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Yano's old man lift's such and so forth 2.0



VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
April 24 '24 Deloadishness
Conjugate - Max Upper type thing
211.7 body weight
1624 cals headed to 2500 today
45 min cardio - 3/15 minute sessions - 5 miles each

Today was and is supposed to be deloading still but lets face it , im a deload loser. I just cant seem to put the shit down for a week and just rest ... my OCD drives me batshit

Kept the volume down , strength was there , drive was on , good focus and intensity for what work was done , I got no complaints other than not keeping to the no more than 50% of max game plan ,, that i blew all to fuck.

Stretches -
Band pulls 2x20
Band press 2x20

Lifts -
Bench - was sposed to be 50% of 1rm in sets of 5 ,, yeahhh fucked that up ...
Warm up - ebx10 90x10
Working Fives - 135x5 185x5 225x5 275x5
Didnt want to stop - 295x2 305x1 315x1 320x1 325x1

JM Press - progressive to new pr sets of 5s
185x5 - 190x5 - 195x5 - 200x5 - 205x3* first time hitting JMs over 200 , mentally this feels real good inside aint gonna lie.

Incline DB Press - Got Lucky and was gifted a pair of old ass York Deep dish Iron 25's buddy found in an old barn so we bumped up the presses to #60lbs WOOOOOOO !!
3xamrap - 12 - 10+1+1 - 8+1+1+1

Kroc Rows - left the #60 on for a starter and got busy
3xamrap - 10l 10r - 8+1+1l 8+1+1r - 6+1+1+1l 5+2+1+1r

Band pull down aparts - double looped red mini
4xamrap - 30 - 28+2 - 21+2+1+1 - 20+1+1

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 4 sets of 30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
April 26 '24 Deload lower
Progressive trying to take it easy
214 body weight - holding some water
1592 cals at work out - heading to 2500
45 min cardio - 3 /15 min sessions - 5 miles each

Really tried to stick with the deload theme today , hit progressive sets on the mains and just a couple of accessories and got out of there intact with no extra ouchies.

Strength was there for the work we did , drive is getting better I was hinging proper and on time and remembering to bring my legs with me , good fire in the forge , not a bad short day at all.

Stretches -
Knees to chest 4x20 count hold
Pelvic Tilt 2x20
Pelvic Raise 2x20
Dead Bugs 2x20
Bird Dogs 2x20
Cat Cows 2x20

Lifts -
Dedz - some progressive 6x6 work to switch it up soviet style
Sets -
1 @ 245x8
1 @ 300x6
1 @ 355x6
3 @ 380x6

Skwatz - same progressive set up as the dedz
Sets -
1 @ 230x8
1 @ 280x6
1 @ 330x6
3 @ 355x6

Chin ups - assisted kneeling on band - elbow took these well
5x5 to start over again , nothing fancy

Pull Throughs - double looped red mini - 4 sets of 20

Rev Hypers 4xamrap - 15 - 14 +1+1 - 12+1+1+1 - 10+2+1

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 4 sets of 30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
April 27 '24 Deloadishness Upper
Deload day - fun with 5s
211.7 body weight
1380 cals at workout , heading to 2500
45 min cardio - 3/15 min sessions 5 miles each

Today I managed to stick to the deload theory and put in a short quick day , got in some work but mostly just feeding the beast and getting loosened up and warm.

Good energy focus n drive for what work got put in.

No complaints today other than my mental issues with not putting in enough work. I have the hardest mental issues with deloading or taking time off at all even when im beat up and know i need it ..

.. obsession is a motherfucker.

Warm ups -

Band pulls 2x20
Band press 2x20
Band curls 2x20

Lifts -

Bench - had some fun with 5's til i couldnt - #40 in chains
Warm up - ebx10 chx10
Build up - 90/chx5 135/chx5 185/chx5 205/chx5 215/chx5
Working - 225/chx5 235/chx5
Top Sets - 245/chx5x5x5x5x5 - #285 at the top

JM Press - Progressive fun - left the #40 in chains on
135/chx 10 +2
155/chx 8 +1
165/chx 6+1+1
170/chx 5+1 - #210 at the top

Inc DB Press - #60 3xamrap - 11+1+1 - 8 +2 - 6+2+1

Tricep Pressdown - double looped red mini -
30+2 - 25+2+1 - 20+2+1 - 18 +3+1

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts 4 sets of 30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
April 29 '24 Conjugate
Max Lower
211.7 body weight
1156 cals at work out - headed to 2500
45 min cardio - 3 / 15 min sessions - 5 miles each

Today started out like shit , head pounding , ornery mood , tried to shake it off ,hands are tic'y and all over tried to focus and relax just couldnt do it.

