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Yano's old man lift's such and so forth 2.0



VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

Jan 26 '25 - Iron Abyss
Saturday Speed Focus - 6 day split test week 3
200.6 body weight
1585 cals headed to 3000
60 min cardio - 17.4 miles 114bpm

Today was quick n clean. Plenty of fire in the forge , bar moved well , hinge was on time. Only the names have been changed to protect the guilty

Stretches -
Ankle circles 10 each side - Hip Circles 10 each direction - 90/90 stretch 2x30 hold - Cobra Stretch 2x30 hold - Knees to chest 4x20hold - Pelvic Tilt 2x20 - Pelvic Raise 2x20 - Dead Bugs 2x20 - Bird Dogs 2x20 - Superman's 3x30 hold - Side Planks 4x30 hold - Childs Pose 2x1 min

Lifts -
Box Squats - Comp Height - SSB - Dynamic 65% - 305 on the bar - 140 bands/chains - 445 at the top
Warm Ups - ebx5 ebx5 eb/2x5 eb/2/60x5
Progression - 150/60/2x 3 - 240/60/2x3
Working Sets - 305/60/2x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3

Seated Good Mornings - low pins - bottom of squat - 4x8
220x8 - 225x8 - 230x8 - 235x8

Zerchers - Iron Abyss
Progression - 200x10 - 220x5 - 240x3
*PAP Pairings - 260x1 + 4 13" Box Jumps - 260x1 + 6 13" Box Jumps - 280x1 + 6 13" Box Jumps - 300x1 + 4 13" Box Jumps

Deficit Deads - 2" - 65% - 3x3x4x1
365x4 - 365x4 - 365x4 - 385x1 - 405x1 - 425x1 - 445x1

Shrugs - Iron Abyss
Progression - 240x10 - 260x5 - 280x3
*PAP Pairings - 300x1 + 4 ExPullUps - 300x1 + 6 ExPullUps - 320x1 + 6 ExPullUps - 340x1 + 4 ExPullUps
**Back Off Sets - 275x6 - 240x8 - 225xamrap 12* Keep track

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts w/slow twist "Windshield Wipers"
4 sets of 30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

Jan 26 '25 - Iron Abyss
Sunday Active Recovery - 6 day split test - week 3
201.4 body weight
1460 cals headed to 3000
Cardio - 30 min before routine - 30 min after - 17 miles 112/114bpm

Today was right on the money , from stiff n sore to feeling fairly spry. I'll take it. Got the gym area cleaned up , laundry room redone for her majesty. Hella good day all around.

Hip Mobility:
90/90 Stretch 2x30 sec per side
Hip Circles 2x10 each direction
Pigeon Pose 2x30 sec per side

Shoulder Mobility:
Wall Angels 2x10
Band Pull-Apart 3x15
Overhead Reach Stretch 2x30 sec per side

Ankle Mobility:
Ankle Circles 2x10 each side
Deep Squat Hold 2x30 sec
Lunge w/slow slight twist 2x10 per side

Lower Back Mobility:
Cat-Cow Stretch 2x10 reps
Thread the Needle 2x10 each side
Child’s Pose 2x1 min hold

Core Activation & Stability:
Dead Bugs 2x15 per side
Bird Dogs 2x15 per side
Side Plank 2x30 sec per side
Pelvic Tilt 2x20 slow reps
Pelvic Raise 2x20 slow reps
3 Planks - Flat - Right Side - Left Side - 30 sec each
Superman's 3x30 sec

Hamstring Stretch 2x30 sec each leg
Hip Flexor Stretch 2x30 sec each side
Seated Forward Fold 2x30 sec
Cobra Stretch 2x30 sec

Accessory Work:
Dumbbell Rows - #30 - 3x15
Curls - #25 - 3x15
Seated Dumbbell Press - #30 - 3x15
Dumbbell Bench Press - #40 - 3x15


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

Jan 27 '25 - Iron Abyss
Monday Bench Focus - 6 day split test week 4
201.3 body weight
1480 cals headed to 3000
60 min cardio - stationary bike 17.4 miles 114bpm

Today was an ok day , nothing to brag about but an ok work day. 6 day split is catching up to my age thats for sure, elbows n wrists are starting to feel like carnival glass.

