise, guys need to look at long-term a Shelby Starnes or Dusty Hanshaw, who just grinded it out over many years.