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Yano's old man lift's such and so forth 2.0



VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Oct 25 '23 Yanopertrophy
Back rehab
194.8 - checked it twice
1180 cals headed to 2500
30 min cardio - 15 morning - 15 night

Today was a real good , no issues , no aches or pains. Legs don't feel "powerful" but they were responding the same and it felt like equal drive.

Added just a fraction of weight today , nothing special.

Stretches -
Knees to chest - 3x20 count hold
Pelvic Tilt - 3x10
Pelvic Raise - 3x10

Lower Back Rotation - 3x10
Knee Rotation - 3x10

Added a set -
Dead Bugs - 4x10
Bird Dogs - 4x10
Cat Cows - 4x10

Lifts - Most sets started with empty bar then added 40 in swinging chains (no touch) , then 20 more lbs

Skwatz SSB - ebx10 - eb/chx10 eb/ch/20x10 = 120# final set

GM - ebx10 0 eb/chx10 eb/ch/20x10 = 120# final set

Deadlifts - ebx10 - eb/chx10 - eb/ch/20x10 = 105# final set

RDL - kept the 105 on full time - 105x10 105x10 105x10

SDL - kept the 105 on full time - 105x10 105x10 105x10

Pull Throughs - looped red mini increased tension by moving a few inches away each set no way to gauge weight - 3x10

Abs - 4x30 - Rev Crunches - Bent LL - Alt RC/LL - Alt RC/LL
jipped genes

jipped genes

VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
So far so good , they do work along with the other things ive been doing. Cant wait to get back to proper training.
Bro, been there. You are doing it right.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Oct 26 '23 Yanopertrophy
195 body weight
955 cals headed to 2500
30 min cardio - 15 morning - 15 night

Today went well ,felt good. Drive was there , intensity felt proper good drive through the pressing. Right proper day all around.

Bench - 245# - 4x5 - 3xamrap - drop set - 40# of chains on
Warm ups - ebx10 85x10 135x5 175x5 225x5
Work - 245x5 245x5 245x5 245x5
Amraps - 245x10 245x8+2 245x6
Drop Set - 195x10+2
Add 5# next session

Close Grip Bench - 185# 2xamrap - 9+1 8+1 - repeat

Incline Bench - 175# 3xamrap - 10 - 9+1 - 6 - add 5#

Shrugs - #275 - 2xamrap - worked up on these to see how the back took them - 135x5 225x5 - 275x8+1 - 6+1 - repeat

Delts - 30# 2xamrap - 8 - 6+1 - repeat

Band Pull downs - 4xamrap - looped and choked up - 20 - 18 - 15 - 13

Abs - 4x30 - Bent Leg Lifts x30 - Alt Rev Crunch Bent LL x 30 - Alt Rev Crunch Bent LL x 30 - Rev Crunches x30
jipped genes

jipped genes

VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
Bro, you are still doing more than 99.9% of the people in the USA. Take the time, get 100% then get back to it and a bit of unsolicited advice...don't stop doing your PT exercises. They will protect you from future injuries.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Bro, you are still doing more than 99.9% of the people in the USA. Take the time, get 100% then get back to it and a bit of unsolicited advice...don't stop doing your PT exercises. They will protect you from future injuries.
Thanks man I appreciate that.

I have no plan on stopping , get my back healed up get some weight back on the bar and get back to breaking records. :D


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Oct 27 '23 Yanopertrophy
Back Rehab
195 body weight
1101 cals headed to 2500
45 min cardio - 15 min morning - 15 afternoon - 15 night

Today went good , put a lil more weight on the bar , just 30# felt real good. No aches or pains , no issues at all , see how it feels as the night goes on.

Added a few reps n sets here n there to the stretches nothing drastic.

Stretches -
Knees to chest 6x20 count hold
Pelvic Tilt - 4x15
Pelvic Raise - 4x15

Knee Rotation - 10x5 count hold
Lower Back Rotation - 10x5 count hold

Dead Bugs - 4x15
Bird Dogs - 4x15
Cat Cows - 4x15

Skwatz 3x10 - eb + 40 in chains + 50# = 150# - ebx10 eb/chx10 eb/ch/50x10

Good Mornings 3x10 - eb + 40 in chains +50# = 150#- ebx10 eb/chx10 eb/ch/50x10

Deadlifts 3x10 - eb + 40 in chains + 50# = 135# - ebx10 eb/chx10 eb/ch/50x10

RDL - 135# - 3x10

SDL - 135# - 3x10

Pull Throughs - red mini looped and choked up - 4x10

Abs - 4x30 - bent legs x30 , rev crunch x 30 , bent legs x30 , rev crunch x 30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Oct 30 '23 Yanopertrophy
Back Rehab
194.8 body weight
1153 cals headed to 2500
45 min cardio - 15 min morn - afternoon - night

Today went real good , to quote a genius i know "strong day". Good focus , good intensity , strength n drive were on point.