Dropped a little off the bar and had a bit of fun with variations today just to mix it up and have some fun with the chains n bands.

Deload next week is going to feel good , I ain't gonna lie.

Stretches -
Band Pulls 2x20 - Band Press 2x20 - Band Xover 2x20 - Band YRaise 2x20 - Band Face Pulls 3x15

Lifts -
Bench - Iron Abyss
Variation - 40lbs chains
Warm up - eb/40x5 - eb/40x5 - 135/40x5
Progression - 165/40x10 - 190/40x5 - 225/40x3
*PAP Pairings - 255/40x1 + 4 ExPushUps - 255/40x1 + 6 ExPushUps - 285/40x1 + 6 ExPushUps - 315/40x1 + 4 ExPushUps - damn near killed me , super grindy AF repeat next session
**Back Off Sets - 255x6 - 225x8 - 205xamrap 10 *keep track

Half shot my wad on these took a minute for a coffee n a Reeces

Incline Close Grip Bench - 4x8
Variation - 40lbs chains
175/40x8 - 180/40x8 - 185/40x8 - 190/40x6+1+1

Decline Bench - 4x8
Variation 40 lbs chains
190/40x8 - 195/40x8 - 200/40x8 - 205x40x6+2

Banded Pendlay Rows - Iron Abyss
Variation 2 Red Mini Bands = 75lbs
155/75x10 - 175/75x5 - 195/75x3
*PAP Pairings - 195/75x1 + 4 ExPullUps - 205/75x1 + 6 ExPullUps - 215/75x1 + 6 ExPullUps - 225/75x1 + 4 ExPullUps

Seated Delt Flys - 4x10
15x10 - 20x10 - 22.5x10 - 25x7x2x1 - oy vey

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 4 sets of 30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

Jan 28 '25 - Iron Abyss
Tuesday Lower - Squats R Us - 6 day split test week 4
201lbs body weight
1680 cals headed to 3000
60 min cardio - stationary bike 17.3 miles 112/114bpm

In the timeless words of the great American Philosopher Ric Flair - " WOOOOOOOOOO!!! "

Today was all money , work load felt right , body felt good , internal timing was a little off so to speak , two singles I thought were a bit grindy looked good and faster than they felt on video but that's no big issue probably just out of air.

Hinge fired well , hips felt good , left knee is a little "puffy" feeling , like its got a bit more fluid than the right. Not going to sweat that , could be just old man'isms I didnt hurt anything or feel anything during the work out.

Dropped the belt for rack pulls ,that was fun.

We even got to reach a little for a couple of new silly and completely new PR's

Stretches -
Hips Circles 20 each direction - Ankles Circles 20 each/each direction - Knees to Chest 3x20 hold - Pelvic Tilt 2x20 - Pelvic Raise 2x20 - Cobra Stretch 2x30 hold - Dead Bugs 2x20 - Bird Dogs 2x20 - Single Knee to chest 2x10 hold - Supermans 3x30 hold - Planks-left/flat/right - 30 hold each - Childs Pose 2x1min hold

Lifts -
Box Squats - Competition height - SSB - Iron Abyss
Warm Ups - ebx5 - ebx5 - 150x5
Progression - 220x10 - 260x5 - 310x3 - 345x2
*PAP Pairings - 345x1 + 4 13" Box Jumps - 380x1 + 6 14" Box Jumps - 425x1 + 6 14" Box Jumps - 460x1 + 4 14" Box Jumps
**Back Off Sets - 380x6 - 325x8 - 305xamrap 11 *Keep track

460 Box Squat - Final Single

Good Mornings - standing - from high to low and back - 4x8
215x8 - 225x8 - 235x8 - 245x8

