I pose this question with the idea that masks and social distancing are here to stay. In Texas, no more than ten can gather at a time. This seems to spell doom for fitness centers. and gyms.
Will workout schedules be by appointment only? A business model that is not sustainable and is unsafe for serious lifters. Unless of course your spotter is a family member living in the same home with you. All ridiculous IMO. In Texas, Gov. Abbott announces yesterday no real plan to reopen. Just more nonsense about a committee and another announcement 27 April. I foresee lots of used equipment flooding the market in the next 90-120 days. Get your pennies ready.;-)
I am hoping this idiot of a Governor we have will wake the fuck up after all of the protest taking place in Austin. I know he is getting a lot of email too. I know I send one every friggin' day. Abbott actually opened up nothing but State Parks starting tomorrow. Probably there are also going to be a mountain of law suit start hitting governors. What they are doing is called a violation of civil rights. We have the right of free assembly. Abbott is already being sued by religious groups. Another 1st amendment right. I live in Houston and 6 Gold's Gyms are closing up, but they did very little business anyway and paid way too much money to Gold's for their franchise.
Once things get opened again, they will simply not have the people to go around checking on who is doing what. Social distancing is just not happening now. Walk into WalMart and it is packed, Lowes, Home Depot. No one is checking this now. Texas is unique that we pay no income tax. The state makes all of their money through property tax and sales tax. Gyms pay a whole lot of sales tax and we have a whole lot of gyms in Houston. Probably 150-200. The State will not be able to function soon if they don't start getting people out spending money again and that includes gyms. No gyms, no football, no basket ball, no base ball, no soccer, no rodeo and the conventions will be gone. These people need big packed venues to exist. Houston will dry up as will the state. I agree, it is all ridiculous. I can walk into a crowded Lowes any day., no social distancing and no limit to how many people are in there. Nothing is being sanitized. Yet we have to be treated like damn children and not allowed to go into a gym where all the germ-a-phoebes are using handfuls of paper towels and bottles of sanitize all over everything they touch already. Gyms are most likely the cleanest place in town.
These these silly ass strike forces are too much. Trumps plan was good and we should stick to it. Phase 1 gives gym permission to open back up. Abbott is a dumb ass and I am sorry to say I voted for him. Anyway, I think things will be right back to normal by May. The people in Texas have h ad enough of this nonsense. There are about 65 counties that did not have 1 case of this crap. Now we have over 1 million people in Texas out of work.