Now the only thing I hate more than quitters is people that dont try .. and I was just about to call it and go back to bed when the other side of my brain started freaking out.

"You fat worthless fuck , you gonna lay in bed all day or are you going to at least try ? Wtf if you skip the work why not just put on a fucking dress and go sip tea at the library with the rest of the cunts n hippies"

.... ya know encouragement words.

So I found my balls , sucked it up and it was off to the races.

Stretches -
Knees to chest 4x20 count hold
Pelvic Raise 2x20
Pelvic Tilt 2x20
Dead Bugs 2x20
Bird Dogs 2x20
Cat Cows 2x20

Lifts -
Everything was firing proper today , hinge was on time , good strength , good focus. I'm having some problem with tics in my hands this has taken me a half hour to fucking write out , I busted out the straps and went with them today.

Dedz - 5s to 1rm - Good shit today , felt proper , new PR
Warm up - ebx10 135x5 225x5
Build up - 315x5 405x5 455x5
Work - 475x3 495x2
Singles - 515x1 535x1 545x1 550x1*PR 555xfail- to mid shin

New PR - 550 @ 211

Watch 441108712_7286435618152160_7943052071055846609_n | Streamable

Watch "441108712_7286435618152160_7943052071055846609_n" on Streamable.

Low Box Skwatz - 5s to 1rm - good stuff , no PR , hinge was deff tired and worked toward the end of these
Build up - 150x5 200x5 240x5 290x5 330x5 380x5
Work - 420x3 470x2 480x1 490x1*shakey wow, done.

Quad Ext - progressive 3xamrap

Ham Curls - #100 3xamrap - 8+2 = 6+1+1 - 5+1+1

Pull Throughs - double looped red mini - 4 sets of 20

Abs - Bent Leg lifts 2x30 - Rev Crunches 2x30


VIP Member
Jul 5, 2011
April 29 '24 Conjugate
Max Lower
211.7 body weight
1156 cals at work out - headed to 2500
45 min cardio - 3 / 15 min sessions - 5 miles each

Today started out like shit , head pounding , ornery mood , tried to shake it off ,hands are tic'y and all over tried to focus and relax just couldnt do it.

Now the only thing I hate more than quitters is people that dont try .. and I was just about to call it and go back to bed when the other side of my brain started freaking out.

"You fat worthless fuck , you gonna lay in bed all day or are you going to at least try ? Wtf if you skip the work why not just put on a fucking dress and go sip tea at the library with the rest of the cunts n hippies"

.... ya know encouragement words.

So I found my balls , sucked it up and it was off to the races.

Stretches -
Knees to chest 4x20 count hold
Pelvic Raise 2x20
Pelvic Tilt 2x20
Dead Bugs 2x20
Bird Dogs 2x20
Cat Cows 2x20

Lifts -
Everything was firing proper today , hinge was on time , good strength , good focus. I'm having some problem with tics in my hands this has taken me a half hour to fucking write out , I busted out the straps and went with them today.

Dedz - 5s to 1rm - Good shit today , felt proper , new PR
Warm up - ebx10 135x5 225x5
Build up - 315x5 405x5 455x5
Work - 475x3 495x2
Singles - 515x1 535x1 545x1 550x1*PR 555xfail- to mid shin

New PR - 550 @ 211

Watch 441108712_7286435618152160_7943052071055846609_n | Streamable

Watch "441108712_7286435618152160_7943052071055846609_n" on Streamable.

Low Box Skwatz - 5s to 1rm - good stuff , no PR , hinge was deff tired and worked toward the end of these
Build up - 150x5 200x5 240x5 290x5 330x5 380x5
Work - 420x3 470x2 480x1 490x1*shakey wow, done.

