So you guys are under the belief there will be a civil war? It won't happen in our lifetimes for sure. I try not to worry about things that are out of my control and its my belief if people 'take things into their own hands' they will either wind up dead or in jail.
I don't think there will be an organized civil war between two well organized governmental sides with willing volunteers fighting to the death if that is what you are asking.
I do think as people begin to lose faith in their government, they will vote less, call the police less, trust the laws less, take matters into their own hands more often, and be much more family/tribal in their views about who matters and whom and what they need to protect.
For example, I am to the point where the last people I would call if I needed assistance are the police, and the less contact I have with the government the better. It would be very hard for me to take up arms to protect what this country has become. My family is another matter entirely. The sad thing is, if violence does erupt, it will most likely be me fighting to protect my family
from my government.