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Yano's old man lift's such and so forth 2.0



VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Dec 1 '23 Yanopertrophy
Lower Rehab Stretching / Deload
198.5 bodyweight
1360 cals headed to 2500
45 min cardio - 15 morn - 15 after noon - 15 night

Nice simple deload day , kept my word to myself , no pushing no weights no messing around just stretch hit abs and enjoy the time off. Added in 15 min of cardio for now just to keep from going too stir crazy.

Stretches -

Knees to chest - 5x20 count hold
Pelvic Raise - 4x20
Pelvic Tilt - 4x20
Lower Back Rotation - 5x5 count
Knee Rotation - 5x5 count
Dead Bugs - 4x20
Bird Dogs - 4x20
Cat Cows - 4x20

Abs - 4x30 - 30 Rev Crunches - 30 Bent Leg Lifts - 30 RC - 30 BLL


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Dec 4 '23 Yanopertrophy
Lower rehab
198.2 bodyweight
1460 cals headed to 2500
45 min cardio - 15 morn - 15 noon - 15 night

Today went real good kept the bar empty for the most part ran through the motions , only thing that still not taking even an empty bar is front squats and goblets , belts are out too.

Not a big workload or heavy day but adding in the extensions and curls and raises have got my legs feeling like rubber bands (y) :love: been a long time since I did anything that even resembled a half ass leg day.

Stretches -
Knees to chest 5x20 count hold
Pelvic Tilt - 4x20
Pelvic Raise - 4x20
Knee Rotation 5x5 count hold
Lower Back Rotation 5x5 count hold
Dead Bugs - 4x20
Bird Dogs - 4x20
Cat Cows - 4x20

Lifts -
Squats -
4x5 - empty ssb - 60#
1x5 - bar n 50# - 110#

Good Mornings - 5x5 - bar n 50# - 110#

Front Squats - 5x5 - these were a fail after 3 reps , leg was not happy

Calf Raises - 3x20 - ssb + 50# - 110#

Quad Extensions - HAH got it welded up and working - 1x10-35# 1x10-60# 1x10-85# 1x8-100# 1x5-100# 1+1-100#

Ham Curls - 1x10-35# 1x10-45# 1x8-55# 1x5-55# 1+1-55#

Deadz -
4x5 - empty bar - 45#
1x5 - bar n chains - 85#

RDL - 5x5 - bar n chains - 85#

SDL - 5x5 - bar n chains - 85#

Pull Throughs - looped twisted red band - 4x12

Abs - bent leg lifts today - 4x30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Dec 5th '23 Yanopertrophy
198.6 body weight
1295 cals headed to 2500
30 min cardio - 15 morn - 15 night

Today was a good strong day , plenty of gas in the tank plenty of hate in the belly , good focus , intensity was there. Smoove like rich creamery buttah (y)

Bench - 270# - warm ups - ebx10 - 135x5 185x5 225x5 245x5
Work - 4x5 - 270x5 270x5 270x5 270x5
amrap - 5+1

Incline Bench - 195# 3xamrap - 10 - 8+1 - 6+1

Close Grip Bench - 200# 3xamrap - 9 - 8+1 - 6+1+1

Delt Raise - 25# - 3xamrap - 10 - 8+1 - 6 +1+1

Curls - 85# ez bar - 3xamrap - 10 - 8+1 - 6+1

Chin ups - 1 band assist - 5x5 - 5-5-5-5-5

Band Pulldown/Apart - 4xamrap - 24 - 22 - 22+2 - 20+2

Abs - bent leg lifts - 4x30 - 30 - 30 - 30 - 30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Dec 6 '23 Yanopertrophy
198.8 body weight
1358 cals headed to 2700 , moving up 200 , see what happens
45 min cardio - 15 morn - 15 noon - 15 night

Tired as fuck Grampy aint used to working his legs ,, holy newborn Giraffe Batman !!

Today went real good , first day it felt like my ass was centered under me coming out of the hole in months.

Leg still has some cramping in it under load but it's definitely improved from just Mondays session.

No complaints at all.

