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What is the right time to begin Arimidex?



VIP Member
Nov 20, 2014
Why are you screaming F.I.S.T.???
Are you upset because someone is questioning your "broscience"???
You've brought this on yourself with your ridiculous "copy and paste" posts and insistence that GMO's will be the doom of human existence. Top that off with your nonsensical posts regarding marijuana and baking soda being cures for cancer and it's gotten to the point where nothing you write can be taken seriously. You've become the butt of jokes and the laughing stock of the board, but I'm pretty sure you already know that.
Typing in all caps. also makes it look like you're a raging psycho...


Apr 20, 2011
All bullshit aside!

I prefer Aromasin over Arimidex because Arimidex is too strong from me it dries my joints fast.

For me .5mg eod would be way too much, when I did use it .25mg e3d was what I ran.

I don't ever get gyno or signs of it just bloat and sensitivity, whichever comes 1st I dose up and it stops real fast.

You should not need it on 500mg a week but if you do .5eod IMO will be too much.


Sep 24, 2011
Why are you screaming F.I.S.T.???
Are you upset because someone is questioning your "broscience"???
You've brought this on yourself with your ridiculous "copy and paste" posts and insistence that GMO's will be the doom of human existence. Top that off with your nonsensical posts regarding marijuana and baking soda being cures for cancer and it's gotten to the point where nothing you write can be taken seriously. You've become the butt of jokes and the laughing stock of the board, but I'm pretty sure you already know that.
Typing in all caps. also makes it look like you're a raging psycho...

Coming from such a class act as yourself im crushed.LMFAO.

Once again,don't care what the drama queen of the board think of the articles.Obviously they are the highlight of your lives because you follow them along religiously.So keep laughing and i'll keep posting them.Or because you dont believe in them or the experts writing them should I not as well?? Well internet queen dasarge who spends his time posting crap in other members threads says it cant be true so.........LMFAO. I unlike you,use that actual research from those experts conducting it to continue my research into things.Not just make stupid statements on stuff that you have NO FIRSTHAND knowledge of.

Now back to the entire topic of this thread,the b/s ramblings of some egghead reading about something from a book or from the internet has no relevance on a 500mg test cycle and why he needs adex! Oh yeah,its for bone health and a drop in libido!!! Or was it estradiol?? Im so confused on these things.I need to read more and stay out of my gym!!



Sep 24, 2011
All bullshit aside!

I prefer Aromasin over Arimidex because Arimidex is too strong from me it dries my joints fast.

For me .5mg eod would be way too much, when I did use it .25mg e3d was what I ran.

I don't ever get gyno or signs of it just bloat and sensitivity, whichever comes 1st I dose up and it stops real fast.

You should not need it on 500mg a week but if you do .5eod IMO will be too much.

Thanks for the firsthand experience brother.Of course cycling is a very independent thing and the needs and preferences of each person will vary,greatly sometimes and your decisions on what to use SHOULD ALWAYS be based on that experience.Not what's written by someone else that has no knowledge about you or your body and how it reacts.

As I suggested on the adex,I feel he should definitely not start taking it UNLESS his sides are too bad.

Thanks again and long time no talk.



VIP Member
Nov 20, 2014

Coming from such a class act as yourself im crushed.LMFAO.

Once again,don't care what the drama queen of the board think of the articles.Obviously they are the highlight of your lives because you follow them along religiously.So keep laughing and i'll keep posting them.Or because you dont believe in them or the experts writing them should I not as well?? Well internet queen dasarge who spends his time posting crap in other members threads says it cant be true so.........LMFAO. I unlike you,use that actual research from those experts conducting it to continue my research into things.Not just make stupid statements on stuff that you have NO FIRSTHAND knowledge of.

Now back to the entire topic of this thread,the b/s ramblings of some egghead reading about something from a book or from the internet has no relevance on a 500mg test cycle and why he needs adex! Oh yeah,its for bone health and a drop in libido!!! Or was it estradiol?? Im so confused on these things.I need to read more and stay out of my gym!!

Young man, when you get banned from this board again, (and just like you have from every board you've ever been associated with), rest assured I won't be the only one laughing...You've provided hours of entertainment for numerous VETS/VIPS throughout the entire community...Maybe someday if you ever accumulate a modicum of common sense, and/or learn how to properly write in the English language, you can join the ranks of the board's elite...Until then, the jokes on you my friend...


TID Board Of Directors
Apr 29, 2012

All this over a fuking 500mg a week TEST cycle asking about .05mg Adex???? LMFAO


This debate is made even more irrelevant, by the fact the OP is from January 2013.


