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What is the right time to begin Arimidex?



TID Board Of Directors
Apr 2, 2013
Where's graniteman at with his famous quote from the zombie kid, "I like toytles"


TID Board Of Directors
Apr 29, 2012
A shit I didn't even catch that lol, the direction this thread went made it seem like a today post.

It's a shame a simple question asked 2 years ago went into the direction it did today.

For me Aromasin tops Arimidex, can't stand Arimidex.

And in reviewing the thread, I can see I threw the first grenade which prompted FIST to get aggressive himself, but he has been giving such bad advice on AAS, training, blood clots, etc. and he has responded so aggressively to criticism in the past that I have a hard time being gentle with him, so instead I lob grenades at him. . . well deserved grenades, IMHO.


Sep 24, 2011
And in reviewing the thread, I can see I threw the first grenade which prompted FIST to get aggressive himself, but he has been giving such bad advice on AAS, training, blood clots, etc. and he has responded so aggressively to criticism in the past that I have a hard time being gentle with him, so instead I lob grenades at him. . . well deserved grenades, IMHO.

Look dickhead,you and the few other pussies on this board that only like to post like bitches about shit wouldn't know good advice if I drew you a blueprint first of all.Secondly,lets not try to bullshit anyone.You guys couldn't give a fuk about what advice I give,nor the board and its members.All you live for is to ac t like the punk kid bitches that you are and thats fine,but don't try to say its the endearing quality of protecting the board.If you want to be a bitch,then act like a grown up bitch and just admit what you are.

You pussies remind me of the idiot punk kids from one of those jackass movies.Stupid fuking dopers that do stupid shit for laughs.The real sad part is your lives.LMAO

So lets break down what you've said is bad advice.........

The AAS................reciting some text book shit on everything that adex can do in a thread of a guy running a 500mg ew cycle.......IS IDIOTIC EGGHEAD SHIT THAT MEANS NOTHING!

The blood clots..........My advice was to get it checked out asap you fuking idiot!! Saying that embolisms are more prone to clots above the knee is not advice jackass,its a fact.

Training.........How the fuk can you give bad advice on training???? Because you dont train a certain way??? Any articles ive posted on training has been from competitive guys and/or pros and shit that ive tried boy!!! But woodwise says its bad advice so who the hell are those guys or me to say its worked for us right??

No one here is gonna tell me shit about firsthand experience.No fuking nerd,egghead reciting shit from a textbook is gonna tell me what works and doesnt! I LIVE THE LIFE AND HAVE BEEN BEFORE MANY OF YOU JACKASSES WERE OUT OF DIAPERS OR FUKING BORN!! SO FUK YOU AND WHAT YOU THINK!!

Look,ive here and I do what I do.I was asked to limit the articles I post and I have.I started a fuking log and update it daily.I have respected EVERYONE here and not even responded to the PUSSY sh1t thats been posted about me as Im so far above you to even worry about that shit that its not worth my time.UNTIL RECENTLY.

When you come into another members thread talking shit that you obviously dont have a fuking clue about,im going to speak up.Some bullshit on bone health,and all the evils that adex can prevent from a 500mg EW cycle of test shows only your ignorance and willingness to talk shit for the sake of talking shit.You want to post stupid pussy shit about the articles I post,go for it,because while im here i'll continue to do what I do.But you CAN'T TALK ANYTHING about real life practical shit you punks!

Now that im semi-retired I have lots more time to respond and smack you bitches in the face when needed.

As for the bitching about rank on this board and getting banned and whatever else,I dont think I can make it any more clear that I dont give a fuk.If I get banned for posting too much...SO BE IT!! If I get banned for responding to a bunch of internet pussy's attackes to me for no reason.......SO BE IT!!! Ive been more than respectful to EVERYONE here and have never talked to anyone about ANYTHING!! Even when I dont agree with them,I show the respect and class of a MAN,not a bitch.

Its actually pathetic,ive got more threads started about me from wanna be men than I can even count!! LMFAO.You kids have some fuking happy,successful lives that im the meaning of your existence..I'll leave you to post stupid shit about me and I promise I wont speak again on this.



Sep 24, 2011
Are we done ?