Stretches -
Knees to chest 5x20 count hold
Pelvic Raise - 4x20
Pelvic Tilt - 4x20
Lower Back Rotation - 5x5 count hold
Knee Rotation - 5x5 count hold
Dead Bugs - 4x20
Bird Dogs - 4x20
Cat Cows - 4x20

Lifts -
Squats -
4x5 - ssb
1x5 - ssb + 50#

Front Squats -
5x5 - ssb

Good Mornings -
5x5 - ssb + 50#

Calf Raise -
3x20 - ssb + 50#

Deadz -
4x5 - red minis
1x5 - red minis +50#

5x5 - red minis + 50#

5x5 - red minis + 50#

Quad Extensions -
85x10 95x8+2 105x8 110x6+1 115x5

Ham Curls -
45x10 55x10 60x8+1+1 65x6+1+1

Pull Throughs -
4x10 - red mini looped twisted

Abs - 4x30 - bent legs 30 - rev crunches 30 - bent legs 30 - rev crunches 30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Dec 7th '23 Yanopertrophy
198.3 bodyweight
1156 cals headed to 2700
45 min cardio - 15 morn - 15 noon - 15 night

Today was a good day all around , intensity was on the mark , good drive n focus. The body seems to be adjusting to the higher volume ok , still healing up and recovered from the rest days , see how it goes. So far it's all sunshine and roses God is Good !

Bench - 270# 4x5 - 1xamrap
Warm ups - ebx10 135x5 185x5 225x5 245x5
Work - 270x5 270x5 270x5 270x5
Amrap - 270x6+1

Incline Bench - 195# - 3xamrap - 9 - 8 - 6+1

Spoto Press - 200# - 3xamrap - 8+1 - 7+1 - 6

Shrugs - 5x5 - 135x5 225x5 275x5 315x5 365x3+1

Bent Rows - 155# - 3xamrap - 10 - 8 - 7+1

Curls - 85# - 3xamrap - 10 - 8 - 6+1

Chinups -band assist - 5x5 - 5x5x5x5x5

Band pulldown/apart - 4xamrap - 22 - 20 - 18 - 15

Abs - 4x30 - 30 bent legs - 30 rev crunches - 30 bl - 30 rc


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Dec 8th '23 Yanopertrophy
198 body weight
1238 cals headed to 2700
45 min cardio - 15 morn - 15 noon - 15 night

Today went way better than expected. Was up most of the night with my belly rolling and rumbling and been in the shitter every hour on the hour all damn day ... the horror.

Waited for a lull in action so to speak and shot down stairs with the dogs to git r done. (y)

Good focus , good form added weight back on the bar and it all felt good just had to keep my core tight as I could so I didnt wreck muh britches ,,, what a day.

Stretches -
Knees to chest 5x20 count hold
Pelvic Tilt 4x20
Pelvic Raise 4x20
Lower back rotation 5x5 hold
Knee Rotation 5x5 hold
Dead Bugs 4x20
Bird Dogs 4x20
Cat Cows 4x20

Lifts -

Squatz -
4x5 - ssb -60#
1x5 ssb+50 - 110#

Good Morning -
5x5 - ssb + 50 - 110#

Front Squat -
4x5 - ssb - 60#
1x5 - ssb +50 - 110#

Calf Raise -
3x20 - ssb +50 + chains - 150#

Deadlift -
4x5 - 135
1x5 - 185

5x5 - 185#

5x5 - 185#

Pull Throughs -
4x10 - double looped red mini

Abs -
4x30 - bent leg lifts - 30x30x30x30
jipped genes

jipped genes

VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
Hey bro, do you do calf raises before deads?


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Hey bro, do you do calf raises before deads?
Yes Sir , i do them in the squat rack with the ssb on my shoulders. So I work my squats gms fronts and calves first then I move on to deads rdl sdl and now that ive got it fixed n welded , quad ext and ham curls in that order , i close out with pull throughs and abs
jipped genes

jipped genes

VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
Yes Sir , i do them in the squat rack with the ssb on my shoulders. So I work my squats gms fronts and calves first then I move on to deads rdl sdl and now that ive got it fixed n welded , quad ext and ham curls in that order , i close out with pull throughs and abs
Very nice. I use the different machines.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Good work brother. It looks like you are healing just fine, working what you can. Keep it up.
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