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Yano's old man lift's such and so forth 2.0



VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
March 20 '24 Conjugate
Max Upper
209.2 bodyweight
1385 cals headed to 2700
45 min cardio - 3/15 min sessions - 5 miles each

Today was ok , nothing to wooo hoo about but not a bad day work wise I reckon.

I would of liked to get a bit higher on main mover but lookin back I got a lil fluff happy on the low end and that ended up costing me on the top i'm sure.

Intensity was up , drive was there , decent focus. Not too shabby a bday work out at all.

Flat Bench - triples to 1rm -
Warm up - ebx5 135x3 added chains - 175x3 pulled chains 185x3 added chains 205x3 pulled chains 225x3 added chains 265x3 pulled chains for straight weight -
Work - 265x3 285x3 295x2 305x1 315x1 320x1 325x1

Incline DB - #40 3xamrap - 22 - 20+1 - 18+1+1

Spoto Press - #235 3xamrap - 8 - 6+2 - 5+1 - add #5

Bent Row - #165 3xamrap - 8+1 - 7+1 - 7 - add #5

Delt Raises
Front #30 3xamrap - 12 - 10+1 - 8
Side #25 - 3xamrap - 10+1+1 - 8 - 6
Band Press down - for Tricep - double looped red mini - 30 - 25 - 20 pause 5 - 18+1+1

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 4x30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
March 22 '24 Conjugate
Dynamic Lower DELOAD
209.2 bodyweight
1590 cals headed to 2700
45 min cardio - 3 sessions 20 min each , 5 miles each run - slowed the pace a bit due to the hip , but kept distance.

What can I say , i'm getting old i guess , used to go months at a time and laugh at folks that needed to schedule deloads ... well , shit aint like that no more.

Ol lady and I got a bit too freaky last night for way too long , I kept screaming for more lube but she told me it was only for good girls and just kept going .. the horror.... the horror.

But seriously , my hip girdle and SI on the right side are torn up. Even after a hot soak , the massage gun , ibuprofen and my own gentle words of encouragement about the entire situation .. no dice.

Got in some stretches and that's about it.

Stretches -
Knees to chest 4x20
Pelvic Raise 4x20
Pelvic Tilt 4x20
Dead Bugs 4x20
Bird Dogs 4x20
Cat Cows 4x20

Main Mover - Deadz - after the stetches I set up for pulling to see how it all felt any way - 135 was ok - 225 I had to pull slow to keep from feeling the yank in my hip so I called it there cus i know bulling my way through it , is just going to fuck me up.

An without putting speed on the bar , dynamic day is pretty pointless ...

GHR - 4x15 - raised the bench up on some 6x6 and got to work on these

Pull Throughs - 4x15 - single red mini loop - light stuff more like flossing and just getting blood in there for a pump than actual work.

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts 4x30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
March 23 '24 Conjugate
Dynamic Upper
209.6 bodyweight
1901 cals headed to 2500
45 min cardio - 3 /15 sessions - 5 miles each

Today was a good solid upper day for dynamic work , main mover flew , accessories all had good intensity , strength was ok , I got nothing to complain about.

Shoulder is still a bit spongy but I'm starting to think that's just becoming a way of life at this point , its hard to remember the last time it didn't ache or hurt a bit. To the victor goes the spoils. Elbow/bi on the right side is feeling a lot more stable so I got that goin for me , which is nice.

Bench - 5x5 - 55% of 1rm 25% dynamic tension - 196 +89 = 285 - rounded to 200 +90ish with bands n chain.
Warm up - ebx10 eb/4x5 135/4bands- 2 chainsx5 185/4/2x5
Work - 200/4/2x5x5x5x5x5

Incline DB - #40 3xamrap - 23 - 20+2 - 15+2+2+1

JM Press - #185 3xamrap - 8 - 6+2 - 6

Bent Row - #165 3xamrap - 9 - 7+1 - 6+2+1 - add #5

Delts - #25 3xamrap - side - 10 - 8+2 - 6+2+1
front - #30 3xamrap - 10 - 10 - 8+2 - add #5 if the handles hold

Curls - ez bar - #75 3xamrap - 7+1- 8 - 6+1+1

Bands - Pull aparts/down - 4xarmap - 25 - 20 - 22+3 - 18+2+2

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts 2x30
reverse crunches - 2x30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
March 25 '24 Conjugate
Max Lower Monday
207.8 bodyweight
1580 cals headed to 2500
45 min cardio - 3/15 min sessions - 5 miles each

Today was a decent day for work, failed a new dead pr but hey baby steps , were in no hurry.