Quad Ext - progressive 3xamrap

Ham Curls - #100 3xamrap - 8+2 = 6+1+1 - 5+1+1

Pull Throughs - double looped red mini - 4 sets of 20

Abs - Bent Leg lifts 2x30 - Rev Crunches 2x30
Great job, I hate that feeling but love when it turns around into a great workout. Been there more times than I can count to the point where I would smile about my shitty feeling and mental condition hoping that if I persevered it could be a special day! Way to go!


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Great job, I hate that feeling but love when it turns around into a great workout. Been there more times than I can count to the point where I would smile about my shitty feeling and mental condition hoping that if I persevered it could be a special day! Way to go!
Thanks man ! , we gota at least try right ,, ya never know when magic happens , God smiles and it just comes up off the floor.


VIP Member
Jul 5, 2011
Thanks man ! , we gota at least try right ,, ya never know when magic happens , God smiles and it just comes up off the floor.
That's a great way to put it and I am definitely going to use that going forward!


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
May 1 '24 Conjugate
Max Upper
208.7 body weight
1417 cals headed to 2500
45 min cardio - 3/15 min sessions - 5 miles each

Today was a good freaking day , it really was. First one in a couple of weeks mentally and physically.

No tics , no head pains , no tremors , slept good ate good. Feel like my old self for a change. I like it.

Strength was there today , focus was good , drive was on point and there was good speed on the bar coming off my chest during bench main mover. It all went real solid.

Dynamic day ill try adding back in some things that stress the lower back n SI see how it handles it , miss my bent rows and shrugs , just dont really want to be bouncing around on it yet.

Stretches -
Band pulls - 2x20
Band Presses - 2x20
Band side raises - 2x20

Lifts -
5s to 1rm with #40 of chains added
Warm up - ebx10 90x10
Build up - 135x5 185x5 225x5 added chains - 265x5 275x5
Work - 285x3 295x2 305x2
Singles - 315x1 325x1 335x1 340x1

JM Press - progressive

Incline DB - #60 3xamrap - 12 - 10+1+1 - 8+2+1+1 - try to add some weight to the loadable handles but its a bit sketch

Delt Raise
Front - #30 3xamrap - 12 - 10+1+1 - 8+1
Side - #25 3xamrap - 10+1+1 - 8+1+1 - 6+1+1+1

Band pull/press - 4xamrap - 32 - 28 - 25+1+1+1 - 20+3+1+1

Rev Crunches - 2x30
Bent Leg Lifts - 2x30


VIP Member
Jul 5, 2011
So glad to see you having a well deserved great day!!


VIP Member
Jul 5, 2011
Thanks man ! Todays been great , im trying not to look directly at it and scare it off haahahah
I’m laughing because I totally know that feeling! Now start stacking those days up!


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
May 3 '24 Soviet Style
206 bodyweight - the deflation continues
1440 cals - 159g protein at time of workout
45 min cardio - 3/15 min sessions - 5 miles each

Damn good day again today. Lowering the volume a few notches is definitely helping.

Switched up from chains and bands today to straight weight in a soviet peaking style.

Strength is still good even though Im back down to just test , weight is dropping fast without the drol but I still feel good n strong.

Drive was on today , focus was good , hit some real solid reps and just had fun with a "short day" .. still takes 2 hours.

Stretches -
Knees to chest 4x20 count hold
Pelvic Lifts 2x25
Pelvic Tilt 2x25
Dead Bugs 2x25
Bird Dogs 2x25
Cat Cows 2x25

Lifts -
Dedz - Soviet peaking
Set - weight reps
1 @ 250x8
1 @ 305x6
1 @ 360x6
1 @ 385x5
2 @ 415x5

Skwatz - Soviet peaking
Set - weight reps
1 @ 250x8
1 @ 280x6
1 @ 330x6
1 @ 355x5
2 @ 385x5

Reverse Hypers 4xamrap - 15+5+2 - 17+5 - 15+5+1 - 10+3+1+1

Pull Throughs - double looped red mini - 4 sets of 20

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts 4 sets of 30
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