Apr 20, 2011
This debate is made even more irrelevant, by the fact the OP is from January 2013.

A shit I didn't even catch that lol, the direction this thread went made it seem like a today post.

It's a shame a simple question asked 2 years ago went into the direction it did today.

For me Aromasin tops Arimidex, can't stand Arimidex.


Sep 24, 2011
Young man, when you get banned from this board again, (and just like you have from every board you've ever been associated with), rest assured I won't be the only one laughing...You've provided hours of entertainment for numerous VETS/VIPS throughout the entire community...Maybe someday if you ever accumulate a modicum of common sense, and/or learn how to properly write in the English language, you can join the ranks of the board's elite...Until then, the jokes on you my friend...

Oh no,banned??? You mean I wont be welcomed from idiots that like to act like bitches and try to bully members around?? Isnt it amazing that the same dozen people are the ones posting shit and talking shit to others? Isnt it even more amazing that a board owner asks for suggestions on getting more activity on a board and those same dipshits are the ones saying.....WE DON'T NEED TO CHANGE ANYTHING HERE"?? The fuking board owner is asking for ideas because OBVIOUSLY he wants things to be different to ENCOURAGE other members to start posting and he gets the same bullshit answers from the ones pushing members away from posting for fear of trash talk?? Hey dumbass,you keep that rank that is obviously so important in your life.Unlike you,I don't give a fuk what it says under my name on an internet board.If I did,I would be the same ass kissing faggot that you are following other members around to post stupid shit.LMFAO. You're such a VIP.

To anyone else that hasnt posted because of idiots like this,fuk them.Don't let anyone keep you from posting.Those that talk shit to others on a board arent WORTHY of your worrying about them.Post up whatever,whenever you want and the many good people on the board will gladly reply with intelligent responses.So just ignore the drama queen bitch shit and attribute it to what they are in the real world.

You just keep posting fag shit in peoples threads son.Its obviously what you're best at.When it comes to actual practice on something,and knowing what the fuk you're talking about,you're clearly in the dark boy.Well that and the fact that you're too insignificant to anyone on the board that all you look for is the attention of trash talking others to blow your own ego up.VIP??? YEA,VIP BITCH!!! LMFAO.



VIP Member
Nov 20, 2014
You'll be banned again soon enough young man. Every board owner on the internet eventually gets tired of having to babysit you. The Administrator's of this board are absolute angels for putting up with your nonsense for this long. Kudos to them for their patience. The experienced members of the community will once again have the last laugh at your expense. Just think F.I.S.T., your next log in could very well be your last...Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock...


Dec 2, 2013
This is almost too asinine to even reply to.I guess when you use terms like "supraphysiological levels of testosterone" it makes it sound official and warrants merit? Give me a fuking break.The OP is talking about running a simple cycle of test @ 500mg a week and and asking when he should start adex and you're talking "supraphysiological levels of testosterone" and "bone health" and "estradiol levels",etc.GIVE ME A FUKING BREAK!!! Its a fuking simple test cycle for Christs sake!! At worst,what will his negative sides be from this 12 wk course? What the **** is he worried about all that bullshit that you rambled off???

Any idiot can do an internet search on what the definitions and chemical breakdown and what possible side effects there could be and what possible negative health issues there could be from taking any given compound but I can GUARANTEE you he wasnt thinking of taking Adex for anything other than bloat.No is recommending taking adex on a fuking 500mg EW cycle of test for fuking bone health or to help with a decreased libido!!! Decreased libido BY INCREASING YOUR TEST LEVEL WITH A 500mg EW TEST CYCLE??? DUMB-ASS.Another book worm!!

You reciting all the shit Adex can be used for has no relevance on the OP's question nor my statements WHAT-SO-EVER!! Once again,as my first reply to yours was,I DON'T DISAGREE WITH YOU ON WHAT ADEX CAN HELP CONTROL. My statements over and over again are what in the mind set of people when starting out AAS and the reasons they are told to take something.What I said,and i'll say it again because obviously your nose is too far into a book reading about what steroids do to have understood me......THE RELEVANCE IS NOT EVERYTHING THAT ADEX OR VIAGRA OR CIALIS DOES OR DOESNT DO.............ITS THE THOUGHT PROCESS OF THE PEOPLE TAKING THEM!! You think when someone has a problem with a dead dick,they're waiting around to find out from their blood work what they need to work on to improve this or ARE THEY TAKING VIAGRA TO FIX IT NOW???? Whether or not it increases ones sex drive or not doesnt fuking matter or drugs like Viagra and CIALIS wouldn't be multi-million $ a yr drugs!! They take it for an INSTANT FIX!! Again,the thought process of why people take it.Not the egghead version of what it doesnt do.Tell someone with a deadick that they shouldn't take Viagra because it wont fix their sex drive which is the cause of their problem and they'll probably pop a Viagra and bend you over and a$$ you in the ass for being so fuking stupid!

