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Your anti-brologic acts



VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
Some brologic is great. WE would probably have gotten not to far without it but some stuff that works just goes against best practice, although you could debate ther is no best practice. What was your approach that worked but was against brologic or what brologic actually was counterproductive? I'll start.

EQ is weak and Primo is weak. You would think that the two stacked together with a test base would be meeeh. Well It is now one of my favorite cycles 1:1:1 Test:primo:EQ. Very full, very lean, dry but not painful. Side effects are minimal and probably only because at my point in this hematocrit goes up too much. Gain 10 lbs that looks like 20.
jipped genes

jipped genes

VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
I have always been a fan of EQ. Never tried it with primo. Did try with masteron and it was good.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
I would probably say, my anti-bro logic act would be using gear that is typically reserved by the bros for cutting or bulking in opposite fashion with great results. I have bulked on winstrol and tren and cut on test and dbol with no problems. It is all in the diet.


Senior Member
Jul 3, 2021
I would probably say, my anti-bro logic act would be using gear that is typically reserved by the bros for cutting or bulking in opposite fashion with great results. I have bulked on winstrol and tren and cut on test and dbol with no problems. It is all in the diet.
I always gain weight on tren (along with strength) but I feel leaner. Do my feelz count? They are part of brahlogic right?


VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
I would probably say, my anti-bro logic act would be using gear that is typically reserved by the bros for cutting or bulking in opposite fashion with great results. I have bulked on winstrol and tren and cut on test and dbol with no problems. It is all in the diet.
and genetics and how you respond to compounds.
BD Cool

BD Cool

VIP Member
Dec 1, 2011
Some brologic is great. WE would probably have gotten not to far without it but some stuff that works just goes against best practice, although you could debate ther is no best practice. What was your approach that worked but was against brologic or what brologic actually was counterproductive? I'll start.

EQ is weak and Primo is weak. You would think that the two stacked together with a test base would be meeeh. Well It is now one of my favorite cycles 1:1:1 Test:primo:EQ. Very full, very lean, dry but not painful. Side effects are minimal and probably only because at my point in this hematocrit goes up too much. Gain 10 lbs that looks like 20.
What type of dosages are you using per week?


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Sep 21, 2011
I can't think of anything off my head, but I can't count how many times we have both had a love:hate; it works well -- it's worthless; and i'll never use it again -- I will use it again, back and forth talk over the many years, heh heh heh:D

I don't think there's a compound i've trashed and then used again, over and over, than Eq, lol. It's like the one compound that you can squeeze in for any cycle because it will at least make you veinier, a little stronger, and it's a painless long-ester that is easy to administer. It just fits in well with most cutting cycles because you can take it with just test for a long period before yuou throw the kitchen sink at things the last 6-10 weeks. You can kind of sub it in as an inject to take the place of Primo that is super expensive, or you can still take them together, like you noted above.

I'm pretty much done with big-time strong 'bulking,' which is not the ideal time, at least for me, to take Eq anyway, as i prefer higher test, NPP, and a few other compounds.


VIP Member
Nov 16, 2022
Love this thread. Had a similar idea the other night but haven’t gotten to it yet for “what’s your favorite broscience tip/hack”…the opposite of this thread.

Like genetic freak mentioned, a lot of the bro logic about so called “bulking” vs “cutting compounds”. Anadrol fiddy for most of the early online days was regarded as a bulking drug. This “wisdom” was repeated many thousands of time on the boards. But going back to the 80s/early 90s it was viewed as the ultimate precontest drug. IMO, Anadrol is best used in a carb controlled environment. Helps mitigate blood pressure issues with water and mineral retention, while still keeping you full of glycogen throughout the day. Anadrol makes me look amazing on a cut, on keto, or ckd. Now I realize a50 over the last several years has made a come back in precontest stacks…and for good reason — it works for a lot of people.

DNP, for many years bros warned that DNP needs carbs to work. Complete bullshit. Get into a good fat adapted ketosis and DNP will shred the fuck out of me like no other. Like anadrol and cutting, the DNP and carbs myth seems to have faded.

Doses. The doses in your common cycles shared online are way too fucking high and don’t correlate to an increase in anabolism or anything else other than dangerous side effects like elevated blood pressure. With respect to testosterone, I’d go so far to say that 90% of the population isn’t gonna see shit beneficial past say 750mgs. No reason Anadrol needs to be dosed in 50mg increments. 350mg of tren acetate per week is a *high* dose. I believe these massive doseages are directly responsible for all the deaths we’ve seen of young bodybuilders.

EQ which some people consider “safe” - for many others causes dangerous elevation of hematocrit. My point here is you see so many bros saying “EQ doesn’t really do much under 900mg blah blah”…it’s it water they’re talking about.

The bottom line to all of this is take care of yourself and know your body. These old ass molecules all have dramatically different effects given one’s genetics and other health factors.
Last edited:


TID Board Of Directors
Sep 30, 2011
Doses. The doses in your common cycles shared online are way too fucking high and don’t correlate to an increase in anabolism or anything else other than dangerous side effects like elevated blood pressure. With respect to testosterone, I’d go so far to say that 90% of the population isn’t gonna see shit beneficial past say 750mgs. No reason Anadrol needs to be dosed in 50mg increments. 350mg of tren acetate per week is a *high* dose. I believe these massive doseages are directly responsible for all the deaths we’ve seen of young bodybuilders.
I agree with this 10000%
old and young new guys especially take Waaay to high of doses then fuck themselves up with side effects and health issues and give the compounds a bad rap.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Sep 21, 2011
Yea, the higher doses thing as well here too. I learned this myself. I think if you are competitive, do what you need to do to stay or win at the top, but for 99% of all other users, keep it simple and easy and give it more time.....concentrate on the not injuring yourself and stay consistent over many many years, like 1-2 decades plus. If after 1-2 plus decades of staying consistent and pushing heavy slag iron/weight and progressively getting stronger in some fashion, a good diet for your needs, and lower-moderate dosings.....if you do not have a solid build by doing that, then just quit and go for the skinny athletic healthy look, haha.

When i was on higher doses, and they aren't even close to what i'm seeing from guys these days, is that after going a year or two at higher doses or more, and still not looking like a pro physique (or national in that case depending on who i'm compared to, lol), what I was faced with was......"Where do I go from here?" I mean, if I am taking a crap-ton of gear at that point, I don't have much tricks left to pull out of the bag unless i just keep going stupid high in dosing. Meanwhile, Joe Blow Bodybuilder with a great build is cruising on a gram or less and looking like a tank.

If you are starting out, you will know if you have what it takes to go to the top when you hit 500mg/wk and outgrow everybody else around you. Otherwise, guys need to look at long-term a Shelby Starnes or Dusty Hanshaw, who just grinded it out over many years.
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