This is medium to high. My lat pull-downs are more like warms ups for me. the intensity portion are more on the row such as the machine overhand and the bentover dumbbells. Insensity is maybe in 6 of the 15-18 sets I typically do. However, today's backworkout was more intense, but less sets.Nice work brother. Behind the back shrugs are the best shrugs.
One question I have, how much intensity are you putting into your workouts? I ask, because this workout:
- back
Would take me (2) full weeks (probably a slight exaggeration) to recover from with high intensity, even if I was on a gram of test, tren and d-bol and eating 400 grams of protein a day.
- (4) lat pull-down
- (4) wide-row (neut)
- (4) row (OHD)
- reverse-row (sup)
- (4S) < DB row [neutr-sup trans]
- (4) cable row
Don't take this as I am saying you are not training with intensity, more as like I think you are doing too much.
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