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"under duress" Arizona certifies election



TID Board Of Directors
Sep 30, 2011
Anyone catching Twitter files on the TV?

I'm thinking not unless it's to show the fbi is truly a victim, lol


TID Board Of Directors
Sep 30, 2011
Trial is over. The judge has ruled, "nothing to see here".

This is actually the best verdict long term.


Yes, by the judge's ruling, we now see the evidence and also see the court's deep state ruling. Not like 2020 where no judge would look at the evidence, all dismissed for no merit.

If the evidence was allowed to be looked at from the 2020, people would be shocked, like learning these vaccines are killing us and Jan 6th was a hoax.

I saw the evidence and it's worse than this AZ election.

Far worse :cool:

Here is SOME of the court room evidence, judge for yourself. If the judge made a good call, let's here it.

The biggest question was the print on demand ballots.

In the highly red/republican areas, the printers were printing 19" ballots on to 20" paper.

70+% of republicans vote on election day.

This in turn threw the machines off and would not accept the majority of ballots. Some were run through several times.

This happened in 73 (you can bet more) voting stations.

Here is a video of a voting station-

If they wouldn't go through, they were to be placed in a different box so the "trustworthy" workers can put them in manually after everyone is gone.

The only way to change this printer setting is by a supervisor with a passcode.

Here they are admitting it in court, yes, they admitted it-

Tha ballots that actually went through lined up differently. A vote for lake counted as a vote for hobbs-

This means that someone has to change the settings on election day at 73 locations with more than one machine per station.

Is that not enough evidence?

Here they are perjuring themselves on the first day.

They testified that they didn't know how the ballot size could be changed. The next day they changed their story with no questions on lying the first day.

The second day they testified that they were having trouble on prior elections.

How you ask?

It's rigged with a predetermined outcome.

Runbeck Whistleblower Reveals That Chain Of Custody For OVER 298,942 Maricopa County Ballots Delivered To Runbeck On Election Day Did Not Exist, Employees Allowed To Add Family Members’ Ballots Without Any Documentation

No chain of custody is illegal in every state and every county.

Almost 300,000 in this case and only on election day when 70+% of republicans vote.

All 2020 swing states had NO CHAIN OF CUSTODY either. Yes, add as many ballots as you like.

Without a chain of custody, ballots can be added or taken away during transport.

Nothing was counted until it hit the third party vendor runbeck, where they were allowed to add votes.

There's more but I'll get it up.

What do you think ladies and gents?

You can search all this info yourself.
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Massive G

VIP Member
Apr 10, 2020
Trial is over. The judge has ruled, "nothing to see here".

This is actually the best verdict long term.


Yes, by the judge's ruling, we now see the evidence and also see the court's deep state ruling. Not like 2020 where no judge would look at the evidence, all dismissed for no merit.

If the evidence was allowed to be looked at from the 2020, people would be shocked, like learning these vaccines are killing us and Jan 6th was a hoax.

I saw the evidence and it's worse than this AZ election.

Far worse :cool:

Here is SOME of the court room evidence, judge for yourself. If the judge made a good call, let's here it.

The biggest question was the print on demand ballots.

In the highly red/republican areas, the printers were printing 19" ballots on to 20" paper.

70+% of republicans vote on election day.

This in turn threw the machines off and would not accept the majority of ballots. Some were run through several times.

This happened in 73 (you can bet more) voting stations.

Here is a video of a voting station-

If they wouldn't go through, they were to be placed in a different box so the "trustworthy" workers can put them in manually after everyone is gone.

The only way to change this printer setting is by a supervisor with a passcode.

Here they are admitting it in court, yes, they admitted it-

Tha ballots that actually went through lined up differently. A vote for lake counted as a vote for hobbs-

This means that someone has to change the settings on election day at 73 locations with more than one machine per station.

Is that not enough evidence?

Here they are perjuring themselves on the first day.

They testified that they didn't know how the ballot size could be changed. The next day they changed their story with no questions on lying the first day.

The second day they testified that they were having trouble on prior elections.

How you ask?

It's rigged with a predetermined outcome.

Runbeck Whistleblower Reveals That Chain Of Custody For OVER 298,942 Maricopa County Ballots Delivered To Runbeck On Election Day Did Not Exist, Employees Allowed To Add Family Members’ Ballots Without Any Documentation

No chain of custody is illegal in every state and every county.

Almost 300,000 in this case and only on election day when 70+% of republicans vote.

All 2020 swing states had NO CHAIN OF CUSTODY either. Yes, add as many ballots as you like.

Without a chain of custody, ballots can be added or taken away during transport.

Nothing was counted until it hit the third party vendor runbeck, where they were allowed to add votes.

There's more but I'll get it up.

What do you think ladies and gents?

You can search all this info yourself.
No large scale ballot or voter fraud will ever be allowed to proceed. They throw out all the evidence. Look at the many states that changed their laws immediately before the 2020 election. Supreme Court would not intervene. How is it legal for election workers to add information to ballots that is missing. The law used to discard those votes. I could go on and on.
You don't have to convince me of anything I am with you. Democrats are already the next strategy to turn the 2024 election like the borg assimilating everything in their path.


TID Board Of Directors
Sep 30, 2011
No large scale ballot or voter fraud will ever be allowed to proceed. They throw out all the evidence. Look at the many states that changed their laws immediately before the 2020 election. Supreme Court would not intervene. How is it legal for election workers to add information to ballots that is missing. The law used to discard those votes. I could go on and on.
You don't have to convince me of anything I am with you. Democrats are already the next strategy to turn the 2024 election like the borg assimilating everything in their path.
Ya man, they proved it in Arizona for real.

My "conspiracy theories" run a bit deeper than I usually talk about. The only thing left is for the military to step in and for people like us to spread the truth as far as we can.

Seems I've always known it would be up to the military though. Until people wake up and accept that we are being taken over by communism, we will keep going down and losing everything. People aren't going to change unless they change. They need to see and experience it for themselves.

We need to relearn what to look out for so they can't take us over like that again. I remember it from school in the 70s. This is a big reason I see what I do.

Trump signed an EO in 2018 stating any outside election interference by other countries would be considered an act of war.

Other countries did interfere and they know it. This makes trump a war time president with special powers.

IMO, trump never left and they continue to collect evidence. He's just working behind the scenes so he can't be blamed for everything. He needed to be out of the picture so others can bring it out.

Not just here but around the world as well. This is much bigger than our elections, the whole world is being dismantled and rebuilt for communist/authoritarian rule.

Killing off as many of the populous as they can in the process.

This is truly about saving the world as we know it.

People may think I'm nutz but I would suggest to them to go back and look at my conspiracy theory threads that are no longer conspiracy theories wether news açcepts it or not.


TID Board Of Directors
Sep 30, 2011
These are the numbers for the 2020 election. It has refs at the bottom.

It shows illegal votes in the swing states. Each broken down by category.

At the bottom it shows total illegal votes, margin of winning biden votes and how many more illegal votes were over the winning margin.

I've had this saved since the election. These numbers were out back then if you knew the places to look.



VIP Member
Jan 8, 2011

“Explosive testimony at the Senate elections & house oversight hearings in Ariz. alleges judges, cops & gov't officials have been bribed by the Sinaloa cartel Elections in Maricopa county have been rigged since at 2004. Katie Hobbs and Runbeck named as recipients of cartel bribes”
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VIP Member
Oct 10, 2010
This waste of life shit is STILL going on?! o_O
We have a culture of programmed drones — Very FEW know how to live their own lives with their own mind anymore. There’s blame rightfully contributed to numerous factors — But we have a public at large that’s most responsible for their own loss of autonomy.
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