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What's too much while Fasting?


Triple D Star

New Member
Sep 8, 2021
I’m going to draw the line at dry fasting WITH showers and teeth brushing, haha.

I’ve done a 3 day fast, recently, with nothing but coffee and electrolyte water. Overall a very positive experience and I’ll do it again soon. I intermittent fast almost every day for what seems like years now, so 16-18 hours with just coffee and loads of water is no problem at all anymore. I have incredible workouts too, at the end of my fasts. If you told me that 5 years ago I’d have laughed at you. Who knows anymore…

if you had coffee/electrolyte water technically it wouldn’t be a dry fast. I’ve seen where some people only drink water in a one hour window or of course Ramadan, they don’t drink or eat until night.

& yeah lol but as mentioned most people who do it are trying to cure some serious ailment or destroy tumor or things along those lines. Hopefully we are never in the position where we have to contemplate wether drinking our own pee is worth it lol


VIP Member
Dec 9, 2010
I’ve gone 5 days nothing but water
And 3rd day I wasn’t even hungry
Burn crazy
Now just fast one day
24hrs nothing then 16.8
Only eat in 8 hour window
And Saturday I full blown eating anything
Staying around 8-10%
Still at 209 as of today

getting asked weekly about diet
Only in gym 3x week maybe 4
To busy with grand babies

getting ready for big 6o in 5 years


Feb 10, 2018
I’ve gone 5 days nothing but water
And 3rd day I wasn’t even hungry
Burn crazy
Now just fast one day
24hrs nothing then 16.8
Only eat in 8 hour window
And Saturday I full blown eating anything
Staying around 8-10%
Still at 209 as of today

getting asked weekly about diet
Only in gym 3x week maybe 4
To busy with grand babies

getting ready for big 6o in 5 years
You are close to my age then, old devil dog. I also served in the Corps from 88 to 92. I got out after Desert Storm because not many fields were allowed to take reenlistments. Anyway, I'm getting off-topic.

The only time I've fasted was when the doc asked me to do a colonoscopy on my 50th birthday. That was just over 24 hours. Now, almost 3 years later, I'm noticing a lot of videos on TikTok that talk about fasting and all of the benefits. (FYI: TikTok is a great distraction! 30 minutes on the stair climber only feels like 5 minutes) Here is the latest that makes me want to fast:

But I have questions if I were to try a 3 to 5-day fast:
  • I take supplements (Vitamine D, Zinc, Magnesium). I guess these stop while on a fast. Right?
  • What about going to the gym? Do I skip the gym on the days that I am fasting?
  • If I do still go to the gym, would I pass out if I tried doing cardio?
I'm super healthy! I just want to get this gut out of my life. I can't seem to get rid of it for the life of me!


TID Board Of Directors
Feb 3, 2011
You are close to my age then, old devil dog. I also served in the Corps from 88 to 92. I got out after Desert Storm because not many fields were allowed to take reenlistments. Anyway, I'm getting off-topic.

The only time I've fasted was when the doc asked me to do a colonoscopy on my 50th birthday. That was just over 24 hours. Now, almost 3 years later, I'm noticing a lot of videos on TikTok that talk about fasting and all of the benefits. (FYI: TikTok is a great distraction! 30 minutes on the stair climber only feels like 5 minutes) Here is the latest that makes me want to fast:

But I have questions if I were to try a 3 to 5-day fast:
  • I take supplements (Vitamine D, Zinc, Magnesium). I guess these stop while on a fast. Right?
  • What about going to the gym? Do I skip the gym on the days that I am fasting?
  • If I do still go to the gym, would I pass out if I tried doing cardio?
I'm super healthy! I just want to get this gut out of my life. I can't seem to get rid of it for the life of me!

You don’t NEED to stop taking supplements when doing an extended fast, but I find anything besides water bothers my empty stomach and as long as I hydrate thoroughly, 48-72 fasts don’t throw off my electrolyte/mineral balance enough to need to supplement anything.

I used to hit the gym for light workouts when I first started fasting, but now I just use my 3 fasting days for complete rejuvenation and recovery. Works for me.


VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
I find it very hard to fast on my training days. Monday and Wednesdays are 3 hours training sessions and fasting would not work.


VIP Member
Nov 16, 2022
I’d jokingly say whatever is the minimum needed to help you reach your goals. A few years back I decided I’d run a PSMF for 30 days, by the end of day 10 I was miserable….by day 14 I was in hell. I added one table spoon of natural peanut butter every morning with my shake and boom….cruised through the next 16 days and came out the other side shredded. PSMF isn’t really a fast per se, but just making a trivial adjustment helped get er done.


VIP Member
Aug 17, 2011
I don't know how much it works in terms of a short term fast for something like 16 hours, but I'm currently doing an experiment with a 56 hour period on a fasting mimicking type diet every week and a caloric surplus the other 5 days.

2 cups of romaine, 2 cups of spinach, 1 green pepper, fish oil, and 8 raw almonds each day for those 2 days.

As far as body composition and health markers, I'm leaning out while the scale is barely moving about the same as when I've done 2 day fasts in the past, and my blood pressure has been great. I'm 6 weeks in and should be getting blood work at 8 weeks to see if I'm really getting the health benefits that I would be with a proper fast.


TID Board Of Directors
May 3, 2011
You're safe with a lifesaver, but not much more.
jipped genes

jipped genes

VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
Water and black coffee is it for me
Same here, I have always heard ANY calories regardless from fat, protein or carbs...especially carbs blunts the benefits. I prefer black coffee so that is good, water also. Read somewhere that even artificial sweeteners will prevent many benefits.

I figure if you are gonna do it, might as well go all in and do it to the letter and just water, black coffee, and plain tea. (Green tea is beneficial for weight loss)


National Breast Implant Awareness Month Squeezer
Mar 18, 2012
Hard to undo the programming most of 'grew up' with in this game. I have great results fasting, noticing only positive outcomes. Fasting still seems like all my muscle mass is wasting away when I don't eat for more than 4hrs. All in my head.

Fasting for me is: water and electrolytes, electrolytes function like vehicles transporting the spent fuel and toxins out of the body.

Come on LK, you do can do this.


VIP Member
Dec 23, 2010
Just as the title says, what is too much while fasting that it will break the fast? Cream in a coffee? Flavor shot? Coconut oil? What is the maximum intake while fasting that will technically not disrupt the fast.
Anything that spikes insulin so yes, that flavor shot, which is all sugar will break your fast. Most low glycemic options will be OK.
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