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Yano's old man lift's such and so forth 2.0



VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

July 19 '24 - Repeat Max Lower
3s to singles and a back down amrap
205 body weight
1580 cals headed to 2500
30 min cardio - stat bike

Today was ok I guess , no big numbers , no great feats of strength but a good over all day with some work in there being done. Was planning on going for a short day and reducing the volume for a half ass deload to the end of the week but that didnt exactly pan out haahaha.

Good focus , drive was there , hip hinge was ok not stellar , tweaked my back a bit mowing the lawn and while its not hurt ,, I can feel it and that kept my focus through the lifts today , didnt want to make anything worse or fuck up what Ive got healed.

Stretches -
Knees to chest 4x20 hold
Pelvic Tilt 2x25
Pelvic Raise 2x25
Dead Bugs 2x25
Single knee to chest 3x10 hold
Bird Dogs - 2x25
Cat Cows 3x10
Elbow Planks 3x30 hold
Childs Pose 3x10 hold

Lifts -
Dedz - 3's to singles / amrap to finish
Warm up - ebx5 135x5x5
Build up - 185x3 225x3 275x3 315x3 365x3
Work - 405x3 - 455x3 - 475x1 - 495x1 - 505xfail - mid shin not gonna grind
Amrap - #405x4x2x1x1

Skwatz - low box - 5's today - 150x3 - 240x3 - 330x5x5x5x5x3+1+1 - shits like work haahahah

Good Mornings - PL style - yes the knee bends slightly were trying to get strong not have a pretty ass and hams -
5x5 progressive - 240x5 - 290x5 - 300x5 - 310x5 - 320x5 - oy fucking vey, last couple damn near flipped me over WOOOO!

Zerchers - #185 3xamrap - 8+2 - 8 - 5+1

Quads - #135 3xamrap - 10 - 8+2 - 7+1+1

Hams - #85 - 3xamrap - 9 - 6+2+ - 5+2+1 - calf cramped up like some one was tearing it off WOW

Pull Throughs - double looped red minis - 4 sets of 15

Abs -
Reverse Crunches - 2x30
Bent Leg Lifts - 2x30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

July 20 '24 - Conjugate
Dynamic Upper
202 body weight
1565 cals headed to 2500
30 min cardio - stat bike

Today was a decent day for dynamic work , snuck in a bit of leg drive toward the end with decent success and no issues so im happy. Found another section of old rusted to fuck 5/8th chain to hang on my packs ,, not a bad day.

Reduced a bit of volume today instead of a full deload , seems to have worked out , i feel good , got in some good bench work , did ok on accessories and lived to tell the tale. Bonus !!

Stretches -
Band Press 2x10
Band Pull 2x10
Band Xover 2x10

Lifts -
Bench - 7x3 Dynamic Triples to singles - bands [moved two holes on the base n got a couple more inches of tension] and chains - 120 bands - 60 chains
Warm up - ebx10 eb/2x5 eb/2/60x5
Build up n Work - 90/2/60x3 - 135/2/60x3 - 155/2/60x3 - 175/2/60x3 - 185/2/60x3 - 195/2/60x3x3x3x3x3x3x3
Singles - 205/2/60x1 - 215/2/60x1 - 225/2/60x1 - 245/2/60x1*Dynamic PR if there is such a thing - #425 at the top

Hell of a stall as the bands start to dig in but it racked and didn't kill me WOOOOOOO!!!!
#425 at the top

Incline DB - #60 3xamrap - 8+2 - 10 - 6+1+1

Flat DB - #60 3xamrap - 12 - 10+1+1 - 8+1+1

Seated OH DB Press - #40 3xamrap - 12 - 10+1 - 8

DB Curls - #40 3xamrap - 9 - 6+1+1 - 6+1

Bands - Tricep Press downs choked looped red mini - 4xamrap
38 - 35 - 33+1+1 - 30

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 4 sets of 30

Chin ups instead of Rows today - 3xamrap - 10 - 7 - 5 - fuck I suck at these haaahahaah fat bastard
jipped genes

jipped genes

VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
Nice man, those bands are no joke. I remember back inthe day doing high rep sets with 135 and bands and about 15 in a was thinking damn! Am I gonna make 20!?

the bands I use (By themselves for PT) the red ones have the most tension and are the thickest.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Nice man, those bands are no joke. I remember back inthe day doing high rep sets with 135 and bands and about 15 in a was thinking damn! Am I gonna make 20!?

the bands I use (By themselves for PT) the red ones have the most tension and are the thickest.
Love my bands and chains .. the way they dig in and put the brakes on you is fucking tremendous .. I set up what I call "the guillotine" every so often AKA Banded JM Press - when the fail comes ,, it can be dramatic haahahaah lumped my self up a couple of times.

Ive got a few sets of bands I use , the grey strong bands at the top of my pull will add 230lbs to the lift fast as hell. I imagine it to feel very similar to trying to pull in a shark by hand. Towards the end of working sets I get to shaking like a dog trying to shit a peach pit


VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
as forrest would say, "it happens"

always feel better though when u tried


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

July 22 '24 - Conjugate-ish
Max Lower
205 body weight after refeed yesterday to maint = 3300 cals
1265 cals headed to 2500
30 min cardio - stat bike

Today the gods of iron smiled upon me once again , so praise be to Ogun , Hephaestus and Vulcan.

Damn good day , no aches no pains , got in some solid work. Nothing heroic or outstanding really just a solid day with nothing to slow me down , felt good. Head was in the right place , checked the dipstick , tank was full of hate and aggression ,, so we got to work.

