People need to wake the fuck up and realize what’s happening at our southern and northern border, we do not have a borders anymore. People are pouring in on accounted, for. They have no ability to take care of themselves to clothes themselves to house themselves, or to feed themselves. And you’re paying for their healthcare You are going to be paying for this they’re living in the street and police stations and a bunch of other community service places around the country and your tax dollars are going to pay for them.
Just wait a generation when they start having kids and all of the 30 million new illegal aliens vote for Socialism and this government turns 100% socialist. This country is fucked it’s over with. It’s almost an embarrassment to be an American. I’m disgusted with my government they all need to be held accountable, tried convicted and held accountable for treason.
I’ve given up on this piece of shit country. They call America. The government is totally turned its back on the people. They all need to be held accountable and hung for treason. The only way that will happen is if the military comes on the people side, which I doubt will ever happen .
If I go overseas, I actually feel like I would be embarrassed to admit I’m American. I never thought this day would come because whenever I get a cut or bleed, it comes out, red, white and blue but that has completely changed fuck this country fucked is government they fucked American citizens. time for a revolution and the people to take back to their country and dismantle and eliminate the current government with any means possible
The Declaration of Independence give the American citizens the authority to alter or abolish the current government. There’s too many pussies that won’t take arms against the government. the only hope is to have a military coop comes in and save the American people from tyrannical government.
I’m so disgusted with this country and its government. It’s society who encourages and praises chicks with dicks fucking disgusting what is fucking embarrassment.
not too many people watch the media or keep up with world news in the United States but they’re totally oblivious to what’s going on and soon it’ll be too late. Good luck living under a tyrannical government who gives two shits about the American citizens. I’ve given up on America, it’s it’s radical government that’s turned on its own American citizens. its has failed republic
America’s is a shit hole country