This is almost too asinine to even reply to.I guess when you use terms like "supraphysiological levels of testosterone" it makes it sound official and warrants merit? Give me a fuking break.The OP is talking about running a simple cycle of test @ 500mg a week and and asking when he should start adex and you're talking "supraphysiological levels of testosterone" and "bone health" and "estradiol levels",etc.GIVE ME A FUKING BREAK!!! Its a fuking simple test cycle for Christs sake!! At worst,what will his negative sides be from this 12 wk course? What the **** is he worried about all that bullshit that you rambled off???
Any idiot can do an internet search on what the definitions and chemical breakdown and what possible side effects there could be and what possible negative health issues there could be from taking any given compound but I can GUARANTEE you he wasnt thinking of taking Adex for anything other than bloat.No is recommending taking adex on a fuking 500mg EW cycle of test for fuking bone health or to help with a decreased libido!!! Decreased libido BY INCREASING YOUR TEST LEVEL WITH A 500mg EW TEST CYCLE??? DUMB-ASS.Another book worm!!
You reciting all the shit Adex can be used for has no relevance on the OP's question nor my statements WHAT-SO-EVER!! Once again,as my first reply to yours was,I DON'T DISAGREE WITH YOU ON WHAT ADEX CAN HELP CONTROL. My statements over and over again are what in the mind set of people when starting out AAS and the reasons they are told to take something.What I said,and i'll say it again because obviously your nose is too far into a book reading about what steroids do to have understood me......THE RELEVANCE IS NOT EVERYTHING THAT ADEX OR VIAGRA OR CIALIS DOES OR DOESNT DO.............ITS THE THOUGHT PROCESS OF THE PEOPLE TAKING THEM!! You think when someone has a problem with a dead dick,they're waiting around to find out from their blood work what they need to work on to improve this or ARE THEY TAKING VIAGRA TO FIX IT NOW???? Whether or not it increases ones sex drive or not doesnt fuking matter or drugs like Viagra and CIALIS wouldn't be multi-million $ a yr drugs!! They take it for an INSTANT FIX!! Again,the thought process of why people take it.Not the egghead version of what it doesnt do.Tell someone with a deadick that they shouldn't take Viagra because it wont fix their sex drive which is the cause of their problem and they'll probably pop a Viagra and bend you over and a$$ you in the ass for being so fuking stupid!
When you start taking AAS,you dont have to be a chemical engineer to know why they work,ONLY THAT THEY WORK!! The learning of more detail into how and why steroids work will come later.The guys that don't have "BA"'s in biology dont know why something works or doesn't and can only go by what the "bro-science" tells them.Right or wrong ,it is what it is.Thats how most start out and hopefully learn from there.
Now as far as my blood work son,have it done all the time so I don't have to worry about me not feeling bad but being wrong about it.If and when my bloods do show something I make changes to fix it.But that doesnt include first running to any drug that some dr says I should.And like I said,at almost 60 with 5 kids and a 6 yr old I think I know what the fuk im doing.\
My suggestion to you would be stop reading books and actually start running some cycles and monitor others and see what their reactions are from them.Ive been cycling for 3 fuking decades and know more people that have done the same for more days than books you've read!