Strength was there today , good focus , drive was on. Everything clicked fairly well , no real issues today at all.

Stretches -
Knees to chest 4x20 count hold
Pelvic Tilt 2x20
Pelvic Raise 2x20
Dead Bugs 2x20
Bird Dogs 2x20
Cat Cows 2x20

Lifts -
Deads to 1rm - ebx5 135x3 225x3 315x3 405x3 455x3 495x2x2 515x1x1 565xfail
Back down - 515x1 495x2 455x3


Watch 434468715_7265324750225966_4380165588646217315_n (2) | Streamable

Watch "434468715_7265324750225966_4380165588646217315_n (2)" on Streamable.


Watch 434477050_8216611401688092_5780650389108895303_n | Streamable

Watch "434477050_8216611401688092_5780650389108895303_n" on Streamable.

Squats to 1rm - not a big squat day but not bad after dead work - 150x2 240x2 330x2 420x2 440x2 460x1 470x1
Back down - 420x3x2

RDL - jumped to #350 - 3xamrap - 6+1 - 7 - 5+2

Shrugs - #405 - 3xamrap - 6 - 5+1 - 4+1+1

Pull Throughs - double looped red minis - 4x15

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts 4x30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
March 27 '24 Conjugate
Max Upper
210 bodyweight
1398 cals headed to 2500
45 min cardio - 3/15 minute sessions - 5 miles each

Today was a solid work day , everything clicked well , got fairly high into singles on main today , no new PR yet but I wasnt really trying to set up for one.

Good focus , good intensity , drive was on point. Nothing to complain about at all , just a good solid days work.

Bench - triples to 1rm
Warm up - ebx10 135x5 185x3 225x3 275x3
Work/singles - 295x2 305x1 310x1 315x1 320x1 325x1
Back down - 275x3 - 225x5

Incline DB - #40's - yeah i still need more micros and change plates - 3xamrap - 23 - 20 - 18+1+1

JM Press - #185 3xamrap - 7+1 - 5+1+1 - 5+1

Bent Row - #170 3xamrap - 8 - 7+1 - 6+1+1

Delts - side - #25 3xamrap - 10 - 8+1 - 6+1

Curls ez bar - #70 3xamrap - 8 - 6+1+1 - 5+2+1

Bands - Press down / pull apart 4xamrap - 28 - 20+5 - 22 - 20 +2+1

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 4x30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
March 29 '24 Conjugate
Dynamic Lower
210 bodyweight
1840 cals headed to 2700
45 min cardio - 3/15 min sessions - 5 miles each

Good solid dynamic day , good speed on the bar , drive was on point. Everything felt right on , even the hip/SI felt good today for the 2nd workout in a row so I kept the volume down a bit and rolled with it.

I know I know ,, wtf Yano didn't push himself the first day he felt good enough to break something else ? ,, its a fucking miracle (y) :cool: Stimulate not annihilate , taking me years to learn this

Skwatz - 8x2 - 55% + 25% dynamic bands/chains = 290 +130 = #420
Warm up - ebx5 eb/2x5 eb/4x5 150/4x2 240/4x2
Work - 290/4x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2

Dedz - 6x2 - 55% + 25% dynamic bands/chains = 305 + 150 = #455
Warm up - 135x3 225x2 305x2 305/2x2 305/4x2
Work - 305/4x2x2x2x2x2x2

Zerchers - 4x8 - haven't worked these since the hip got wonky , felt good today , kept them light and got back to work - 135x8x8x8x8

Standing OHP - #145 3xamrap - 7+2+1 - 8 - 6+1+1

Reverse Hyper - raised up the bench on some blocks and bendy - 4xamrap - 15 - 12 - 13 - 10

Pull Throughs - 4x15 - double looped red mini

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 4x30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
March 30 '24 Conjugate
Dynamic Upper
209.4 bodyweight
1390 cals headed to 2700
45 min cardio - 3/15 minute sessions - 5 miles each

Fun with rubber bands n chains WOOOOOOOOOOOO! was a good day all around , energy levels were up , focus was there , drive felt on point.

