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Turbolag's Lifting Log and Other Stuff



TID's Official Donut Tester
Oct 14, 2012
Hey everyone, I am pretty new to the forum. I love it ! I found out about it by Twitter. I only have a couple posts. I wanted to start logging my workouts and some of my nutrition. And hopefully get some feed back and opinions on what I am doing.

The basic stuff: I'm 26, 5'11'' right now I am 260lbs

I have competed twice. Both competitions have been in WABDL.

At the moment I am wanting to lose a little bit of body fat and try to get down to around 248. Mainly just for comfort reasons. And hopefully I won't have a loss in strength, or if I do hopefully not much.

I'll post my workout up later today. Today is back day.

Any opinions or critiques are more than welcome! Please feel free to try anything you see in here also! :)
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TID's Official Donut Tester
Oct 14, 2012
1,255 I fell asleep yesterday, and had some errands to run and just decided I'd do my back workout today. I'll post my food log for today late tonight or tomorrow.

Right now I'm having my first meal: 2 scoops whey protein, 8oz rice milk, 1 packet of raisin, date and walnut oatmeal.


TID's Official Donut Tester
Oct 14, 2012
Back day today:

warm up with lat pull down machine for 2 sets at about 80 lbs

assisted pull ups with lat pull grip.

3 sets of about 5-8 reps

seated rows

60 lbs X 8 reps

80 lbs X 8 reps

120 lbs 8 reps

these were done on a machine


warm up with 35s for 15 reps

50s for 10 reps

70s for 10 reps

70s for 10 reps

deadlifts in power rack, pulling from just below knees

115 for about 10

135 for 10

185 not sure, I forget to count sometimes and just go until I either get tired or just feel like I've done enough. Not sure if this is a good way to train or bad way.

185 for about 5

I have a herniated disc in my L5 S1 so I haven't deadlifted in a year, but I'm tired of waiting for it to heal.


Barbell curls with straight bar for about 10

barbell curls with 65 lbs for 2

standing alternating dumbbell curls

35s for about 8

45s for about 5-8

50s for about 5

hyper extensions

body weight for about 10 reps

25 lb plate behind my head for about 10 reps

25lb plate for about 10 reps

We don't have a reverse hyper machine, so I just use a box that is used for box jumps

I did 2 sets of 10 reps

decline sit ups

2 sets of 10 reps

20 crunches


I was gonna do cardio, but my lower back was so tight after the workout I couldn't hardly walk. Haha

a good kinda tight though.


TID's Official Donut Tester
Oct 14, 2012
Nutrition for Tuesday: I ate about 2-3 hours apart from each meal

Meal 1: 2 scoops whey protein, 1 packet of raisin, date and walnut oatmeal, with 8oz rice milk

Meal 2: 2 slices whole grain bread, about 1 oz of deli ham, and spicy mustard....made into sandwhich About an hour before the gym

before I left home for the gym : 5 grams of creatine stirred into diet 7 up

Post workout: 1 scoop whey protein, 5 grams of creatine, 8oz water

Meal 3: 8oz of round steak ( cooked in crock pot ) 1 1/2 cup of white rice, 1 cup of mixed vegetables

Meal 4: 8oz round steak, 2 slices of whole grain bread, a small amount of mayo/olive oil... made into sandwich, a diet 7 up

Meal 5: 2 scoops of a Meal replacement powder, 8oz of rice milk, a diet 7 up

sleep !


TID's Official Donut Tester
Oct 14, 2012
Leg Day

I had a terrible leg workout.

Warm ups

I was gonna do squats today, but my shoulders are too tight. I can't get them back to grab the bar

bar X 10 reps

135 X 5 reps

135 X 2

185 X 5

135 X 2

I got frustrated and quit

Leg presses, 5 plates both sides

3 X 8

Lying Leg curls about 100 pounds on the machine

3 X 8

Seated Calf raises 90 lbs

3 X 8

standing calve raises Stopped at about 150 lbs on the machine

3 X 10

Lying Glute Ham raises ....I think thats what their called. You lay on your back and put your feet forward, and push up your glutes and squeeze.

10 reps


30 kettle bell swings with the 12KG kettle bell.

10 swings then rest




TID's Official Donut Tester
Oct 14, 2012
Sorry the logs look kinda like they are jumbled. I will work on making them look more clear.