When you start taking AAS,you dont have to be a chemical engineer to know why they work,ONLY THAT THEY WORK!! The learning of more detail into how and why steroids work will come later.The guys that don't have "BA"'s in biology dont know why something works or doesn't and can only go by what the "bro-science" tells them.Right or wrong ,it is what it is.Thats how most start out and hopefully learn from there.

Now as far as my blood work son,have it done all the time so I don't have to worry about me not feeling bad but being wrong about it.If and when my bloods do show something I make changes to fix it.But that doesnt include first running to any drug that some dr says I should.And like I said,at almost 60 with 5 kids and a 6 yr old I think I know what the fuk im doing.\

My suggestion to you would be stop reading books and actually start running some cycles and monitor others and see what their reactions are from them.Ive been cycling for 3 fuking decades and know more people that have done the same for more days than books you've read!

Ok so basically all you've shown with this post is someone can be cycling for 3 decades and still be a newbie when it comes to AAS and related topics and for that i congratulate you bc you ruined your credibility much more than I could have. I tip my hat to you sir.

The average male makes around 100-150mg of test naturally a week. Yes a 500mg test only cycle is a basic cycle but that's still well beyond what any human could make naturally....otherwise you wouldn't cycle that much. You cannot argue that test aromatizes. Neither can you argue against higher test means higher E2 bc if you did youd be a dummy and I don't think you're that far gone personally. Elevated E2 poses a significant amount of health hazards which no dietary intervention can prevent. Natural remedies like DIM/copper/zinc can help but usually is only good for very low dosed cycles or TRT. The remaining EFFECTIVE options are adex, letro, aromasin, or other aromatase inhibitors.

If reading comprehension isn't your strong suit I apologize but that's not my problem, it's yours. I said you take adex or something similar to treat decreased libido IF E2 being elevated is the culprit. No amount of Viagra will help if your E2 is high enough but you're more than welcome to try....

Viagra does nothing for sex drive. Libido and erections aren't the same thing. I'm no chemical engineer and even I know this.

it's pretty ****ing hilarious how you tell me to put a book down yet you copy and paste more articles than a NY Times reporter. Practice what you preach and put your asinine articles down and read something worthwhile.

Congrats on reaching 60 and having 5 kids, as irrelevant as that may be.
Bro Bundy

Bro Bundy

Nov 1, 2012
Ok so basically all you've shown with this post is someone can be cycling for 3 decades and still be a newbie when it comes to AAS and related topics and for that i congratulate you bc you ruined your credibility much more than I could have. I tip my hat to you sir.

The average male makes around 100-150mg of test naturally a week. Yes a 500mg test only cycle is a basic cycle but that's still well beyond what any human could make naturally....otherwise you wouldn't cycle that much. You cannot argue that test aromatizes. Neither can you argue against higher test means higher E2 bc if you did youd be a dummy and I don't think you're that far gone personally. Elevated E2 poses a significant amount of health hazards which no dietary intervention can prevent. Natural remedies like DIM/copper/zinc can help but usually is only good for very low dosed cycles or TRT. The remaining EFFECTIVE options are adex, letro, aromasin, or other aromatase inhibitors.

If reading comprehension isn't your strong suit I apologize but that's not my problem, it's yours. I said you take adex or something similar to treat decreased libido IF E2 being elevated is the culprit. No amount of Viagra will help if your E2 is high enough but you're more than welcome to try....

Viagra does nothing for sex drive. Libido and erections aren't the same thing. I'm no chemical engineer and even I know this.

it's pretty ****ing hilarious how you tell me to put a book down yet you copy and paste more articles than a NY Times reporter. Practice what you preach and put your asinine articles down and read something worthwhile.

Congrats on reaching 60 and having 5 kids, as irrelevant as that may be.
dont u mean u tip your turban? U fukkin hummus eating dork
Last edited:


Jan 26, 2011
Are we done ?

I don't care what issues any of you have with one another elsewhere . It does not need to be brought here.
Also stop with the faggott word. Seriously it's offensive on too many levels. Call each other thunder**** or something
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