I only take it for growth, not longevity, skin, fat loss, etc... I take enough to max out my IGF levels along with the appropriate amount of test and insulin. This is right around 5-6 iu at 500 mg of test a week along with insulin, which varies by training days and non-training days. I could probably take more GH, but would also need to take more test to get my IGF levels to increase, as they pretty much plateau at 5-6 iu.What do you consider a blast and what is your reasoning for doing it like that rather than doing it year-round just curious always looking for an edge
Does gh have <, >, or = chance of being intercepted by customs?I’m with @searay . 3iu 6-7 nights per week for 10yrs or so now. When I stop for more than a few days…I breakdown about 3wks later (poor sleep, more DOMs, skin breaks out). At 52 I can pass for late 30s and it ain’t genetics because my 2 brothers (54 and 48) look way tougher than me and neither is out of shape.
Hey Mike, so you're the "pretty boy" of the family? LOLI’m with @searay . 3iu 6-7 nights per week for 10yrs or so now. When I stop for more than a few days…I breakdown about 3wks later (poor sleep, more DOMs, skin breaks out). At 52 I can pass for late 30s and it ain’t genetics because my 2 brothers (54 and 48) look way tougher than me and neither is out of shape.
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