Switched up the rep scheme on squats today and went for speed n dynamic work , I'm alone today and after 30 min of being scolded like a toddler I agreed to not do anything too heavy or crazy before she turned me over her knee. Woman can get ,,, animated .. that French Canadian red head thing kicks in and its best to just listen and yes ma'am.

Stretches -
Knees to chest 4x20 hold - Pelvic Tilt 2x25 - Pelvic Raise 2x25 - Dead Bugs 2x25 - Single Knee to chest 3x10 hold
Bird Dogs 2x25 - Cat Cows 3x10 - Elbow Planks 3x30 hold - Childs Pose 3x10 hold

Lifts -
Dedz - 4's to Infinity today
Warm up - ebx5 135x5x5
Build up - 225x4 - 315x4 - 365x4 - 405x4
Work - 455x1x1 - 475x1 - 495x1 - 505x1 - 515xfail - right leg just had no drive 2nd attempt didnt leave the floor -
Back down sets - 475x1 - 455x1x1 - 405x3x1x1

Took 5 min to get my shit together had a few sips of my coffee , been a while since I hit any deficits so we dove right into them with the hinge already firing and hot. They went well, will be adding a bit more to the bar or go another plate higher next session.
Deficit Dedz - standing on 45's - 5x5 Progressive -
315x5 - 335x5 - 355x5 - 365x5 - 375x5

Skwatz - 8x2 Dynamic and then some - we got a lil funky with sets n reps - bands at 51 inches looped back down - #136 dynamic
240/136x2x2 - 260/136x2x2 - 280/136x2x2 - 290/136x2x2 - 310/136x2 - 320/136x2 - 330/136x1 - 340/136x1

Zerchers - 3xamrap #185 - told myself I wasn't going to do these ... I never listen - 6+1 - 8 - 5+1+1

Quads - 3xamrap #135 - 10 - 10+1+1 - 8+1+1 - add 10#

Hams - hammies were feeling it today but we got em in just a little lighter this week by 10 lbs 90 i cramped up hard.
3xamrap - #80 - 10 - 8+1 - 6+1

Pull Throughs - double looped red minis - 4 sets of 15

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 4 sets of 30


VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
thats some big time it when mentally in game


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
thats some big time it when mentally in game
Thanks man , lower has been coming back real nice from the injury , upper is still a bit behind but I was never a huge bencher , If i can hit my home pr of 330 at the meet in Sept , ill be tickled pink.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

Ok lets do some catching up ,, this log as always been for the most part full disclosure ,, i got no shame in my game ,, here it goes.

After Saturdays work out things started going down hill fast ,, Tics , tremors , I disassociated a couple of times , lashed out at any one around me and became generally a giant asshole as it progressed.

Seized a few times , had a generally shit night and tried to blow it off

Sunday I devolved again , tics tremors vulgarity screaming at the walls ....

Held it together as much as I could but it failed during this 36 hours of madness I even went after one of my best friends for no reason at all and it was him that first saw it and got me to see that I was spiraling.

Much love for that there are very few people that care enough when i get like that to ask ,, wtf why are you being such a bitch , get a grip on yourself.

Monday we talked to the Doc , i started my head pills again and by yesterday I had slept enough and let it build up to where I was feeling almost myself , today is much better. Ive got appointments next week for a few things.

My ptsd , the stroke and how it effected my brain , and the possible CTE from using my head as a battering ram for years cant be diagnosed with out them taking a slice of my brain. All this compounds my natural berserker rage and instability and in no positive ways. Ive never been mentally stable lets be honest i truly enjoy hurting people , i enjoy the smell of fear ,, i always have.

I just don't like it manifesting itself in unpredictable ways around people i do truly care about.

I love you all for the help you give me and the lessons you teach me , I would of given up and been lost long ago if it was not for the people here on this site.

That being said ,,, dont any of you mother fuckers make sad faces at me , or feel bad or pity my ass at all ,, fuck you. :cool:

Nothing is going to kill me until I give permission , thats the deal i got with Death. He's a man of his word , stand up guy to be honest we get along , he just has a job to do like the rest of us.

And now ,, on with the show.

July 25th '24 - Max Upper
Conjugate main 3x acc work
197.3 body weight ** We made meet weight 10 weeks out ** Golden like mommas fried chicken !!
1241 cals headed to 2500
2 15 min sessions - got a lil dizzy

Everything weighed a ton , it sucked , threw up twice , my back patio looks like a chicken n rice murder scene. Fuck quitting only weak things break. Its ok to lay there and bleed a while but we get the fuck back up !!!

That's what separates us from the mortals .. we always , get , back , up !!!

Stretches -
Band Pulls x10
Band Press x10
Band Xover x10

Lifts -
Bench - ebx5 - ebx5 - 90x5 - 135x5 - 185x5 - 225x5 - 245x4 - 265x3 - 275x1 - 285x1
Amrap set - 225x7

Puke - chicken and rice with coffee accessory x 2 - good distance , form was a bit off need to work on that.

Incline DB Press - 3xamrap - #60 - 9+1 - 8 - 7+1+1

Flat DB Press - 3xamrap - #60 - 8 - 10 - 7

Seated DB Press - upright - #60 3xamrap - 6 - 8 - 5+1

JM Press - fucked up the lift order this should come after mains - #185 3xamrap - 8+1 - 9+1+1 - 6

Curls - #40 - 5x5x5x5x5

Bands - single joint triceps - double loop red mini - 30 - 33 - 31 - 29+1+1+1

Abs - 4 sets bent leg lifts
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