I wish all this politic and superiority contest could / would vanish from existence.
The intensity level that our public has been brought to (both “sides”), has brought out far more of the worst in us rather than the best in us. There’s so much mutual disdain, judgment, and sheer hate that we’ve allowed ourselves to be both manipulated into, as well as fostered / manufactured from without and within too many of us.
I wish there would be a wave to sweep through us all, revealing to us very clearly that our lives aren’t to be so moved, influenced, controlled and so forth, by any institutional construct, nationality, world system tradition/s and so forth. Materialism, wealth, status, control, exclusive cultural superiority complex…. such things shouldn’t hold such influence on us. Our common humanity, shared nature, need to be loved and to love, to experience happiness, joy, to be valued and to value ought to be far more potent motivators and influences in us. We’re so consumed with so much we can’t control — yet we somewhat obsess over obtaining control nonetheless.
We ALL (humanity) globally have such mind blowing potential.
Hey, at least I can dream. Sadly, I realize collectively we won’t make such unified change — BUT, we can pursue such change willfully, determinedly as individuals one by one.
Personally I realize that clinging to a sort of supremacist pride in what geographic plot of dirt I was born within, is senseless, meaningless in the bigger picture. So is any ethnic, religious, status, materialism etc.
Character development inclusive of such things as compassion, care, kindness, acceptance, honesty, patience, forgiveness, generosity and the like, are so much greater than the garbage we’ve become so consumed by as a society.
There’s much more to say about all this, but I’ll step off here. I’m just really disheartened what’s become of us as a people.