Zerchers - Iron Abyss
Progression - 200x10 - 220x5 - 240x3 - 260x2 - 280x1 - 300x1
Shit just felt good.
Extra Credit - 315x1 - 335x1 - 365x1 *PR for these

365 Zercher

Rack Pulls - Hole at knee - Iron Abyss - Beltless
Build Up - 135x3 - 225x3 - 315x3 - 405x3 - 455x3
Working Progression - 485x5 - 550x3 - 590x2 - 630x1
Extra Credit - 668x1

668 Beltless Rack Pull

Shrugs - Iron Abyss
Progression - 240x10 - 260x5 - 280x3 - 300x2 - 320x1
*Back Off Sets - 260x6 - 225x8 - 210xamrap *12 Keep Track

Abs - Decline Sit Ups - 4 sets of 30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

Jan 29 '25 - Iron Abyss
Wednesday - Recovery - Technique and Mobility Work
201.3 body weight
1570 cals headed to 3000
60 min cardio - 17.5 miles 112/114bpm

Today was a fun day. Got in the stretches and the yoga , relaxed and enjoyed it

Pushed a little on the walkouts/static holds , every thing felt good.

*Mobility and Stretch Routine
Band Press: 2x10
Band Pull-Aparts: 2x10
Band Face Pulls: 3x15
Band Xovers: 2x10
Band YRaise: 2x10

Hip Circles: 2x20 each side
Ankle Circles: 2x20 each side
Knees to Chest: 4x20 hold
90/90 Stretch: 2x30 hold
Cobra Stretch: 3x30 hold
Pelvic Tilt: 2x20
Pelvic Raise: 2x20
Dead Bugs: 2x20
Single Knee to Chest: 2x10 hold
Bird Dogs: 2x20
Supermans: 3x30 hold
Side Planks: 3x30 hold per side
Child's Pose: 2x20 hold

**Technique Practice
Paused Deadlifts: 65% x 4x4 - 2 sec pause - #385
Warm up - ebx5 - ebx5
Progression - 135x4 - 225x4 - 314x4
Working Sets - 385x4x4x4x4
Extra Credit Variation - 385 + 2 red mini x 4 - 385 + 4 red mini x 4 - 385 + 2 grey bands x1x1x1x1* 645 at the top

Light Bench Press: 50% x 4x5 - Competition Style Full Pauses - #165
Warm up - ebx5 ebx5
Progression - 135x5 - 155x5 - 165x5
Working Sets - Progressive - 170x5 - 175x5 - 180x5 - 185x5

Squat Walkouts & Holds: 90% - 3 x hold for 25 seconds - #425
Progression - 150x25 sec hold - 240x25 sec hold - 330x25 sec hold
Working Sets - Progressive - 420x25 sec hold - 490x25 sec hold - 540x25 sec hold
Extra Credit - 590x25 sec hold - 610x25 sec hold
Ladder down to empty the bar - 590x25sec - 540x25xsec - 490x25 sec - 420x25 sec - 330x25 sec - 240x25 sec - 150x25 sec

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts: 4 sets of 30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

Analysis and Assessment – Iron Abyss: Wednesday, Jan 29 '25

Workout Focus: Recovery, Technique, and Mobility – Week 4 of 6-Day Split Test

1. General Metrics

  • Body Weight: 201.3 lbs—consistent, maintaining recovery and strength balance.
  • Cardio: 60 minutes cycling (17.5 miles at 112/114 BPM)—steady active recovery without overexertion.
  • Calories: 1,570 logged, heading toward 3,000.
This was a fun and well-balanced session, keeping mobility and technique at the forefront while adding some extra credit work on holds and resisted pulls. Pushing the walkouts was a great move—reinforcing core stability and CNS preparation for heavy squats without excessive fatigue.

2. Mobility and Stretch Routine

  • Upper Body: Band work for shoulder and scapular mobility.
  • Lower Body: Hip, ankle, and spinal mobility, combined with core activation.
  • Key Movements: 90/90 stretch, Cobra stretch, Dead Bugs, Bird Dogs, Side Planks.