TID's Official Donut Tester
Oct 14, 2012


Meal 1: 2 slices whole grain bread, about 2oz deli ham, a little over 1 tbs mayo, spicy mustard, ( made into sandwich), a handful of kettle chips

Pre workout: 5 grams creatine, stirred into diet 7 up

post workout: 1 scoop whey protein, 5 grams creatine, 8oz water

Meal 2: 8oz round steak, 1 1/2 cups white rice, 1 cup mixed vegetables

Meal 3: 2 slices whole grain bread, mayo, spicy mustard, 1 slice pepper jack cheese, 8oz round steak, made into sandwich, handful of kettle chips

Meal 4: 1 cup fat free yogurt, 1/4 cup granola, with a little splenda

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TID's Official Donut Tester
Oct 14, 2012

Off Day


I realized yesterday that I need to slow down on my diet. I'm trying to do too much at once. Basically since my competition, which was Sep 8th of this year, I haven't eaten clean at all.

So I'm pretty sure by just cleaning up my diet and allowing myself to eat what I want as long as its clean, I'm gonna drop a little weight. If I start higher, I can always modify my plan if my progress slows down. At least I will have room to make adjustments. Plus I don't want to get burned out.

Meal 1: 8 egg whites, with 2 slices colby pepper jack cheese, 1 packet raisin, date and walnut oatmeal cooked in water

Meal 2: 3 gluten free, wheat free donuts, large handful of chips....this was more like just a snack

Meal 3: about 3-4 tablespoons of natural peanut butter and 2 slices of whole grain bread

Meal 4: 12'' flat bread sub from subway.


Today I'll focus on getting in enough protein, but I'm gonna make sure to keep the calories up today because today is Bench Day.


TID's Official Donut Tester
Oct 14, 2012

Bench Day

Warm up

Then I did dead presses today in the power rack. I had the bar to where it was sitting just about my stomach on the height. So it was probably like pressing off of a 1 board or half board

225 X 2, 255 X 2, 275 X 2, 295 X 2, 315 X 2, 335 X 1

I felt like I had some more left but I went ahead and stopped and ended on a good note.

Regular bench press with bands. Not sure of the tension. The tension was pretty tight, but don't know the lbs

135 X 10, 185 X 8, 225 X 8

light tricep push downs to warm up triceps

Dips using just body weight: 2 X 8, 10

standing barbell extensions, like skull crushers just standing up and the weight goes behind your head.

50 X 8, 65 X 8, 70 X 8,

behind the head dumbbell extensions with both hands

50 X 8, 65 X 8, 80 X 5

1 arm behind the head dumbbell extensions

30 X 8, 35 X 5

Overall I was pretty pleased with the day. Dead presses are something I've been wanting to try. They are really hard!


TID's Official Donut Tester
Oct 14, 2012

Back day:

Warm up lower back on seated back machine

Deadlifts: bar x 8, 95 x 5, 135 x 2-3 reps ( about 4-5 sets)
185 x 3 ( about 4-5 sets)
I was spent after just that haha. I tired to pull as fast as I could while keeping my form

Seated rows: 3 x 8 stopped at 120 lbs

Assisted lat pull ups 2 x 8

Seated lat pull downs 2 x 8 not much weight

Shrugs 40 x 10, 65 x 8, 80 x 8, 100 x 8

Upright rows using some bands 2 sets

Standing alternating dumbbell curls 30 x 8, 40 x 5,
50 x 5, 60 x 5

Hyper extensions, body weight x 10, 25lb plate x 10, 45lb plate x 10, body weight x 8

Reverse hyper , I use a box and swing my feet up while laying on my stomach.
2 x 8 body weight

Overall a good day. I'm exhausted now.
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TID's Official Donut Tester
Oct 14, 2012


Meal 1: 8 egg whites, about 2 cups hash browns with 1 slice of colby pepper jack cheese, cooked with olive oil

post workout: 1 scoop whey protein, about 8oz orange juice, bottle water

Meal 2 : 6' tuna sub from subway, with mayo, pickles, onions. 6' steak and cheese, with mayo, chipotle, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, pickles, banana peppers
Banana peppers make the sandwich !

Meal 3: about 1 cup of fat free yogurt, with about 3/4 cup granola

Meal 4: 3 gluten free wheat free chocolate donuts

Drank water and diet 7 up all day



TID's Official Donut Tester
Oct 14, 2012


Meal 1: 2 whole eggs, 2 slices deli ham, shredded cheese ( made into muffins in a pan ) , hash browns with steak seasoning

Meal 2 : fajita for 1, (steak) , 3 flour tortillas, pica de guyo , guacomole, sour cream, hot sauce

Meal 3: about 1 cup fat free yogurt, about 1/2 cup granola

Meal 4: a snack pretty much.... 3 gluten free wheat free donuts

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