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"under duress" Arizona certifies election



VIP Member
Oct 10, 2010

Massive G

VIP Member
Apr 10, 2020
Lol, the dems will win back middle America?

How is that when in 2 years from now they won't be able to afford a coffee on the way to work?

Inflation and crashing the dollar is what's going to bring us together. You can't hide broke and everyone will know it's the dems because they are in charge.

Money seems to be the only thing all can agree on.
I don't know H if 2 years of absolute hell in this country didn't do get the Republicans in check with power I don't know what will.

Massive G

VIP Member
Apr 10, 2020
How utterly mentally restarted to continue with concern and upset about politics and voting.
FUCK all of the BS waste of life. FORGET ABOUT IT. Without all out civil war mayhem, there’s nothing that can be done about it, and even then the same old shit would develop once again.
We simply need to live OUR lives however we choose, and not waste one more second of thought about politicians, voting, gov’t :rolleyes:
I really wish I had the will power to do so. But this shit eats me up. Weak ass Republicans and tyrannical democrats. Not that the typical globalist Republicans like Bush that really knocked this country back with Iraq Afghanistan and Homeland Security to name a few.....all equally worthless.


VIP Member
Oct 10, 2010
What’s YOUR “non sitting on your hands” plan of action? Voting is out — no longer (if it EVER was, which I personally don’t think it EVER was) relevant, effectual. Both / All angles of the ruling class construct are controlling, worthless, of no authentic benefit to the public.



TID Board Of Directors
Sep 30, 2011

You made several new posts on "sitting on your hands" to convince me so I won't quote each one.

Before I respond I want to make sure we are on the same page.

What I'm getting from you is we should go about our lives and let them continue to take every last freedom we have, kill us off and make us 3rd world because there is nothing we can do about it.

Sound like I'm getting it or not?



TID Board Of Directors
Sep 30, 2011
I don't know H if 2 years of absolute hell in this country didn't do get the Republicans in check with power I don't know what will.
Yes, I understand why you would think that. The republican party is either deep state or too scared to stand up.

We view things differently with different outcomes. I see a different ending to this than most people.

At that time, people will stand up together or fight each other.

The solution is the America First Agenda which isn't republican or democrat. It's Trump's agenda.

Hear me out. This is where most people continue to read but tune everything out.

Like him or not he did more for the country than the last presidents combined. That's going back to the bush boys.

His pics for the primaries were America First people. Over 200 of his pics won and about 20 lost. That's why GOP put funds on non trump pics. These pics would have changed things from the bottom up.

Trump did more for destroying the deep state agenda than anyone. He simply reversed their policies. They did not need over 200 more people changing things for the better of Americans.

I don't understand the people that know the news is fake but still follow the fake news narrative about him. Hell, the fake news convinced more than half of America to take the death jab, wear masks that didn't work, stay locked down, ect... We were free in Florida and we had some of the best COVID numbers.

A real investigative reporter would have debunked all this COVID shit just like a lot of us did. I've been fighting this shit since we became racist so it was ok to burn cities down. The fake news pushed the BLM narrative which was bullshit because that was the narrative they were told to follow.

You don't think they can make a sitting president look bad? They can destroy anyone at anytime.

Hell they had almost half of Americans thinking Biden was good for the country. Look at the country now.

Totally opposite on both men.

I think the military will be involved before it's all over. I do not believe there are no hard core American patriot generals out there ready to fight for this.

IMO, we are going through a wake up period. In this period our system will continue to crash until enough people see. People have to wake up before any real changes can be made.

I'm looking for them to put an end to the central banks rule. Which means we will be on a different currency. I'm also looking for a different govt to be installed.

If I'm wrong, we will still end the dollar (federal reserve note). Except we will be introduced to the new digital currency and eliminate all paper and coins.

This is why they are bankrupting every country out there they have a grip on. The debts are too high and can't be paid back.

They have this system in china. If your not a good little commy, you are limited to grocery purchase only. No movies, restaurants, bars, ext...

They have a social credit system. They are wanting to implement that here.

I'm not sure where your head is at with this one world order but they intend to make all countries the same.

It will be easier to see as the months pass and they have to get more aggressive. Our govt does not follow the constitution anymore. Many people don't know it because they don't even understand what the constitution means.

It was put in place so we couldn't be taken over. That's why they can't change the voting laws, so we can't be taken over.

But, they did change the voting laws.

Sorry dude I'm must be in ramble mode. I'll shut up :oops:


VIP Member
Oct 10, 2010

You made several new posts on "sitting on your hands" to convince me so I won't quote each one.

Before I respond I want to make sure we are on the same page.

What I'm getting from you is we should go about our lives and let them continue to take every last freedom we have, kill us off and make us 3rd world because there is nothing we can do about it.

Sound like I'm getting it or not?

