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Triz or ret?


Massive G

VIP Member
Apr 10, 2020
Yes I am stopping the mk677. Never had thyroid tested while on it. My levels have been steady for years now so any change will stand out like a sore thumb. I may stop the reta too. We will see.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
I didn't understand why you were running them together to begin with. One increases Ghrelin and the other suppresses Ghrelin.

Massive G

VIP Member
Apr 10, 2020
I didn't understand why you were running them together to begin with. One increases Ghrelin and the other suppresses Ghrelin.
I always am interested in real world experiences and will sometimes change things up based on others positive experiences especially with new substances. I was reacting to this post below in the retatrutide thread over at pro muscle. Obviously there are tons of differences between his client and me based on age and experiences with training drugs and diet but interesting for sure.


Massive G

VIP Member
Apr 10, 2020
I always am interested in real world experiences and will sometimes change things up based on others positive experiences especially with new substances. I was reacting to this post below in the retatrutide thread over at pro muscle. Obviously there are tons of differences between his client and me based on age and experiences with training drugs and diet but interesting for sure.

View attachment 15826
I was using Mike Arnolds mk677. As I have had bad luck with the research mk667 powders and liquids from research companies.

genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Yeah, the GH and IGF-1 response from MK677 if you are already taking enough GH (4+ iu) is pretty much zero. The only thing it would be giving you at that point is an appetite, which are suppressing with the tirzepatide. If you are not taking GH or a low dose I could understand, but I would assume you are taking more than 4 iu if you are trying to grow tissue.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
I read that thread over at PM, and the pairing of Tirz with MK677 doesn't make a lot of sense to me. And the "natty's" response sounds strange. I'm more apt to believe the guy jumped onto test/tren for six weeks, but whatever.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
I read that thread over at PM, and the pairing of Tirz with MK677 doesn't make a lot of sense to me. And the "natty's" response sounds strange. I'm more apt to believe the guy jumped onto test/tren for six weeks, but whatever.
PM is basically Reddit now, so...

Massive G

VIP Member
Apr 10, 2020
Well I am stopping the retatrutide. I popped my back yesterday.
My brand new washer had a defective seal and flooded the room and hallway.
So it took a ton of towels to soak it up.
Fortunately, I have a high powered fan from the garage gym and the neighbor had a one of those super duper tube like heaters and was able to dry the area so no water damage. Unfortunately all the lifting bending and carrying heavy baskets of wet towels to the laundromat stressed out my lower back on my left side and it's inflammed so bad I am actually walking around the house with a walker like Harvey Weinstein. It's bad enough for me to take ibuprofen. I popped some bromelin and 25 mgs prednisone. I wish I had a 5 day supply of vicodin but not going to the ER or doc. I would do more damage going up and down the stairs on my front porch and getting in and out of the car so I will just stick it out. Hopefully it will be over in a week or so. My reverse hyper isn't making a dent in it at all so I will be a gimp for a bit.
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