Bench - 5x5 - 60%1rm+ 25%bands/chains 4 red mini / 2 chain packs = 215+90=305
Warm up - ebx10 eb/4x5 eb/4/2x5 135/4/2x5 185/4/2x5
Work - 215/4/2x5x5x5x5x5

Inc DB - #40 3xamrap - 24 - 21 - 20

JM Press - #185 3xamrap - 8 - 6+2 - 5+1

Bent Row - #175 3xamrap - 7+1 - 8+1 - 6+1

Delts - #25 3xamrap - 12 - 10 - 7+1

Curls ezbar 3xamrap - 7+1 - 8+1 - 6+1

Bands Pressdowns/Pullapart - double looped red mini - 4xamrap - 30 - 25 - 22 - 23

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 4x30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
April 1 '24 Conjugate
Max Lower
208.8 bodyweight
1585 cals headed to 2700
45 min cardio - 3/15 min sessions 5 miles each

Today was somewhere between total shit and a damn good day , I haven't really decided yet.

No energy , drive was all wonky and not engaging upper n lower when I had to have it several pulls ,, disgusted the entire time but looking back at the work meh.

It wasn't too bad really , no new PR this week but some good work all the same so while I want to complain and bitch a fit ,, there isn't really all that much to whine about.

Stretches -
Knees to chest 4x20 count hold
Pelvic Tilt 2x20
Pelvic Raise 2x20
Dead Bugs 2x20
Bird Dogs 2x20
Cat Cows 2x20

Lifts -
Dedz - triples to 1rm -
warm up ebx5 ebx5 135x3 225x3 315x3 405x3
Work - 455x2 495x1 515x1 525xfail
Back down - 495x1 475x1x1 455x2x2x2x1

Skwatz - Straight bar - no box - holy tight delts n shoulders , hardest part about these is getting my arms back and holding the bar - been a while since I've worked no box at all so I started light and worked up from there , no pops or pulls 225x5 275x5 315x5 365x5 405x3x1x1

Chair Dedz - been forever and these have a built in pause to them after the arch so I broke em out and worked up - 225x5 245x5 275x5 295x5 305x4+1

Shrugs - #405 3xamrap - 7 - 6 - 5+1

Pull Throughs - double looped red mini - 4x15

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 4x30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
April 3 '24 Conjugate
Max Upper
210.2 bodyweight
1360 cals headed to 2700
45 min cardio - 3 / 15 min sessions of 5 miles each

Today was a solid day , no new PR but I took my time and didn't rush my progression got in some good solid reps on main mover.

Accessories flowed well , good drive , good focus so I get to add on a few lbs here n there next sessions so that will be fun.

Bench - triples to 1 rm
Warm up - ebx5 ebx5
Progression - 135x3 185x3 225x3 245x3 265x3 285x3
Work - 295x2 305x1+1*pause for ballz no rack* 315x1 325x1 330x1

Incline DB - #40 3xamrap - 25 - 20 - 18

JM Press - #185 3xamrap - 8 - 7+1+1 - 6+1+1

Bent Rows - #185 3xamrap - 6 - 6+2 - 5+1

Front Delt Raise - #25 3xamrap - 12 - 10 - 8+1+1

Curls ezbar - #80 3xamrap - 7+1 - 6+1+1 - 5+2+1

Bands - Tricep Pressdown - double looped red mini - 4xamrap - 25 - 22+2 - 18+2+1 - 20 +1+1

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 4x30
jipped genes

jipped genes

VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
You are a fucking beast brother.

My wife is a good girl I guess. HAHA.

Keep it up, I am inspired.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
You are a fucking beast brother.

My wife is a good girl I guess. HAHA.

Keep it up, I am inspired.
Thank ya Sir !

I just keep grinding like we all do , God's been good to me allowing me to keep going , can't be letting Him down and not put that blessing to good use.
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