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Yano's old man lift's such and so forth 2.0

genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Now that its localized a bit it feels like magnus or brevis but i can move the leg in and out ok , its when i put full pressure on it , like trying to go upstairs. No fucking bueno dude lol , like I got a fist on the inside of my leg around nut height if ya drew a line over ya know. I don't think its ham but im no clinician.
I specifically target adductors like I am a wellness competitor, so hopefully I never have that issue. I have felt small pops every once in a while, but no pain. Just stuff moving around.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Nov 10th '23 Yanopertrophy
Back Rehab
196.4 body weight
1481 cals headed to 2500
30 min cardio - 15 morning - 15 night

Nice simple day today kept to the stretches abs and pull throughs.

Deload the lower give that leg a chance to heal up. It feels better today and while I can't walk up stair flat footed yet and push with it , I can sort of use just the ball of my foot and my toes and sort of calf raise bump myself up if you will.

Stretches -
Knees to chest - real slow ,, real ,, real slow - 4x20 count hold
Pelvic Tilts - 4x20
Pelvic Raise - 4x20 - could really feel this on the inside of the left leg

Lower Back Rotation - 10x5 count hold
Knee Rotation - 5x5 count hold

Dead Bugs - 4x20
Bird Dogs - 4x20
Cat Cows - 4x20

Pull Throughs - double looped red mini - 4x10

Abs - Bent Legs Lifts - 4x30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Nov 13 '23 Yanopertrophy
Back n Leg Rehab
196.3 body weight
1117 cals headed to 2500
30 min cardio - 15 morning - 15 night

Today was simple and short , stretches and some empty bar work just to get some mobility in the leg and shake off the rust.

Deload this week for the most part and just let it heal up. Leg is still fucked a bit , cant put a full load on it going up stairs yet.

Stretches -
Knees to chest - 4x20 count hold
Pelvic Tilt - 4x20
Pelvic Raise - 4x20

Lower Back Rotation - 5x5 count hold
Knee Rotation - 5x5 count hold

Dead Bugs - 4x20
Bird Dogs - 4x20
Cat Cows - 4x20

Lifts -

No DL or GMs today. Leg isn't happy yet and I'm not going to force it and piss it off.

Skwatz - bodyweight no bar - 5x5

RDL - empty bar - 5x5

SDL - empty bar - 5x5

Pull Throughs - looped red mini - 4x10

Abs - Bent Legs - Rev Crunches - 4x30 - 1x30 RC 1x30 BL 1x30 RC 1x30 BL


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Nov 14 '23 Yanopertrophy
196.4 body weight
1100 cals headed to 2500
30 min cardio - 15 morn - 15 night

Today went real well , strong day. Good focus and drive , plenty of intensity , belly fulla hate. Was great all around. No complaints. Even got in some more assisted chin ups.

Pushed for 3 sets today on the amraps , felt good.

Bench - 255# - 4x5 - 1xamrap - real good day for these
Warm ups - ebx10 90x5 135x5 185x5 225x5
Work - 255x5 255x5 255x5 255x5
Amrap - 255x8

Spoto Press - 195# 3xamrap - 10 - 8+1 - 6

Incline DB - 40# - gota get more micros - 3xamrap - 16 - 14 - 12+2

Delt Raise - form was fucked for 30# today , left side just did not want to play along at this point - went with 25#'s - 8+1 - 6+2 - 5+1

Curls - ez bar - 85# - 8 - 6+1 - 5

Chin Ups - assisted with strong band slung on pegs - 5x5

Band Pulldown/Apart - choked looped red mini - 4xamrap - 15 - 14+1 - 12+2 - 10+2

Abs - 4x30 - 1x30 bent leg lifts - 1x30 rev crunches - 1x 30 bent leg lifts - 1x30 rev crunches


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Nov 15 '23 Yanopertrophy
Back / Leg Rehab
196.1 body weight
1013 cals headed to 2500
30 min cardio - 15 morn - 15 night

Was a good day of stretching and body weight and empty bar movements. Leg is still angry but my back feels great no runs no drips no errors just like Krylon paint.

Workout took a bit longer after finding out half the basement had no power , thought it was a breaker ,, nope , messed the junction boxes got lifted and had to shake that off for a few ... shut the power off when I got my shit together.

Turned out to be a bad switch , never had that happen but i swapped it out and the gym side came back to life yay !

Took a few minutes to shake off getting zapped , my head still is a bit foggy and I've got a bit of a headache like I had a seizure. Other than a bit of a crispy finger , i'm fine.

Stretches -
Knees to chest - 5x20 count hold
Pelvic Tilts - 4x20
Pelvic Raise - 4x20

Lower Back Rotation - 5x5 count hold
Knee Rotation - 5x5 count hold

Dead Bugs - 4x20
Bird Dogs - 4x20
Cat Cows - 4x20

Lifts -

Skwatz - body weight - 5x5

Good Mornings - body weight hands on "lapels" if you will - 5x5

Deadz - empty bar - 5x5

RDL - empty bar - 5x5

SDL - empty bar - 5x5

Pull Throughs - looped red mini - 4x10

Abs - 4x30 - 30 bent legs - 30 rev crunches - 30 rev crunches - 30 bent legs


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Nov 16 '23 Yanopertrophy
196 bodyweight
1333 cals headed to 2500
30 min cardio - 15 morning - 15 night

Was a real good one today. No real issues to speak of had to scratch rows off the list , the leg just wasn't going to put up with being being bent like that , adductor/hammy is still tender.

