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what's your new year's resolution



TID Board Of Directors
May 3, 2011
I'm starting with a new firm on January 3rd so, needless to say, my 2012 goal is to make it a great success with much prosperity. As for training, my 2012 goal is to get down to 9-10% bf at around 225. Personally, just to love and take care of my family. Last but not least, spiritually, to grow in Christ and not be such a smart-a on this board :D.


TID Lady Member
Oct 6, 2011
Training: Bump up the cardio, focus on glutes, split the workout, look into kettlebells.

Work: Boss has asked me to take my job to a whole 'nutha level so I have to quickly escalate to functioning in a new dimension, crash course, then train staff. Probably no extra compensation but I'm gonna start blowing it out of the water in 90 days, cha ching.

Home: Complete UFOs (unfinished objects of heirloom embroidery); renovate a bedrm, aquarium & a flower bed; narrow down the best bourbon chicken recipe; hang a dining rm chandelier; maintain the hummer feeders better & put them all out; grow herbs in my flower boxes instead of flowers. May get a seal colorpoint ragdoll kitten, maybe.

Travel: Shenandoah Natl Forest, Chesapeake Bay, Outer Banks, Richmond, Raleigh, Cashiers, Atlanta, Orlando & NY

Spiritually: The gift of the Spirit project 2012 is Self-Control. And as usual, go deeper in prayer, always deeper.

Hear Sophia Grace's voice and laughter as much as possible and watch her take her first steps.


Fancypants VIP
Mar 23, 2011
i hate "new years resolutions" and the fact that people feel the need to set goals for themselves only because the calendar year has changed. life goes on with or without stupid little promises we make to ourselves and 90% of people never follow through with. i set goals for myself in May and September too, and those goals are constantly changing, so i dont need some superficial holiday to use as an excuse to set new goals for myself.
besides, this is the time of year that all the fatasses and lazy fucks start overcrowding the gym with no concept of etiquette only to give up on their "new years resolutions" when they realize that it actually takes a lot of hard work and dedication OUTSIDE the gym to reach their "goals" after a month of half-assed workouts.

that being said, i intend to finally give up the cowboy killers once and for all.
even though i been saying that for 2 years now...


New Member
Nov 1, 2011
Every year I say "more cardio' so I guess that would be a good one again this year. More emphasis on legs workout is always a good thing for women. If I did those two things better this year, that would be progress!


Friends Remembered
Oct 11, 2010
Every year I say "more cardio' so I guess that would be a good one again this year. More emphasis on legs workout is always a good thing for women. If I did those two things better this year, that would be progress!

Good to see ya here figure! I here ya on the cardio, and You already got a great set of legs! ;)


TID Board Of Directors
May 3, 2011
i hate "new years resolutions" and the fact that people feel the need to set goals for themselves only because the calendar year has changed. life goes on with or without stupid little promises we make to ourselves and 90% of people never follow through with. i set goals for myself in May and September too, and those goals are constantly changing, so i dont need some superficial holiday to use as an excuse to set new goals for myself.
besides, this is the time of year that all the fatasses and lazy fucks start overcrowding the gym with no concept of etiquette only to give up on their "new years resolutions" when they realize that it actually takes a lot of hard work and dedication OUTSIDE the gym to reach their "goals" after a month of half-assed workouts.

that being said, i intend to finally give up the cowboy killers once and for all.
even though i been saying that for 2 years now...

LMAO... you hate them then proceed to make one :D


Fancypants VIP
Mar 23, 2011
LMAO... you hate them then proceed to make one :D

correct. although in my defense, this has been more like a year round thing than a new years resolution the past couple years. and POB is probably right, i doubt i'll actually quit.
how bout this, i'm not gonna quit smoking, i'm just gonna quit BUYING smokes...

p.s. fuck both of you fucking fucks! HAHAHAHA
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