May 17 '24 Conjugate
Light day recovery work thing
206.6 body weight
1673 cals headed to 2500
45 min cardio - 3/15 min sessions - 5 miles each
Well today was hopeful and depressing as fuck all at the same time. I seem to be healing up a bit , leg and hip feel better today I'm able to move up and down the stairs with no severe cramping and it hasnt given out on me yet so thats all good.
It just runs out of gas so GD fast its ,,, well its depressing. Worked so hard to get this far and it seems I never get anywhere these days. Makes me second guess myself a bit more than I would like to. Meets in September I gota be ready after getting injured last year and blowing my WR attempt , I'm getting to old to say , ill get it next year .. ill get it next year.
Stretches -
Knees to chest 4x20 count hold
Pelvic tilt 2x25
Pelvic raise 2x25
Dead bugs 2x25
Bird dogs 2x25
Cat cows 2x25
Lifts -
Deadz - to 1rm - got a bit farther than Mondays session with just iron on the bar so that made me smile but I ran out of gas so damn fast I dont know if it was even worth goin down to work out.
Did manage to put 50# back on the bar from last hurt session so thats a big plus for my mental outlook.
Warm up - ebx5 ebx5 135x5 225x5 315x5 405x5
Work - 425x2 445x1x1 455x1 - this was horrible , right side came up way faster than the left threw me off but i got it locked out
Skwatz - triples til the leg gave up with SSB
Work - 150x5 200x5 290x3+2 300x1+1
Ut oh - 310xholy shit imma die - got half way up leg gave out sat back down on the box in some kind of fucked up looking seating good morning positions ,,had no safety chains I was being lazy soooo .. i got my shit together and used the rack to assist me standing up with the SSB balanced on my shoulders ... got up and got it walked in ... we live to fight another day
I hate calling it early before I feel like I got anything done ,, I know thats not the right mentality I know its not going to help me heal but ,, I gota do something ... so
Farmers Walk - started light due to the instability in the left leg but they went ok for walking on some uneven lawn not having FW handles I used my Rail Road Jacks , one is 110 the other is 120 lbs so i just swapped hands every with them on the alternating passes
4 walks - #220 combined - 100 ft each walk- 50 up n 50 back - theses were fun believe it or not
Pull Throughs - double looped red mini - 4 sets of 25
Abs - 2x30 Bent Leg Lifts - 2x30 Reverse Crunches