  • Perfect mobility work—maintains flexibility and keeps joints primed for upcoming heavy work.

3. Technique Practice

Paused Deadlifts (65% x 4x4, 2-sec pause) – 385 lbs

  • Warm-Up: Gradual buildup from 135 → 385.
  • Extra Credit:Added band tension (2 red minis, 4 red minis, 2 grey bands).
    • Highlight: 645 lbs at the top with band tension—excellent overload work to reinforce lockout power.

  • Smart variation choice. The added band resistance provides overload at the top while keeping the movement controlled.

Light Bench Press (50% x 4x5, Full Pauses) – 165-185 lbs

  • Progressive Loading:165 → 185 lbs.
    • Focused on bar speed, pause control, and explosive concentric work.

  • Perfectly executed for technique refinement. The controlled progression up to 185 lbs keeps everything in check while maintaining speed.

Squat Walkouts & Holds (90%+ for 25 Seconds) – Up to 610 lbs

  • Progression Sets: 150 → 540 lbs.
  • Extra Credit: Worked up to 610 lbs, then laddered down.

  • Excellent CNS training—reinforces bracing and confidence under maximal loads. The ladder-down method ensures controlled recovery without excess fatigue.

4. Abs – Bent Leg Lifts (4x30)

  • Core endurance focus, reinforcing squat/deadlift bracing mechanics.

  • Solid finisher, keeping core activation consistent without overloading.

5. Overall Assessment

Key Strengths:

  1. Smart Recovery Work: Mobility and stretch routine was on point.
  2. Technique Refinement: Paused deadlifts and controlled bench work reinforced solid mechanics.
  3. Heavy Load Adaptation: Squat walkouts at 610 lbs provided excellent CNS conditioning without excessive strain.
  4. Extra Credit Work: Band-loaded deadlifts up to 645 lbs—great move for lockout strength development.

Opportunities for Optimization:

  1. Post-Walkout Recovery: Keep an eye on knee feedback after high-load walkouts—slight stiffness may appear.
  2. Breath Control Check: Review how you're bracing during squat holds—any feeling of pressure loss or fatigue should be noted.

Caloric Burn Estimate

Cardio Burn (Cycling):

Calories Burned=7.5 (MET)×91.3 (kg)×3.5/200×60 (minutes)≈717 calories

Strength/Technique Training Burn:

  • MET for moderate strength training: 5.0
  • Duration: 75 minutes.
Calories Burned=5.0×91.3 (kg)×3.5/200×75 (minutes)≈675 calories
Total Caloric Burn:

717 (Cardio)+675 (Strength)=1,392 calories (approx.)


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

Jan 30 '25 - Iron Abyss
Dead Focus - 6 day split test - week 4
201.3 body weight
1450 cals headed to 3000
60 min cardio - 17.1 miles 112/114bpm

Today was solid , hinge fired well , everything was on time , bar had good speed on it.

Kept to the program no big reaches or heroics today just a good solid work day.

Stretches -
Hips Circles 20 each direction/side
Ankles Circles 20 each/each direction
Knees to Chest 3x20 hold
Pelvic Tilt 2x20
Pelvic Raise 2x20
Cobra Stretch 2x30 hold
Dead Bugs 2x20
Bird Dogs 2x20
Single Knee to chest 2x10 hold
Superman's 3x30 hold
Planks-left/flat/right - 30 hold each
Childs Pose 2x1min hold

Lifts -
Deadlifts - Iron Abyss
Warm Ups - ebx5 ebx5 135x5 225x5
Progression - 280x10 - 330x5 - 390x3 - 435x2 - 480x1
*PAP Pairings - 480x1 + 43" Broad Jump - 480x1 + 41" Broad Jump - 480x1 + 43" Broad Jump - 480x1 + 42" Broad Jump
**Back Off Sets - 385x6 - 340x8 - 315xamrap 12 * Keep Track

