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who is on GH all year



Jun 12, 2023
Please share/explain
There has to be a few of y'all doing anti aging since we're all old


Bundy Lover
Nov 11, 2022
I tried for years to get some benefit out of it. Not once did I feel I could attribute anything positive to it. I tried 4iU, 2iU, 1iU, even 0.5iU daily and consistently. Nothing. All sides, no benefits. I gave up. Carpal: check. Water retention: check. Shit grew that didn't need to grow (like my wrists, which cramped my tendons and caused issues): check. Maybe my dick did grow a little, and if that's the case, it was all worth it.

No better sleep. No better skin. No extra fat loss. Nothing. I'm always the corner case.

I remember now. That's what started me on all of this. I had read about Tom's (*cough* Dat's) peptides and registered at Dat's to purchase Ipam and Mod. Even with those, all sides. Mod gave me serious insomnia. Ipam never seemed to do anything.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Not this guy. I just blast for 8-12 weeks.


VIP Member
May 23, 2011
Not this guy. I just blast for 8-12 weeks.
What do you consider a blast and what is your reasoning for doing it like that rather than doing it year-round just curious always looking for an edge


VIP Member
May 23, 2011
But to answer the original posters question I plan on doing it year round. I've done it before for about 2 to 2 1/2 years Way Way Back but have not done GH in probably 12 to 14 years now just started again a couple of months back


VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
I notice better skin when I've been using it for a couple months and better nutrient partitioning. I take breaks adn I can see the differnce when I do.
Dawgpound Hank

Dawgpound Hank

VIP Member
Mar 20, 2023
Best thing I got out of GH is I think after several runs, it helped heal my fuqqed up RC's. Not 100%, but to the point that I can do MANY exercises without pain now that I couldn't before. About 7 years ago, for a 2 year stint, all I could do for chest was light, high rep machine bench & pec deck. No form of db press, not even inclines, no form of Smith press, no form of db flyes, dips, nada. For delts it was 15 lb high rep side laterals, front raise and bent laterals. Again, couldn't do any overhead pressing even on machines. Through a lot of rehab via band work, and GH, I can now do all of those no problemo. Being I was in my mid 50's when all this was going on for such a long time, I think it's pretty amazing to make such a recovery.

Other than that, most all I noticed from GH was increased BP from the extra 6-7 lbs of water, and numb fingers. MAYBE I got some extra satellite cells out of it, as Palumbo stated that they take about 6 months after GH cycle to fully develop. I say that bcoz ever since those GH runs, it's easy for me now to regularly hold 255-260 lbs even on TRT, while prior to that it was 248-250 lbs. Maybe not - who knows haha. I haven't ran GH in awhile now, usually when it's available, I can afford it, and the stars align. When I do, it's 2iu on chest, delt or arm day, and 3iu on back or leg day. So 4-5 days a week.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
What do you consider a blast and what is your reasoning for doing it like that rather than doing it year-round just curious always looking for an edge
I only take it for growth, not longevity, skin, fat loss, etc... I take enough to max out my IGF levels along with the appropriate amount of test and insulin. This is right around 5-6 iu at 500 mg of test a week along with insulin, which varies by training days and non-training days. I could probably take more GH, but would also need to take more test to get my IGF levels to increase, as they pretty much plateau at 5-6 iu.


VIP Member
Dec 20, 2017
Ive used GH when I was under 40 and all I got was side effects, no benefits. However, after age 40 was a different story. Side effects. if any, dissipated within months of starting. Ive been taking 2iu's every evening for over 20 yrs. and I really think it has made a huge difference in how I look. Very lean compared to prior age 40 and more muscle mass which has seemed to raise my metabolism. I can't be certain about all this especially since it's been over a 20 yr time span but I am glad I did it and will continue. I did stop taking it last yr. when I found out I needed by-pass surgery and stayed off for about a month after surgery. The big thing I noticed is that I wasn't sleeping anywhere near as good as prior to the surgery. I started back on GH and started sleeping much better which made me feel so much better. Considering the quality and prices that are available to us I think it is definitely worth trying when you feel your GH levels have dropped off significantly or have tested that way.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2013
I’m with @searay . 3iu 6-7 nights per week for 10yrs or so now. When I stop for more than a few days…I breakdown about 3wks later (poor sleep, more DOMs, skin breaks out). At 52 I can pass for late 30s and it ain’t genetics because my 2 brothers (54 and 48) look way tougher than me and neither is out of shape.


Jun 12, 2023
I’m with @searay . 3iu 6-7 nights per week for 10yrs or so now. When I stop for more than a few days…I breakdown about 3wks later (poor sleep, more DOMs, skin breaks out). At 52 I can pass for late 30s and it ain’t genetics because my 2 brothers (54 and 48) look way tougher than me and neither is out of shape.
Does gh have <, >, or = chance of being intercepted by customs?


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
I’m with @searay . 3iu 6-7 nights per week for 10yrs or so now. When I stop for more than a few days…I breakdown about 3wks later (poor sleep, more DOMs, skin breaks out). At 52 I can pass for late 30s and it ain’t genetics because my 2 brothers (54 and 48) look way tougher than me and neither is out of shape.
Hey Mike, so you're the "pretty boy" of the family? LOL

I'm with you. I've been running GH pretty much continuously for quite a few years now. I don't think it's magic like some people will say, but I've never run it too high (e.g., I've never run 10IUs/day), so maybe there is a threshold where it becomes magic.

What I do notice is a more three-dimensional look, more fullness and shape in the muscle, and I can be a little more sloppy on my diet. Still can't pig out. At my age, my metabolism simply won't allow me to eat how I'd really like to eat. After all, in a perfect world, onion rings should be it's own separate food group!
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