Added some weight to the bar , great fucking day all around.

Lower still tires out fast n feel lazy but the left leg keeps driving and its got decent power so that's all good.

Stretches -
Knees to chest - 4x20 count hold
Pelvic Tilt - 4x20
Pelvic Raise - 4x20

Knee Rotation - 10x5 count hold
Lower Back Rotation - 10x5 count hold

Dead Bugs - 4x20
Bird Dogs - 4x20
Cat Cows - 4x20

Lifts -

Skwatz SSB + 40# swinging chains no touch - ebx10 100x10 150x10 200x5 250x3* pr since the back went out

Good Mornings SSB +40# swinging chains no touch - 100x10 150x10 200x10 225x5 250x3*pr since the back went out

Deadz - ebx10 135x10 175x10 225x5 275x3*pr since the back went out

RDL +40# chains this session- 175# at the top - 3x10

SDL +40# chains this session - 175# at the top - 3x10

Pull Throughs - double red mini this time - 4x10

Abs - 4x30 - Bent legsx30 - Rev crunchx30- Bent legsx30 - Rev crunchx30
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Keep grinding brother, doing awesome!


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Oct 31 '23 Yanopertrophy
195.2 body weight
1090 cals headed to 2500
30 min cardio - 15 min - morning / night

Today was right on. Strength was there , belly fulla hate , all cylinders were firing.

Back was a lil stiff from yesterday but no pain or issues that slowed me down , took care of that with some stretching and a hand full of ibuprofen.

Bench #250 - 4x5 - 1xamrap - This went really well today
Warm ups - ebx10 135x10 185x5 225x5
Work - 250x5 250x5 250x5 250x5
Amrap - 250x7+1 - repeat

Incline Bench - 175# - 3xamrap - 10 - 10 - 9+1 add 5#

Spoto Press - 190# - 3xamrap - 10 - 10 - 8+2 add 5#

Close Grip - 185# - 3xamrap - 10 - 9+1 - 6 repeat

Ez Bar Curls - 80# - 3xamrap - 8 - 6+2 - 5+1 repeat

Band Pull Apart/Down - 4xamrap - choked up wrapped red mini - more tension - 18 - 15 - 15 - 13

Abs - 4x 30 - RCx30 - BLx30 - RCx30 - BLx30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Nov 1 '23 Yanopertrophy
Back Rehab
196.2 body weight - bloated - too many reeces with the kids
1163 cals headed to 2500
30 min cardio - 15 morn - 15 night

Today started out in the shitter. Sore , tired , sugar hangover if that's possible. Just felt half rung out and hung up wet.

Warm ups were going like shit , almost bagged it and came upstairs.

Almost ... And I got to work.

Shit started moving with a purpose , intensity level came up , a few locks came off the brain cage and that thing that lives in the dark started to roar ,, its hungry , it needs to be fed ,,,

... time to give it my soul.

Stretches -
Knees to chest 4x20 count hold
Pelvic Tilts - 4x20
Pelvic Raise - 4x20

Lower Back Rotation - 10 x 5 count hold
Knee Rotation - 10 x 5 count hold

Dead Bugs - 4x20
Bird Dogs - 4x20
Cat Cows - 4x20

Lifts - got to add some weight and some reps
Skwatz - ebx10 100x10 150x10 200x10 250x5* pr for now

Good Mornings - 100x10 150x10 200x10 250x5* pr for now

Deadz - ebx10 135x5 185x5 225x5 275x5 315x3* pr for now

RDL - 3x10 - 180x10 185x10 190x10

SDL - 3x10 - 180x10 185x10 190x10

Pull Throughs - red mini looped - 4x20

Abs - 4x30 - 30 x Bent legs - 30 x rev crunches - 30 x alternating RC BL - 30 x alternating RC BL
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