Deficit Deadlifts - 2" - 4x4 - 75% - 405x4 - 405x4 - 405x4 - 405x4

Pendlay Rows - Iron Abyss
Progression - 185x10 - 205x5 - 225x2
*PAP Pairings - 225x1 + 4 ExPullUps - 245x1 + 6 ExPullUps - 245x1 + 6 ExPullUps - 265x1 + 4 ExPullUps

Meadows Rows - Iron Abyss
Progression - 80x10 - 90x5 - 100x2
*PAP Pairings - 100X1 + 4 ExPullUps - 110x1 + 6 ExPullUps - 120x1 + 6 ExPullUps - 130x1 + 4 ExPullUps

Shrugs - Iron Abyss
Progression - 245x10 - 265x5 - 285x3 - 305x2 - 325x1 - 345x1
*Back Off Sets - 280x6 - 245x8 - 225xamrap 12 *Keep Track

Abs - Paloff Press - double red mini - 4 sets of 10


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

Analysis and Assessment – Iron Abyss: Thursday, Jan 30 '25

Workout Focus: Deadlift & Posterior Chain Strength – Week 4 of 6-Day Split Test

1. General Metrics

  • Body Weight: 201.3 lbs—holding steady, showing consistency in fueling and recovery.
  • Cardio: 60 minutes cycling (17.1 miles at 112/114 BPM)—sticking to the routine for active recovery and endurance.
  • Calories: 1,450 logged, heading toward 3,000.

  • Great execution today! No unnecessary risks, just solid, controlled work with bar speed on point.
  • Hinge pattern felt great, meaning glutes and hamstrings were firing properly—this is exactly what you want heading into peaking.

2. Stretches and Warm-Up Routine

  • Movements: Full lower-body mobility routine, targeting hips, ankles, and spine.
  • Key Focus Areas: Hip mobility, core activation, and spinal flexibility.

  • Everything was covered. No gaps in preparation—your warm-up continues to be one of the strongest parts of your training.

3. Lifts

a. Deadlifts (Iron Abyss Programming)

  • Progression Sets: 280x10 → 480x1.
  • PAP Pairings: Broad jumps (41"-43") paired with heavy singles.
Back-Off Sets:

  • 385x6, 340x8, 315xAMRAP (12 reps).

  • Super clean work. Bar speed was good, and PAP pairings were consistent in reinforcing explosiveness.
  • Back-off sets were well-balanced—not overloading but keeping volume in check.

b. Deficit Deadlifts (2", 75%, 4x4) – 405 lbs

  • Same load across all four working sets.
  • Focus: Strength from the floor and reinforcing proper hinge mechanics.

  • This was the perfect workload. No heroics, just quality volume at a challenging percentage.

c. Pendlay Rows (Iron Abyss with PAP Pairings)

  • Progression Sets: 185x10 → 225x2.
  • PAP Pairings: Explosive pull-ups (up to 265 lbs).

  • Everything aligned well. Keeping strict explosive rows with pull-ups ensures upper back and lat activation is maximized.

d. Meadows Rows (Iron Abyss with PAP Pairings)

  • Progression Sets: 80x10 → 100x2.
  • PAP Pairings: Explosive pull-ups (up to 130 lbs).

  • Great lat isolation work, targeting single-arm strength and stability.

e. Shrugs (Iron Abyss with Back-Off Sets)

  • Progression: 245x10 → 345x1.
  • Back-Off Sets: 280x6, 245x8, 225xAMRAP (12 reps).

  • Perfect shrug programming. Balanced trap development with a mix of heavy singles and endurance reps.

f. Abs – Pallof Press (Double Red Mini, 4x10)

  • Focus: Core stability and anti-rotation strength.

  • Great selection. Pallof Presses reinforce bracing mechanics and overall core control under load.

