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Was approached with the "i wanna see abs"...LOL



Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Feb 15, 2013
The other day was with a lady acquaintance, and she asked me how to get flat abs and asked how are mine flat, what can she do to get flat ones like that. Mind you, this is a nurse....she knows her anatomy, she does sonagrams/mammograms/radio tech.....

I proceeded to explain to her..."now what is between your skin and the muscle?", once you minimize that, you can then see the muscle.

<blank face>, or i would explain it as not what she wanted to hear LOL. Told her to clean up diet, blah, blah, blah, you know the drill.....She has started working out pretty hard and is now lifting weights so that is good. Also told her about cardio and nutrition.

Funny once you get lean for a show (like a did a couple weeks ago), people come out of the woodwork asking you this or that. I swear, i go to talk to explain what you have to do...and ppl shut down. People don't wanna fuckin listen.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Yep, when you are in contest shape, you need to wear a shirt that says, "Leave me the fuck alone." So many people want to bother you. Had to add another 30 minutes to my gym time, just because everyone wants to stop you for advice.

A lady today called me her, "gymspiration."


Oct 11, 2023
Yep, when you are in contest shape, you need to wear a shirt that says, "Leave me the fuck alone." So many people want to bother you. Had to add another 30 minutes to my gym time, just because everyone wants to stop you for advice.

A lady today called me her, "gymspiration."
So true with regards to the "Leave me the fuck alone." Been there, done that. :)


TID Board Of Directors
Sep 30, 2011
So true with regards to the "Leave me the fuck alone." Been there, done that. :)
I just hand em my fitness consultant card now and tell em when you are ready to make a change for the better give us a shout!.
Airports, gas stations, hotels, uber drivers, subway workers I have been hit on so much lately from dudes my chic is jeolous and you fckers KNOW how hot she is!
Hit em in the wallet and don't give your time away, I did that shit for decades and like you said they don't want to listen to the truth..LMAO


Trump's Chief Volcano Surveyor
Nov 29, 2013
My guess is Bova's nurse-acquaintance would be horrified if she ever saw her own abs and really just wants her skinny-fat midsection to be smaller than it is now.

I would need to do a thorough examination to be sure of that, however.


VIP Member
Apr 8, 2015
I call them ask-holes, waste your time with a question like that then don’t want to do what you suggest, or it’s too much work.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Another one that really bothers me about this topic, they stop you and ask for advice when you are training a client. "Hey, I know you are with a client and I don't want to bother you, but..." Then fucking don't! My card is on the front desk and they know that. My number, email, Facebook and IG is on there. You can get ahold of me any other time.


VIP Member
Sep 5, 2012
Honestly I do this one thing. If they do, I give my phone number and they can call me anytime 24/7, text I don't care all for free. If they listen, and don't question me for hours on end, it means they are willing to put their past experience to the side and acknowledge there is something to learn, a reason for what I do. Heart, passion, discipline and desire you can't train into people. Exercise, strength and form you can.

I literally tell people this for anything....'drink a full glass of water before every meal'. That is it. You will eat less, learn how little water you probably intake a day, feel better and odds are if you do it, you will drink more water in general. The ones who do always come back with the same feedback that lets me know they gave it a honest try. I can't train the fat out of you. You can drug it, lipo it, cut it out...but none of those are sustainable dynamics. Only a desire to better yourself and discipline are. When I used to help people I'd get text all hours of day, I honestly didn't mind. If I help you also generate ideas for myself, for the future, every wins.

If you don't take the advice you ask from me, you get the 'uh huh', 'how's that working?'...just bunch of generic responses.
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