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Var or winny for cutting



VIP Member
May 23, 2011
If she’s already running TRT then I’d think she’s get more from the Winstrol. Var at her level would require more mgs and more $$.
Clitoral growth isn’t gonna matter and I’m sure her voice changed already if at all from the T.
She already has voice change and she packing more down there than me now LOL .


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2013
She already has voice change and she packing more down there than me now LOL .
Mine too lol. I feel bad for men who never experience the sexual sides of steroids in women. Back when the Mrs. first started test we were up at 20mg/wk and she was ridiculously "aggressive" and up for anything. Thankfully a more sensible 10mg/wk still keeps her horny and the only danger of clitoral hypertrophy is me getting lazy because anything makes her cum lol.


VIP Member
Dec 17, 2019
I’m a var guy, worked with women that have used both and var is better tolerated and gives great results 10 - 20 mg range. Never seen anything in the lit that suggests it is harder on the kidneys and I never rely on creatinine in lifters male or female for eGFR, always Cystatin C. Just my two cents. Run what works best for you and has the least sides. Try them both and decide labs before and after.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
Mine too lol. I feel bad for men who never experience the sexual sides of steroids in women. Back when the Mrs. first started test we were up at 20mg/wk and she was ridiculously "aggressive" and up for anything. Thankfully a more sensible 10mg/wk still keeps her horny and the only danger of clitoral hypertrophy is me getting lazy because anything makes her cum lol.
I'm a guy in that department. My wife and I have been married almost 35 years, and she's the sweetest person on the planet. However, menopause was not kind to her sexually. She'll have sex with me, but not because she's interested; rather, simply because she's gracious. Quite frankly, it's messed with my head a good bit and shaken my confidence in myself. On top of all the other mid-life crisis BS (I'm turning into Mr. Magoo, bald and blind), you can throw that right on top of the stack.

I've suggested she try a test dermal or low dose var, but she's really not interested. I think she just imagines the worst, and since she's "willing", I think she just doesn't see a problem. I, on the other hand, think it would be really great for her, and would probably help me feel less like a loser than normal. LOL


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2013
There might be a shelf life for the effect but I’ve trained women in there early 60s who were literal cougars lol


VIP Member
Dec 10, 2013
My new gal is getting ready to run var & 5-10 mgs a week for the first time. Getting 20 mg capsules so she will have to split them up as close as she can to get 5 mgs.
Thank the Lord she already lives sex so based off the stories I’ve heard about var I may be in trouble! Lol


Senior Moderators
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Dec 25, 2010
I've heard of these strange, mythic tales of women who actually desire sexual relations with their spouses. I've also heard of tales of fire-breathing dragons, and guys that have pulled a sword out of a stone.

I feel stupid and ungrateful even complaining about it, but it's hard to overstate just how difficult it is when your spouse is taking one for the team. It kind of belies the stereotype that all guys view sex solely as a physical act, and not an emotional connection. Maybe my estrogen is high.... LOL


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2013
I've heard of these strange, mythic tales of women who actually desire sexual relations with their spouses. I've also heard of tales of fire-breathing dragons, and guys that have pulled a sword out of a stone.

I feel stupid and ungrateful even complaining about it, but it's hard to overstate just how difficult it is when your spouse is taking one for the team. It kind of belies the stereotype that all guys view sex solely as a physical act, and not an emotional connection. Maybe my estrogen is high.... LOL
I f this is such a real issue, have her talk to her OB. I work with dozens of middle aged, non-athletic women on the Exuberan (sp) pellets who swear the change was like magic. I have been (monogamous) with the same woman for 22yrs and spend at least 3 nights a week in the hot tub followed by great sex still. I'm 52 she's 45 and it's honestly a "top 5" reason we are still going strong. You and your wife should approach it as a couple, she loves you enough to take it for the team...she might be willing to go the professional route thru her doctor.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
I f this is such a real issue, have her talk to her OB. I work with dozens of middle aged, non-athletic women on the Exuberan (sp) pellets who swear the change was like magic. I have been (monogamous) with the same woman for 22yrs and spend at least 3 nights a week in the hot tub followed by great sex still. I'm 52 she's 45 and it's honestly a "top 5" reason we are still going strong. You and your wife should approach it as a couple, she loves you enough to take it for the team...she might be willing to go the professional route thru her doctor.
Thanks Mike, I really appreciate it. And coming from you, I give your inputs a TON of weight. I'll broach the topic again when I think it can be a constructive conversation, and see if we can see some progress.

I have to be careful about the topic, as I don't want her to feel like I'm attacking her, or telling her she's broken, etc. In the same way that I'm probably over sensitive on this, she is as well.

Kind of like buying your wife a Weight Watchers membership for a B-day present, LOL.


VIP Member
May 23, 2011
Talking about hormone replacement with your wife is a very touchy subject. My wife and I have been together over 34 years when she had her tubes tied after her eighth baby... No no no not mine or hers she was a surrogate mother. We just have one. Anyway she had her tubes tied and that screwed up her hormones for several years after that she was spiraling downhill to the point where we didn't talk and the only sex we had was more obligatory sex. I took a chance one day Saturday down and just said look you're a bitch and we need to figure out what's going on. My wife doesn't cry but she broke down in tears and we started researching talk to several hormone doctors and most of them knew nothing. They kept trying to give her more estrogen and her estrogen levels were already high. So we took it upon ourselves to start low dosing testosterone and we've never looked back.

She is insatiable and honestly if I could do it we'd have sex 3 or 4 times a day everyday. Luckily I have a stand in and he does a pretty good job when I can't. We are very open relationship and for us sex is sex and Love Is Love and neither crosses the line.

Unfortunately women feel that they're decline in their sex drive is just natural which in a sense I guess it is but it doesn't have to be. But it is a very touchy subject just to bring up and say you need to be on testosterone replacement cuz I need some good loving. My wife was open to it and we've done amazing things since.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
Yes, I agree that finding the proper time to discuss something like that is critical. I can tell you that your approach would likely have landed me out at the curb! LOL


VIP Member
Feb 3, 2023
Yes, I agree that finding the proper time to discuss something like that is critical. I can tell you that your approach would likely have landed me out at the curb! LOL
I had to have a complete hysterectomy at 38, wasn't running any AAS and my sex drive was off the charts. Then? BAM like a truck hit me... nothing. Absolutely zero. No porn, no interest in dating, nada! In my city, HRT isn't popular. My OB, my PCP, my endo... no one would help. I became so severely depressed, suicidal thoughts were high and my weight blew up severely. Finally, an old lifting buddy told me about this place locally. My test was at a 13 and I couldn't believe it. My small shot of cyp with the pellets from her changed me instantly. The sex drive didn't hit right away, but mood did. And I just turned 50 so I'm not that old... miserable? Yes lol. Hope everything goes well for you Tommy!
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