Mine too lol. I feel bad for men who never experience the sexual sides of steroids in women. Back when the Mrs. first started test we were up at 20mg/wk and she was ridiculously "aggressive" and up for anything. Thankfully a more sensible 10mg/wk still keeps her horny and the only danger of clitoral hypertrophy is me getting lazy because anything makes her cum lol.
I'm a guy in that department. My wife and I have been married almost 35 years, and she's the sweetest person on the planet. However, menopause was not kind to her sexually. She'll have sex with me, but not because she's interested; rather, simply because she's gracious. Quite frankly, it's messed with my head a good bit and shaken my confidence in myself. On top of all the other mid-life crisis BS (I'm turning into Mr. Magoo, bald and blind), you can throw that right on top of the stack.
I've suggested she try a test dermal or low dose var, but she's really not interested. I think she just imagines the worst, and since she's "willing", I think she just doesn't see a problem. I, on the other hand, think it would be really great for her, and would probably help me feel less like a loser than normal. LOL