I don't care what issues any of you have with one another elsewhere . It does not need to be brought here.
Also stop with the faggott word. Seriously it's offensive on too many levels. Call each other thunder**** or something

Im sorry RR.Im running a supraphysiological dosed cycle right now and I think im lacking on my Adex intake which is also causing problems with my corpus cavernosum.Im out of control right now and am ordering more adex as we speak to help get everything back to normal for me.LOL

Sorry,I couldn't help it.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Sep 21, 2011
I dont expect anyone to believe any of the "copy & paste" articles I post nor do I fuking care if they do.Not my articles and only posted for info and for those actually interested to do their own research and find out more.To the pussies that just post shit in the threads,it only shows what sad lives they have.Nothing better to do than follow my threads around like a bitch in heat and post stupid shit.LMFAO. All the educated ,holders of "BA's" in biology and what ever other bullshit bookworm title they hold posting up b/s in threads on an internet?? How successful those degrees have made them!!

But not a fuking soul on here is gonna tell me about some fuking egghead shit about what steroids do and are for!! When it comes to actual real life experience,I laugh at that shit! My personal experience and the countless others I have been part of through the decades gives me my validation.Not some fuking study done by some pencil-neck nerd that's never touched a weight or steroid in their life.

I'll keep pumping the iron through my 60's and well beyond while the punk kids keep reading shit about bone health and estradiol,and how Viagra only increases blood flow to the corpus cavernosum (LMFAO) etc,while im living it and operating my gym that owned/operated for almost 3 decades.

Coming from such a class act as yourself im crushed.LMFAO.

Once again,don't care what the drama queen of the board think of the articles.Obviously they are the highlight of your lives because you follow them along religiously.So keep laughing and i'll keep posting them.Or because you dont believe in them or the experts writing them should I not as well?? Well internet queen dasarge who spends his time posting crap in other members threads says it cant be true so.........LMFAO. I unlike you,use that actual research from those experts conducting it to continue my research into things. Not just make stupid statements on stuff that you have NO FIRSTHAND knowledge of.

Now back to the entire topic of this thread,the b/s ramblings of some egghead reading about something from a book or from the internet has no relevance on a 500mg test cycle and why he needs adex! Oh yeah,its for bone health and a drop in libido!!! Or was it estradiol?? Im so confused on these things.I need to read more and stay out of my gym!!

Aromatase inhibitors such as Aromasin and Arimidex are often prescribed to control estrogen levels in aging men who are not even using AAS. AI's can also help possibly prevent prostate issues/cancer as well in these individuals and those who do use AAS. Bloat can be caused by many different factors (sodium, insulin fluctuations, some supplements such as creatine, etc, etc) so using them solely due to water retention would not be an ideal reason to use them. The OP is older than many people here posting in the thread, so an ideal question would be to ask him if he had blood work performed (history of estradiol levels if possible) or even his age to gauge an ideal dosage.

I'm confused on the posts claim to not want to follow research done by "pencil necked nerds," but then later mention that you "use that actual research from those experts conducting it to continue my research into things."


Dec 2, 2013

Im sorry RR.Im running a supraphysiological dosed cycle right now and I think im lacking on my Adex intake which is also causing problems with my corpus cavernosum.Im out of control right now and am ordering more adex as we speak to help get everything back to normal for me.LOL

Sorry,I couldn't help it.

proving again your reading comprehension level is that of a 3rd graders.


Sep 10, 2011
Ok guys will finally be starting first cycle very soon, and one last question. I will be running adex as my AI. When do I begin taking it? Do I take it immediately with the first pin or do I wait 5 or 7 or 10 days or more, or do I not take it at all unless i see symptoms of gyno... thanks.

I'm pretty sure I got the dose right .5mg eod, I just dont know when i should begin taking it

Planned Cycle
wk 1-12 250mg test E 2x wk.
wk 1-6 50mg tbol ed
10 days after last pin i will begin running nolva 40/40/20/20 and liquid clomi 70/70/35/35

Bro - it's a matter of preference . I guess if you really are intent on getting freaky huge , wait to see if you need it .

Are you prone to estro sides ?? I'm one that utilizes the philosophy of prevention . However I control bloat mostly with my diet and my stims and stack with winny . While we all have our methods and faves . I personally use tamoxifen from day one for the sole reason I don't ever want to see gyno in the mirror . While it is weaker it is also receptor site specific .

As as dosage arimidex EOD as low as .25 mg .
Someone mentioned aromasin which will actually help improve your cycle - helps precontest and somewhat anti catabolic .


Sep 10, 2011
All bullshit aside!

I prefer Aromasin over Arimidex because Arimidex is too strong from me it dries my joints fast.

For me .5mg eod would be way too much, when I did use it .25mg e3d was what I ran.

I don't ever get gyno or signs of it just bloat and sensitivity, whichever comes 1st I dose up and it stops real fast.

You should not need it on 500mg a week but if you do .5eod IMO will be too much.

Absolutely!!! Like he says
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