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Tik Tok ban.... Please explain to me



VIP Member
May 23, 2011
There's all this talk about banning Tik Tok because of national Security. In a way I do kind of understand it's on your phone and they may have access to maybe placing a key logger or something along those lines??

Everything I read they're talking about it's a national security issue because they're collecting user data. Isn't Google, Microsoft, and every other internet service provider already doing this?

Are they afraid the Chinese government is going to know how many times we go to a fast food restaurant? They're collecting data on what?

Maybe I'm being dense here but I don't see what the difference between them and what companies have been doing for years.

They are also saying that they're afraid the Chinese government will flood the app with marketed videos of misinformation?? I see people jumping rope. I see people filming themselves filming stupid stunts.

I don't use the app I don't have it downloaded and only thing that I've seen that is on the platform is something that has been posted in a news article at one place or another.

Can someone please enlighten me and explain why the push to censor us even more.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Sep 16, 2010
I don’t have Tik Tok and haven’t ever wanted another SM on my phone, but I also want to know how a Videos of people posting is national security. I could see the app maybe having some kind of logging software listening in on conversations, but what are they going to do with all that data of people posting travel videos, cooking…. Or Whatever. They did say that the Chinese are tracking journalists and other members and using tracking data to see where they are and who they’ve been talking to.


TID Board Of Directors
Aug 27, 2010
Frankly, it should be banned. It’s a Chinese company that’s taking business away from American companies.

Ban it so the revenue of American companies will increase instead. Why should China steal even more money out of the US via advertising on Tik Tok?


VIP Member
Aug 17, 2011
There's all this talk about banning Tik Tok because of national Security. In a way I do kind of understand it's on your phone and they may have access to maybe placing a key logger or something along those lines??

Everything I read they're talking about it's a national security issue because they're collecting user data. Isn't Google, Microsoft, and every other internet service provider already doing this?

Are they afraid the Chinese government is going to know how many times we go to a fast food restaurant? They're collecting data on what?

Maybe I'm being dense here but I don't see what the difference between them and what companies have been doing for years.

They are also saying that they're afraid the Chinese government will flood the app with marketed videos of misinformation?? I see people jumping rope. I see people filming themselves filming stupid stunts.

I don't use the app I don't have it downloaded and only thing that I've seen that is on the platform is something that has been posted in a news article at one place or another.

Can someone please enlighten me and explain why the push to censor us even more.
You seem to not understand what it actually is.

It's spyware and it's the Chinese government.

You seem to be under some disillusion that a Chinese company is a company.


VIP Member
May 23, 2011
You seem to not understand what it actually is.

It's spyware and it's the Chinese government.

You seem to be under some disillusion that a Chinese company is a company.
I understand that I'm not under any disillusion but what I'm saying is what are they spying on? That's my point is companies here already track us, follow us, listen to us, etc etc

Now yes I understand it's Chinese government versus US government but honestly is there a difference now? Or being spied on and told what to do we have no freedoms or we're losing all our freedoms quickly.

Do they think the Chinese government is going to overtake us because Americans are stupid and put tide pods in their mouths and then recorded and posted online? What is the end game on the Chinese government side for stupid citizens that live on this app


VIP Member
May 23, 2011
Frankly, it should be banned. It’s a Chinese company that’s taking business away from American companies.

Ban it so the revenue of American companies will increase instead. Why should China steal even more money out of the US via advertising on Tik Tok?
I don't care if they do
Ban it I believe that we shouldn't have any manufacturing or anything to do with communist countries whatsoever.

That's what Trump was trying to put an end to and of course now they're trying to put an end to Trump.

I don't do any social media I don't do any type of app downloads. As far as social media goes TID is about it for me.
Tomas Payne

Tomas Payne

VIP Member
Jul 29, 2014
The ban is on government phones. The reason they want to is that TikTok's parent company TenCent is that the Chinese government prevents their own population from watch TikTok diarhea from reaching their youth and have the algorithm rigged to where derelectic, demeaning, disgraceful, distasteful or any attempt to break American social norms of today's youth versus allowing their population to be fed such social garbage.


VIP Member
Jan 8, 2011
It would be pretty stupid for the government not to ban TikTok government on devices, But for the American people, they should have a choice to use the app or not. It’s not the government business what apps the American people decide to use or not. People are aware that it’s a Chinese owned app and what its capable of doing. the people can decide to use it if they want or not.

It’s none of the government business to tell the American people what apps they can use.

I’m more concerned about our government and our social media companies spying on Americans. It’s the US government people should be worried about not so much the Chinese.


VIP Member
Sep 19, 2010
I had it at one point. Stated my beliefs a couple time and got banned, just like I did from facebook. So I deleted them both.


VIP Member
May 23, 2011
I had it at one point. Stated my beliefs a couple time and got banned, just like I did from facebook. So I deleted them both.
Wow!! It's so crazy how much of our freedoms are slowly eroding away that we give something up so long ago we don't even really remember that it was a freedom. I get the government phones and all that I was just curious what y'all thoughts were on the making this huge ordeal. Just wondering what they think the Chinese are using everyday people's trips to the fast food restaurant is going to help them. But again I don't care one way or the other.

Massive G

VIP Member
Apr 10, 2020
It would be pretty stupid for the government not to ban TikTok government on devices, But for the American people, they should have a choice to use the app or not. It’s not the government business what apps the American people decide to use or not. People are aware that it’s a Chinese owned app and what its capable of doing. the people can decide to use it if they want or not.

It’s none of the government business to tell the American people what apps they can use.

I’m more concerned about our government and our social media companies spying on Americans. It’s the US government people should be worried about not so much the Chinese.
I was going to say the same thing. It's obvious that our government collects and spies on millions of Americans every single minute in lock step with social media companies on our own soil.
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