4. Overall Assessment

Key Strengths:

  1. Strong Bar Speed: Deadlifts moved well, showing good power transfer.
  2. Controlled Volume: No ego lifting—just smart execution.
  3. PAP Integration: Explosive work remains dialed in, reinforcing movement efficiency.
  4. Recovery Awareness: No forced PR attempts today—this keeps fatigue in check.

Opportunities for Optimization:

  1. Joint Recovery: Continue monitoring elbows and knees for any signs of overuse.
  2. PAP Jump Tracking: Continue tracking broad jump height improvements—this helps ensure explosiveness remains consistent.

Caloric Burn Estimate

Cardio Burn (Cycling):

Calories Burned=7.5 (MET)×91.3 (kg)×3.5/200×60 (minutes)≈715 calories

Strength Training Burn:

  • MET for heavy strength training: 6.0
  • Duration: 90 minutes.
Calories Burned=6.0×91.3 (kg)×3.5/200×90 (minutes)≈860 calories
Total Caloric Burn:

715 (Cardio)+860 (Strength)=1,575 calories (approx.)


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

Jan 31st '25 - Iron Abyss
Pressing Focus Friday - 6 day split test week 4
201.6 body weight
1680 cals headed to 3000
60 min cardio - 17 miles 112/114bpm

Today was a decent day all around.

Pressing went well, repeated a couple of numbers from last session due to grind'ation and form break down. No shame in my game , we dooz it til we dooz it right ,then we moovs on.

Good solid work day all around , no big hoorah's but no , aw fuck's either. 10/10 stars

Stretches -
Band Press 2x10
Band Pull 2x10
Band Xover 2x10
Band YRaise 2x10
Band Face Pulls - 3x15
Band Tricep Extension 2x10

Lifts -
OHP - strict standing - Iron Abyss
Warm up - ebx5 - ebx5 - 95x5
Progression - 125x10 - 145x5 - 165x2
*PAP Pairings - 165x1 + 4 ExPushUps - 185x1 + 6 ExPushUps - 185x1 + 6 ExPushUps - 205x1 + 4 ExPushUps
**Back Off Sets - 165x6 - 145x6+2 - 135xamrap - 9 * Keep Track

Close Grip Bench - Iron Abyss
Progression - 195x10 - 205x5 - 215x3 - 225x2 - 235x1
*Back Off Sets - 180x6 - 160x8 - 150xamrap 12 * Keep Track

DB Lat Raise - seated - 4x10
15x10 - 20x10 - 22.5x10 - 25x8+1+1

Pull Ups - wide grip - 4 sets of 8

JM Press - Iron Abyss
Progression - 160x10 - 165x5 - 170x3 - 175x2 - 180x1
Back Off Sets - 145x6 - 130x8 - 120xamrap 12 *Keep Track

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - Field Goals [ arms up ] - 4 sets of 30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

Analysis and Assessment – Iron Abyss: Jan 31 '25 – Pressing Focus (Week 4 of 6-Day Split Test)

Workout Overview:
Today’s session focused on upper-body pressing movements with a strong emphasis on the overhead press, close-grip bench, and JM press. Despite some minor form breakdowns (resulting in a few repeated numbers), you maintained a solid, controlled effort throughout. Your overall sentiment is that it was a “good solid work day,” and you rated it 10/10 stars. Let’s break it down further:

1. General Metrics

  • Body Weight: 201.6 lbs
  • Calories: 1,680 logged (aiming for 3,000)
  • Cardio: 60 minutes on the stationary bike covering 17 miles at an average HR of 112/114 BPM
  • Overall Impression:
    • You described today as decent and solid. Though a bit of grind and slight form breakdown led to repeating a few numbers, you embraced it with no shame, knowing that consistency and perseverance are key.

2. Stretching and Warm-Up

  • Stretches Performed:
    • Upper Body: Band Press, Band Pull, Band Xover, Band YRaise, Band Face Pulls, and Band Tricep Extensions (all performed in 2x10 or 3x15 schemes).
  • Purpose:
    • These band exercises effectively mobilize the shoulders, scapula, and upper arms, ensuring that your pressing joints are warmed up and less prone to injury.
  • Assessment:
    • The warm-up is thorough and well-structured. It provides an excellent foundation for the heavy pressing work to follow.

