How in the name of Jack Fuck did the dude not see how fucked up his gear looked ??? Tell me that ??? I don't give a fuck bro, even Stevie Wonder could have seen that oil and water do not mix !!!
Yea Ye , I know there's all different color coolants . I work for a car corporation , i understand how cars work and what makes them tick and no matter what color coolant is , water doesn't mix with oil!!! And Yes , I know some coolants are oil based for certain vehicles , but idt that bitch would go SO out of her way to get that special coolant to mix in her husband gear. I mean , okay , I could be wrong, but STILL , It wouldn't mix well , you would be able to tell.
Shit man, when I mix different oils in the same syringe , I can see how they contrast , so it doesn't add up to me how this dude was so oblivious to the fact !!! Unless she was pulling and pinning without him seeing it , IDK !!!