Good drive , good focus , intensity was up. All good in the hood.

Bench - 255# - 4x5 - 1xamrap - 1 drop set - add 5#
Warm ups - ebx10 135x5 185x5 225x5 245x5
Work - 255x5 255x5 255x5 255x5
Amrap - 255x8+2
Drop Set - 225x6

Incline Bench - 190# - 3xamrap - 8 - 7 - 5+1

Close Grip Bench - 185# - 3xamrap - 10 - 9 - 7+1 - add 5#

Shrugs - 3x8 - 1x5 - 1x3 135-315#. Worked these up in sets of 8 down to a triple to see how the leg took the increases - lil twinge as I got up in weight coming out of the rack but it was ok while shrugging.
--- 135x8 185x8 225x8 275x5 315x3*pr since injury

Curls - 85# - 3xamrap - 8 - 6 - 5

Chin ups - subbed these in for rows - 4xamrap - 8 - 7 - 6+1 - 5

Band Pulldown/Apart - 4xamrap - moved to the highest in the rack , choked red mini - 18 - 15+2 - 15 - 12+2+2

Abs - 4x30 - 30x Rev crunch - 30x Bent Legs - 30x alternation RC/BL - 30x alternating RC/BL


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Nov 17 '23 Yanopertrophy
Back/Leg Rehab
196.1 bodyweight
1161 cals headed to 2500
30 min cardio - 15 min morning - 15 night

Stretches , body weight and empty bar today. Leg still has a bit of knot in the adductor/ham didn't push it hard at all just letting it heal up and getting in what I can. Feels better today than it has so the healing continues.

Stretches -

Knees to chest - 5x20 count hold
Pelvic Raise - 4x20
Pelvic Tilt - 4x20

Lower Back Rotation - 5x5 count hold
Knee Rotation - 5x5 count hold

Dead Bugs - 4x20
Bird Dogs - 4x20
Cat Cows - 4x20

Lifts -

Skwatz - 5x5 bodyweight - 1x5 empty SSB

Good Mornings - 5x5 bodyweight - 1x5 empty SSB

Deadz - 5x5 - empty bar

RDL - 5x5 empty bar

SDL - 5x5 empty bar

Pull Throughs - looped red mini - 4x10

Abs - 4x 30 - 30x reverse crunch - 30x bent leg lifts - 30xrc - 30xbl


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Nov 20 '23 Yanopertrophy
Back/Leg Rehab
197.2 body weight - holding steady here might bump up cals
1295 cals headed to 2500
45 min cardio over the weekend days - 15 morn - 15 after noon - 15 night

Today was a good one , stretches and light movements with the bar and some chain. Ham/adductor still has a bit of a cramp and knot to it , it works out by hand but it's not healed up yet by any means. The back feels solid. No issues.

Stretches -
Knees to chest - 5x20 count hold
Pelvic Raise - 4x20
Pelvic Tilt - 4x20

Lower Back Rotation - 5x5 count hold
Knee Rotation - 5x5 count hold

Dead Bugs - 4x20
Bird Dogs - 4x20
Cat Cows - 4x20

Lifts -
Skwatz - SSB - SSB + 40# chains -
4x5 empty SSB
1x5 - SSB+ 40 in chains

Good Mornings - SSB+40# chains - 5x5

Deadz - empty bar - empty bar + 40# chains
4x5 empty bar
1x5 eb+40# chains

RDL - eb+40#chains - 5x5

SDL - eb+40#chains - 5x5

Pull Throughs - Looped choked red mini - 4x10

Abs - 4x30 - 4 sets of bent leg lifts today


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Nov 21 '23 Yanopertrophy
196.8 bodyweight
1542 cals headed to 2500
30 min cardio - 15 morn - 15 night

Today was a good solid day , nice n strong. Moved up a bit on the main , felt good , some real solid work. Intensity was there , belly full of fire , head full of rage. 10/10 stars

In the words of that great American philosopher Ric Flair .....

Bench - 265# - bumped these up 10 - 4x5 - 1xamrap -
Warm ups - ebx10 90x5 135x5 185x5 225x5 245x5
Work - 265x5 265x5 265x5 265x5
Amrap - 265x4+1 - repeat

Incline Bench - 190# - 3xamrap - 10 - 8+1 - 7 - repeat

Close Grip - 190# - 3xamrap - 10 + 10 - 8+2 - add 5#

Delt Raise - 25# - 3xamrap - 10+2 - 8+2 - 8 - add 5#

Curls - 85# ez bar - 3xamrap - 8 - 7+1 - 6+1 - repeat

Chin ups - assisted with band - 3xamrap - 10+1 - 9+1 - 7 - repeat

Band Pull down/apart - looped choked red mini - amrap -
20 - 20 - 20 - 16+4

Abs - 4x30 - 30 bent legs - 30 rev crunch - 30 bent legs - 30 rev crunch
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Nice work brother!

Are you taking any GH, BPC-157 or TB-500 for that injury?


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Nice work brother!

Are you taking any GH, BPC-157 or TB-500 for that injury?
No sir I've never messed with any of that stuff really or know what to do with it. I just up my protein , rest as much as I can stand and go from there.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
No sir I've never messed with any of that stuff really or know what to do with it. I just up my protein , rest as much as I can stand and go from there.
That is how I used to attack my acute injuries, but now I am throw the kitchen sink at them. Instead of taking forever to heal, I am usually 100% in 2-3 weeks. I just up the GH to 5 iu a day and use 250 mcg of BPC-157 x2 a day.
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