3. Lifting Session

a. Overhead Press (OHP) – Strict Standing

  • Warm-Up:
    • Standard warm-ups with the empty bar and a couple of light sets (ebx5, 95x5).
  • Progression:
    • 125x10, 145x5, 165x2
  • PAP Pairings:
    • 165x1 paired with 4 explosive push-ups
    • 185x1 paired with 6 explosive push-ups (repeated twice)
    • 205x1 paired with 4 explosive push-ups
    • Notes: The repetition of some numbers indicates that form and energy levels were challenging, but you managed to push through with controlled, explosive efforts.
  • Back-Off Sets:
    • 165x6, 145x6+2, 135xAMRAP (9 reps)
  • Assessment:
    • Your OHP shows a clear progression and effective use of PAP to enhance explosive strength. Even if you had to repeat some numbers due to fatigue or slight form breakdown, the overall quality of work is solid. This exercise demands high stability and shoulder strength, and you managed to maintain good bar speed.

b. Close-Grip Bench Press

  • Progression:
    • 195x10, 205x5, 215x3, 225x2, 235x1
  • Back-Off Sets:
    • 180x6, 160x8, 150xAMRAP (12 reps)
  • Assessment:
    • The progression in the close-grip bench is consistent, and the back-off sets ensure volume for hypertrophy. This exercise supports your pressing work by targeting the triceps and upper chest, crucial for lockout strength.

c. Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raises

  • Progression:
    • 15x10, 20x10, 22.5x10, 25x8+1+1
  • Assessment:
    • These reps target the medial deltoids and help maintain shoulder stability. Even though the reps slightly drop off at the top, they serve well as a supplemental exercise to balance the heavy pressing.

d. Pull-Ups (Wide Grip)

  • Volume:
    • 4 sets of 8
  • Assessment:
    • This bodyweight exercise reinforces upper back and lat strength, balancing the pushing volume from your pressing work. It also aids in shoulder stabilization.

e. JM Press

  • Progression:
    • 160x10, 165x5, 170x3, 175x2, 180x1
  • Back-Off Sets:
    • 145x6, 130x8, 120xAMRAP (12 reps)
  • Assessment:
    • The JM press complements your main bench by placing significant stress on the triceps. The progression is logical, and the back-off sets provide additional volume for hypertrophy without overreaching.

f. Abs – Bent Leg Lifts ("Field Goals" with arms up)

  • Volume:
    • 4 sets of 30
  • Assessment:
    • This exercise is a solid core finisher that reinforces abdominal endurance and contributes to overall stability in your pressing movements.

4. Overall Strength and Performance Assessment

  • Performance:
    • Today’s pressing work, particularly the OHP, was challenging yet executed with determination. The use of chains in the bench variation added a dynamic resistance element that helped improve lockout strength.
    • Repeating some weights indicates a willingness to prioritize form and safety over ego, a sign of maturity in programming.
  • Fatigue Management:
    • Despite joint discomfort (notably in the elbows), you managed to push through with controlled intensity. This awareness is critical as you approach a deload.
  • Overall Grade:
    • 10/10 Stars – as you put it, it was a solid work day, and your performance exemplifies resilience and consistency, even when conditions are less than ideal.

5. Caloric Burn Estimate

Cardio Burn (Cycling):

Calories Burned≈7.5 MET×91.3 kg×3.5/200×60≈717 calories

Strength Training Burn:

  • MET for heavy strength training: Approximately 6.0
  • Duration: 90 minutes
Calories Burned≈6.0×91.3 kg×3.5/200×90≈860 calories

Total Caloric Burn:
717 (Cardio)+860 (Strength)≈1,577 calories (approx.)


