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Yano's old man lift's such and so forth 2.0

jipped genes

jipped genes

VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
Keep up the good work bro, your killin it!


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

Sept 7 '24 - Conjugate
7 days out - DE Upper
197.5 body weight :devilish:
1002 cals headed to 2200
45 min cardio - stat bike

Well fields are all mowed , hays been baled and stacked in the barn. What's done is done. Time to sit back ...relax and reflect ....

Oh who the fuck am I kidding , this week I will be a neurotic wreck of worry , anxiety and pacing the house like a deranged zoo animal in way too small a cage.

Today felt good mentally and physically , if the left delt n pec fully heal they heal ,, if not we should be good for at least 285-300 I really don't know what to expect from it , some days are diamonds and some days are stones , it hasnt felt right since the bar crash.

Squats have taken a hit since the spinal compression , I just havent had the time or the confidence to put big weight on me yet so while not all yippee skippy with 405 , ill take it and thank God I can do it at all.

Dedz should be on point , I can still pull and it's been feeling really good , 510-515 should be money in the bank , the reach I made to 530 locked out but my back sure felt it , If I feel ready and all goes well the plan is to call 480 , then 510 break the record , and then call 530 for the extra credit

Stretches -
Band Pulls 2x10
Band Press 2x10
Band Xover 2x10

Lifts -
Bench - DB Press - #40 - 12x12x12x12

Tricep Pressdown - Double Red Mini - 12x12x12

Rows - #135 - 12x12x12

Curls ezbar - #65 - 12x12x12

Face Pulls - double looped red mini - 15x15x15

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 4x30
jipped genes

jipped genes

VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
Fucking epic song bro! LOVE CLUTCH!

Do you do the reverse hyperextensions after squatting? It really helps me out a lot with my lower back. I know you work at home, those machines are not super cheap but do wonders for your back.. We have one at my gym. I never go heavy on squats anymore but I can do them again because of this and the other back work. Heard about it on the Joe Rogan show. Tried it and after a month was hooked.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Fucking epic song bro! LOVE CLUTCH!

Do you do the reverse hyperextensions after squatting? It really helps me out a lot with my lower back. I know you work at home, those machines are not super cheap but do wonders for your back.. We have one at my gym. I never go heavy on squats anymore but I can do them again because of this and the other back work. Heard about it on the Joe Rogan show. Tried it and after a month was hooked.
For Rev Hypers i just put the bench up on 6x6 and do em ,, and for GHR the bar in the rack with a few hundo on it and slide my feet under it and hang off the bench ... benefits to being a fucking dwarf hahaahah


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

Mid week update - Forgot Monday

Wed Sept 11 '24 - 3 days out
Stretching - Pacing - Blasting Music
195.6 body weight
2500 cals
45 min cardio - stat bike to keep from going insane

Monday and Today was just stretching and abs - no iron was moved ..... oy vey.

I feel good physically and mentally , left delt n pec are mending but will still wake me up if I roll on it the wrong way ,, bench will be what ever it is.

Heads in a good place , see just how much of the beast I can coax out of its cage with the new meds , its not easy I feel emotionally flatlined all the time. I laugh or smile when I know I'm supposed to not cus I feel it.

Talked to the Dr about maybe dropping them for a few days and he was very , very not into that ,, seems the idea of coming off anti-psychotics just to purposely become as psychotic as I can , in front of a room full of people ,, is in his clinical opinion , a horrible idea and could lead to any number of situations I don't want to be held responsible for. He's not wrong.

So I asked the real boss if she thought it was a good idea ... the ol lady. She just looked at me like I had three heads and said , " Fuck No I don't think it's a good idea !! "

Sigh -

Stretches -
Knees to chest 4x20 hold
Pelvic Raise 2x25
Pelvic Tilt 2x25
Dead Bugs 2x25
Single Knee to chest 3x10 hold
Bird Dogs 2x25
Supermans 3x30 hold
Side Planks 3x30 hold
Childs Pose 3x10 hold

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 4x30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

Sept 13 '24 - 1 day out
Fucking Christmas Eve baby , meet is tomorrow
195 body weight eating like a horse and feeling healthy
3000 cals - hair under maintenance - mostly protein - 400g of rice
Cardio - stat bike 30 min slow walking speed just to keep from going nuts

WOOOOOOOOOOOOO! n shit , so here we are , compressed spine , fucked up nerve roots , blown out shoulder and a permanent twist to my hip.