Who is the “them” you reference; “….should go about our lives and let THEM continue to take every last freedom we have”?

“Them,” — they, are doing whatever they choose according to their agendas regardless of how we feel, think, believe. Pretty much always been that way whether we’ve been aware of it or not. The aristocracy / money creators / wealth holders and controllers have always pursued the objectives of their own desires and making. The “ruling class” — societal owners, orchestrators. The political class are merely corporate employees one and ALL.

WE have only, both past and present, been servants of their devices; the machine, the “system.”

H, we have NO “freedom” so only illusions are being “taken away.”

The only true freedom we have is what we assert as our natural born rights (be it “legal” or not).

What we in fact have, are restrictions, regulations and such over whatever “privileges” the enforcement class under their employers / owners allow us. We have mistaken these privileges as freedom because SOME happen to coincide with natural Rights, yet nevertheless we have NO “freedoms” but those we give ourselves and act upon regardless of “law,” political class edicts, so on and so forth.

So yes, there is NOTHING you nor I can do about their system. We can choose however to do as we will, governed only by our own intuitions, will and desires. Hopefully you and I take such freedom (true freedom) with great responsibility of character and awareness of our fellow humans natural Rights and freedoms. And we utilize these with sensitivity and equality toward others in whatever manner, of course to a self governed limit, of imposing or victimizing others. It is a massive responsibility to truly live free. If we are “governed,” we are not free. EVERYTHING, all interactions, transactions, exchanges and such necessitate being voluntary choice — where and when they aren’t, freedom is non existent.

No political party or construct can grant nor lord over true / authentic freedom. Freedom is ours to decide and assert — clearly and obviously under a self governed manner wherein it does not harm / victimize our fellow man in its undertaking. Where and when that element does exist, natural consequences exist. How we ultimately come to rectify that percentage of victimizers / “criminals” is something that more naturally, organically needs to develop over the course of time in such a society that begins to live authentically free.

Such is a MUCH deeper and intensive discussion. One that can’t / won’t be adequately addressed here.


VIP Member
Oct 10, 2010
Who is the “them” you reference; “….should go about our lives and let THEM continue to take every last freedom we have”?

“Them,” — they, are doing whatever they choose according to their agendas regardless of how we feel, think, believe. Pretty much always been that way whether we’ve been aware of it or not. The aristocracy / money creators / wealth holders and controllers have always pursued the objectives of their own desires and making. The “ruling class” — societal owners, orchestrators. The political class are merely corporate employees one and ALL.

WE have only, both past and present, been servants of their devices; the machine, the “system.”

H, we have NO “freedom” so only illusions are being “taken away.”

The only true freedom we have is what we assert as our natural born rights (be it “legal” or not).

What we in fact have, are restrictions, regulations and such over whatever “privileges” the enforcement class under their employers / owners allow us. We have mistaken these privileges as freedom because SOME happen to coincide with natural Rights, yet nevertheless we have NO “freedoms” but those we give ourselves and act upon regardless of “law,” political class edicts, so on and so forth.

So yes, there is NOTHING you nor I can do about their system. We can choose however to do as we will, governed only by our own intuitions, will and desires. Hopefully you and I take such freedom (true freedom) with great responsibility of character and awareness of our fellow humans natural Rights and freedoms. And we utilize these with sensitivity and equality toward others in whatever manner, of course to a self governed limit, of imposing or victimizing others. It is a massive responsibility to truly live free. If we are “governed,” we are not free. EVERYTHING, all interactions, transactions, exchanges and such necessitate being voluntary choice — where and when they aren’t, freedom is non existent.

No political party or construct can grant nor lord over true / authentic freedom. Freedom is ours to decide and assert — clearly and obviously under a self governed manner wherein it does not harm / victimize our fellow man in its undertaking. Where and when that element does exist, natural consequences exist. How we ultimately come to rectify that percentage of victimizers / “criminals” is something that more naturally, organically needs to develop over the course of time in such a society that begins to live authentically free.

Such is a MUCH deeper and intensive discussion. One that can’t / won’t be adequately addressed here.

Sorry but meant to include the following in my post:
You stated; “…..we should go about our lives and LET THEM continue to take every last freedom we have.”

We don’t “let them” do anything nor “ALLOW them” to do anything — we are 99.9% powerless (presently) to have any say or choice of what they do. They do as they so decide.
Why / how? Because we long ago were set up as the peasant servant class in their system. It in fact IS their system, not ours.
At this juncture we are quite literally simply their powerless slaves. We of course could potentially take up arms and brutally, violently wage as best we could muster, a revolt….. but alas we’d simply be doing them a favor of population reduction by being cannon fodder.


VIP Member
Oct 12, 2010
The US dollar NEEDS to be dethroned. A messy undertaking, but a most necessary one.
Hope you got a lot of gold and silver then brother. We will be like the Weimar Republic.

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