VIP Member
- Oct 20, 2011
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I'm starting this thread for the guys that really get their body fat down to the low single digits.
We are talking 3 or 4% body fat. From my own experience I found that longer diets got me into crazy low body fat %. At the same time it would get me mental about just how depleted I was.
My wife would see I was losing most focus for just about everything. She would almost demand I have a pizza. Home made and fairly clean. None the less very good and not fish or green beans.
I have been down the dieting road with her for many years. She became very good at letting me know time to refeed.
We all know we dont think right when we are depleted. It is good to have a one go to person to help us see the light at times. In my case the wife.
This brings me to what I titled this thread. SHOW week. If our ass is still very depleted it really takes longer then 24 hours to really fill out. With all the shows under my belt I would experiment with when to start reloading and with how many carbs and what carbs. IMO ok this is what I think. The body needs to start filling back out Tuesday of Show week. Yep, If you are truly depleted. Starting to ramp up carbs, Tues, Wed, Thurs and then level back down Friday is not the end of the world. In fact you should not spill if you just watch and learn your body. Not a easy task by any stretch. All while pushing gallons and gallons of water. Crazy low body fat levels permits this to work really well.
How many times do you hear guys say just how incredible they looked Sunday and Monday post show? We have all heard it and seen it. I just wanted to bring the topic up. So, often guys are just too fearful of losing conditioning. When in fact if the muscle can fill out more the conditioning will look better and the muscles harder.
My last time out I dieted for 24 weeks going into my goal show. 2 shows before the goal show. I know for a fact I looked my best at the 2nd show. The last show I had 600 carbs Tues, 600 carbs Wed and 400 carbs Thurs. Friday 200 (should have had more Friday) First thing Saturday am I could tell I was still depleted. Shit I was still dropping weight while doing nothing but sitting and laying down. You wonder what my scale wt was that day? 170#. Yes, my tiny ass took in that many carbs. Pushing water high 3 gallon through Thur, 2 gallon by 5pm Friday.
I still placed top 3 at this national show. No way I would ever beat the 2 short ass thick dudes in my class regardless of carbs on Friday. I just know I could have looked better. Might have been too my body was Screaming UNCLE. Enough be done.
Ok, just wanted to put this thought in guys minds.
We are talking 3 or 4% body fat. From my own experience I found that longer diets got me into crazy low body fat %. At the same time it would get me mental about just how depleted I was.
My wife would see I was losing most focus for just about everything. She would almost demand I have a pizza. Home made and fairly clean. None the less very good and not fish or green beans.
I have been down the dieting road with her for many years. She became very good at letting me know time to refeed.
We all know we dont think right when we are depleted. It is good to have a one go to person to help us see the light at times. In my case the wife.
This brings me to what I titled this thread. SHOW week. If our ass is still very depleted it really takes longer then 24 hours to really fill out. With all the shows under my belt I would experiment with when to start reloading and with how many carbs and what carbs. IMO ok this is what I think. The body needs to start filling back out Tuesday of Show week. Yep, If you are truly depleted. Starting to ramp up carbs, Tues, Wed, Thurs and then level back down Friday is not the end of the world. In fact you should not spill if you just watch and learn your body. Not a easy task by any stretch. All while pushing gallons and gallons of water. Crazy low body fat levels permits this to work really well.
How many times do you hear guys say just how incredible they looked Sunday and Monday post show? We have all heard it and seen it. I just wanted to bring the topic up. So, often guys are just too fearful of losing conditioning. When in fact if the muscle can fill out more the conditioning will look better and the muscles harder.
My last time out I dieted for 24 weeks going into my goal show. 2 shows before the goal show. I know for a fact I looked my best at the 2nd show. The last show I had 600 carbs Tues, 600 carbs Wed and 400 carbs Thurs. Friday 200 (should have had more Friday) First thing Saturday am I could tell I was still depleted. Shit I was still dropping weight while doing nothing but sitting and laying down. You wonder what my scale wt was that day? 170#. Yes, my tiny ass took in that many carbs. Pushing water high 3 gallon through Thur, 2 gallon by 5pm Friday.
I still placed top 3 at this national show. No way I would ever beat the 2 short ass thick dudes in my class regardless of carbs on Friday. I just know I could have looked better. Might have been too my body was Screaming UNCLE. Enough be done.
Ok, just wanted to put this thought in guys minds.