Let's Rock !

I just want to thank every one. It has been a rough year for me physically and mentally and I wouldn't of made it this far without all of you taking the time to help me , listen to me vent and teach me how to over come the obstacles in my path.

Regardless of faith or denomination. God Bless you all.

I might be the one on the platform but this is and always has been a team effort.

Love you all. Thank you.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
8/9 lifts , missed a bench - ass came off

Have to wait til everything posts up but were looking at 4 state records , possible record for over all total , world record deadlift , world record total for age and weight , there were other meets today so it all gota be tabulated to be sure that will take a week or so.

I'll post up a play by play after some coffee and a nap.



VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Sept 14 '24
Meet Day

Ok here comes the play by play , we left here at 4:15 or so , got to the venue at 6:45. Got waiver signed n all and weigh in done.

Weighed in at 194.2 , hand full of salted nuts , half a pb n j , coffee with real fucking sugar muahahaahah , got stretched out.

Squats first - 2nd flight down low with the lil fellas , there were some big boys there moving real iron. One fella in the 60-64 age group 308lbs , full gear squatted 700. Some wild shit.

Got warmed up - opener was 365 , next was 385 then 405. It all moved real good , once I get the vids mailed to me ill post those up. Back and hip took it well no issues

Bench was up next - I had made a stack of pb n j so it was half at a time between flights - more salted nuts - gatorade - reeces cup

Got warmed up , shoulder felt real good , 265 was the opener , popped right up. Called 285 next with the intention of 305 or 310 being the closer .... well God had other plans. 2nd attempt 285 PRESS - whacky leg drive like a retard ass goes sky high to a ten story building ... no lift ... ok shake it off , im an idiot ,, we got this ,,, call 285 for my third instead of taking the chance of going higher and blowing it again ... down smooth PRESS up controlled and slow ,, I even heard one of the judges give a "nice press" kind of under his breath as I heard the RACK call

MOAR SNAC - coffee - some raisins - salted peanuts - reeces cup - pb n j

Deadlifts to close the show - Warm ups was where I destroyed my back last year so I sat for a minute n just stared at the platform and the bar thought about that and took my time , got into my head started pulling right up to 455 , every thing felt great , hinge was on point and ready to go.

Opener was 480 picked it up like my my shoes , felt real good - 2nd attempt was 5lbs over World Record for my age n weight group at 510 , came up a bit slower but it moved better than I expected. 3rd attempt I called 530 , got out the ammonia , woke up as much of the beast as I could , spoke to the Lord and pulled like hell ,, we got it up and locked out , moved better on the replay than it felt in my hands haahahah

There were 3 other meets today in other states so other than the state records I got today for my age n weight , I won't know about any Federation top spots or World Records until they are posted up on the site and the results.

530 puts me 25lbs over the WR , so it's a decent bump but there is always some one stronger right , that's the beauty of it all. So some one could of easily pulled more than I did today ,, we shall see.

Awards - drag ass to vehicle - leave parking lot - consume weed chocolate - eat more chocolate - drink another coffee

And here we are.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

So like I used to tell the guys I played football with , the day after you win the championship is what ?

The first day of preseason ! - fuck Disneyland

So this is the plan , this week is going to be some light work , gpp , carries n such and stretching.

From then out will be going back to a twisted version of Conjugate - I was thinking about a hypertrophy block but I had finished one just before meet prep ,, I think I've got room to get stronger now before I worry about putting on more mass.

So Twisted Conjugate it is and we'll see how it feels and works.