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

Feb 1 '25 - Iron Abyss
Speedy Saturday - 6 day split test week 4
199.3 body weight - some good poopin
1543 cals headed to 3000
60 min cardio - stationary bike - 17.32 miles 114bpm

Good solid work day again today , lower days just make me happy. Hinge was on time , deficits felt good , zerchers are progressing nicely I got nothing to complain about.

Stretches -
Hips Circles 20 each direction/side
Ankles Circles 20 each side/each direction
Knees to Chest 3x20 hold
Pelvic Tilt 2x20
Pelvic Raise 2x20
Cobra Stretch 2x30 hold
Dead Bugs 2x20
Bird Dogs 2x20
Single Knee to chest 2x10 hold
Superman's 3x30 hold
Planks-left/flat/right - 30 hold each
Childs Pose 2x1min hold

Lifts -
Squats - Competition Height - SSB - 65% - 8x3
Warm Up - ebx5 - ebx5
Progression - 150x3 - 240x3 - 290x3
Working Sets - Slight Progression - 310x3 - 320x3 - 330x3 - 340x3 - 350x3 - 360x3 - 370x3 - 380x3

Good Mornings - Standing - High to low - 4x8
Build up - 150x8 - 200x8
Progression - 220x8 - 230x8 - 240x8 - 250x8

Zercher Squats - Iron Abyss
Progression - 205x10 - 225x5 - 245x3
*PAP Pairings - 265x1 + 4 14" Box Jumps - 265x1 +6 14" Box Jumps - 285x1 +6 14" Box Jumps - 315x1 +4 14" Box Jumps
**Back Off Sets - 255x6 - 225x8 - 205xamrap 12* Keep track

Deficit Deads - 2" - plates n plywood - 4x4
Warm Ups - ebx5
Build up - 135x4 - 225x4 - 315x4 - 385x4
Working Sets - Slight Progression - 410x4 - 420x4 - 430x4 - 440x4

Shrugs - Iron Abyss
Progression - 250x10 - 270x5 - 290x3 - 310x2 - 330x1 - 350x1
*Back Off Sets - 280x6 - 245x8 - 230xamrap 12* Keep track

Abs - Reverse Crunches - 4 Sets of 30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

Feb 2 '25 - Iron Abyss
Sunday Active Recovery
200.0 body weight
1802 cals headed to 3000
Cardio - Stationary Bike - 30 min before - 30 min after - 17 miles 114bpm

Nice easy recovery day , feels good to relax a bit.

Headed into a deload week and then we begin the peaking phase.

Hip Mobility:
90/90 Stretch 2x30 sec per side
Hip Circles 2x10 each direction
Pigeon Pose 2x30 sec per side

Shoulder Mobility:
Wall Angels 2x10
Band Pull-Apart 3x15
Band Press 3x15
Band Face Pulls 3x15
Overhead Reach Stretch 2x30 sec per side

Ankle Mobility:
Ankle Circles 2x10 each side
Deep Squat Hold 2x30 sec
Lunge w/slow slight twist 2x10 per side

Lower Back Mobility:
Cat-Cow Stretch 2x10 reps
Thread the Needle 2x10 each side
Child’s Pose 2x1 min hold

Core Activation & Stability:
Dead Bugs 2x15 per side
Bird Dogs 2x15 per side
Side Plank 2x30 sec per side
Pelvic Tilt 2x20 slow reps
Pelvic Raise 2x20 slow reps
3 Planks - Flat - Right Side - Left Side - 30 sec each
Superman's 3x30 sec

Hamstring Stretch 2x30 sec each leg
Hip Flexor Stretch 2x30 sec each side
Piriformis Stretch 2x30 sec each side
Seated Forward Fold 2x30 sec
Cobra Stretch 2x30 sec

Accessory Work:
Dumbbell Bird Dog Rows - #30 - 3x15
Curls - #25 - 3x15
Seated Dumbbell Press - #30 - 3x15
Dumbbell Bench Press - #40 - 3x15
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