Monday -
Main Lower - Dead Squat or Good Morning Variation - 5 sets - beginning set of 10 is 50% of top set
Reps - 10 / 5 / 2 / 1 / 1

Accessory 1 - Rack Pulls Below Knee - 3 sets - beginning set is 75% of 1rm
Reps - 5 / 3 / 2

Accessory 2 - Address Primary Weakness -
Squat out of the hole - more speed off the floor - 4 sets
Reps 12 / 12 / 12 / 12
I'm thinking of things like Zerchers - Chair Deads - greater deficits - fun with bands n chains

Accessory 3 - Back work - Rows - Shrugs - Chin ups - Face pulls all that good shit alternate them in and out every 4 weeks depending on how it feels maybe 6 - 4 sets
Reps 12 / 12 / 12 / 12

Abs - Some kind of ab thing - Twists - Crunches - Leg Lifts - Dragon Flags and swap em out every so many weeks - 4 sets

Wednesday -
Main Upper - 1: Pick any pressing variation and work up to a 1RM

Accessory 1 - Pick a second compound pressing exercise and go heavy for 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps. This lift should address your primary weakness.

Exercise 3: Pick a triceps exercise and do 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps. Any type of extension, pressdown, etc.

Exercise 4: Upper back movement. Any type of row, shrug, pulldown, etc. 3-4 sets of 6-8 reps

Exercise 5: Any shoulder movement for the front, side or rear delts. 3 sets of 10-15.

Exercise 6: Abs - same as Monday as will the rest of the ab work just swapping out variations

Friday -
Main Lower - Box skwatz with accommodating resistance - bands/chains
Week 1 - 50% 1RM plus 25% accommodating resistance 8x2
Week 2 - 55% 1RM plus 25% accommodating resistance 8x2
Week 3 - 60% 1RM plus 25% accommodating resistance 8x2

Accessory 1- Dedz with accommodating resistance
Week 1 - 50% 1RM plus 25% accommodating resistance 8x2
Week 2 - 55% 1RM plus 25% accommodating resistance 8x2
Week 3 - 60% 1RM plus 25% accommodating resistance 8x2

Accessory 2 - Pick any exercise that targets your primary lower body weakness
3-5 sets of 10-20 reps

Accessory 3 - Any exercise that targets low back, hams, glutes
3-5 sets of 10-20 reps

Accessory 4 - Any upper back exercise - pull up - row - shrug
3-5 sets of 10-20 reps

Accessory 5 - Abs

Saturday -
Main upper - Bench (or any pressing exercise) with accommodating resistance
Week 1 50% 1RM plus 25% accommodating resistance 9x3
Week 2 55% 1RM plus 25% accommodating resistance 9x3
Week 3 60% 1RM plus 25% accommodating resistance 9x3

Accessory 1 - High volume pressing exercise. Pick any pressing exercise and do 3 sets of 15-20 reps. These should not be to failure but the last set of 20 should be difficult.

Accessory 2 - Triceps exercise for 3-5 sets of 10-15 reps

Accessory 3 - Upper back exercise for 3-5 sets of 10-15 reps

Accessory 4 - Shoulder exercise for 3-5 sets of 10-15 reps

Accessory 5 - abs


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

Monday Sept 16 '24 - Conjugate
Heavy Lower
199 body weight
1370 cals headed to 2500
45 min cardio - stat bike

Ok soooo about that taking a week off and just doing GPP work ..... uhhh ... look over there <>^

Went down to just do some light stuff and break out the farmers handles and well ,,, squirrel !!

Fire was there , head is good , focus was on. Just got into the moment and got it done.

Stretches -
knees to chest 4x20 hold
pelvic tilt 2x20
pelvic raise 2x20
dead bugs 2x20
single knee to chest 3x10 hold
bird dogs 2x20
supermans 5x20 hold
side planks 3x30 hold
childs pose 3x10 hold

Lifts -
Deads -
New set n rep scheme in the works -
Warm up - ebx5 - 135x5
Work - 235x10 - 275x5 - 370x2 - 410x1 - 465x1

Rack Pulls -
below the knee -
Progression - 135x1 - 225x1 - 315x1 - 405x1
Work - 410x5 - 465x3 - 505x2

Zerchers -
took a minute to dial these in for 12's -

Shrugs -
few sets to dial in for 12's

Abs -
bent leg lifts - 30x30x30x30
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, , , , , , , , , , Yano , genetic freak
