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TID Post up your Best Mass Routine!!!!



Nov 20, 2015
Saturday - squat, deadlift..... like 4 hours of squatting and deadlifting
Sunday - squat lighter for reps and do some rack work for deadlift. Abs.
Monday - bench for a few hours, then do some rows, chins, and overhead presses. ab wheel.

The only direct arm work is moving steak from the plate to the mouth. The only machine is your car as you drive to get food.

Damn, I just joined this forum.... Nice to see there are some real freaks here! Love it! It's nice to feel normal, for once!

Regarding mass, I eat till I can't eat anymore, and then do it again in 2 hours or less. If you have a smartphone, get the "My Fitness Pal" app, it'll help you keep track of what you're ACTUALLY eating... I was shocked how back my "gut" instincts were for macros etc.


Jun 11, 2014
I think my best mass routine ever was smolov Jr.

It added a ton of body weight in a short time and huge strength increases.

Charles Loden

New Member
Nov 20, 2016
Thank you for sharing this wonderful information.


VIP Member
Mar 6, 2011
Mon ~ Bench/ Squat
Wed ~ Deadlift/ OHP
Fri ~ Squat/ Bench


Trump's Chief Volcano Surveyor
Nov 29, 2013
Hate it when the gurus don't elaborate lol. BI, when you type exercise/exercise, can we assume the first is heavy, and the second less so? Is everybody 5x5, or no? Aren't you tempted to do just one more somewhere for the upper back?


Strength Pimp
Feb 27, 2011

Workout 1

Decline dbell press
4 x 10, 8, 6

Weighted Dips
4 x 10

Incline Barbell Press
4 x 10

Dumbbell Pullovers
3 x 16

Workout 2

Weighted Wide Grip Chins
4 x 10

BB Row
4 x 10, 8, 6

Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown
4 x 10

Dumbbell Row
4 x 12

Straight Arm Pulldowns
4 x 16

Workout 3

10 x 10

Romanian Deadlifts (dumbbells)
5 x 10

Walking Dumbbell Lunges
3 x 24 steps

Workout 4

Dumbbell Laterals
4 x 12

Dumbbell Press
4 x 8

Face Pulls
4 x 12

Workout 5

Close Grip Benchpress
4 x 12

Straightbar Pushdowns
4 x 12

Skullcrushers (on a cable)
4 x 12

Standing Hi-Pulley Bicep Curls
4 x 12

Barbell Curls
4 x 12

Incline Hammer Curls
4 x 12

Rinse and Repeat

Holy fuck my approach has changed quite a bit in the last 5 years.

Nowadays for gaining weight:

Day 1
Deadlift assistance

Day 2
Squat assistance
Press assistance

Day 3
Press assistance

Day 4
Active recovery work this can't be stressed enough! I don't mean foam rolling. I mean using motion to get ranges of motion back and to stretch the tissues.

Delts and Triceps

Intensity level varies week to week for the first lift of the day. None of them are actually "light" and enough sets so that anything moderately heavy becomes crushing by the last set.

A heavy triple is performed on one of the first lifts of the week and rotates from one lift to the next over the course of 3 weeks. a PR should be attempted even if it's 2.5 pounds. If a PR attempt is missed drop 10% of the weight and do an AMRAP set.

Assistance lifts all stay in the 5 to 7 rep range.

Active recovery is done by feel. Say my Hamstrings and hips are fucked up. I will do stuff like single leg Romanian deads with a KB and bodyweight Bulgarian split squat until they break loose and I get relief. Most of the focus on this day is on thoracic and hip extension and fighting off internal rotation of the humerus.

For recomp or cutting fat I do the exact same program.


VIP Member
Mar 6, 2011
Hate it when the gurus don't elaborate lol. BI, when you type exercise/exercise, can we assume the first is heavy, and the second less so? Is everybody 5x5, or no? Aren't you tempted to do just one more somewhere for the upper back?

The first is the main lift and the second is a variation of the main lift. The main lift isn't always heavy aka max effort. I rotate dynamic, max effort, and strength days in for my main lift so.... 3's for speed, 5's for strength, and 1's for max effort. My second lift is usually 5's and is working on an area which I am weak in or where I feel will benefit me the most. I add 1 - 2 auxiliary lifts in after which again are geared at bringing up my Big 3 and even joint health.

So a more complete look at my Program would be: (this is the days I'll be choosing soon b/c I'm going back to school)

WED ~ Bench (Comp lift w/ pause), Squat (variation) ie. Paused Squat, Auxiliary lift ie. Good morning
FRI ~ Deadlift (Comp lift), OHP ie Push Press, Auxiliary lift ie. SLDL w/ DB + band
SUN ~ Squat (Comp lift), Bench (variation) ie CGBP + chain, Auxiliary lift ie. Oly front squat

I also get some additional work in on my conditioning days which can consist of any of the following; sled pulls, KB swings, box jumps, stadiums, etc. I even at times put in clean and press. So for conditioning I may for example do 4 sled runs SS KB sings SS box jumps. Take 3 min rest in between runs (sets) and do 4 - 5 sets.


Aug 30, 2015
I believe in and follow the Mentzer/Yates high intensity principles so everything is 1 set to failure (or very close to failure on deadlifts) after 1 warm up set with 50% of the working set poundage

2 workouts, A and B, alternated, both whole body:

Definitely works for me (natural trainer, supps: creatine daily, liver tabs, occasional whey isolate shake)

1. trap bar deadlifts 15-20 reps
2. weighted dips 3-5 reps
3. lat pulldowns 3-5 reps
4. standing military press 3-5 reps
5. weighted underhand pullups 3-5 reps
6. kneeling cable ab crunch 10-15 reps
7. side lateral raises (machine) 8-12reps

1. stiff legged deadlifts 15-20 reps
2. weighted dips 3-5 reps
3. lat pulldowns 3-5 reps
4. standing military press 3-5 reps
5. weighted underhand pullups 3-5 reps
5. hack squats 10-15 reps
6. side lateral raises (machine) 8-12reps

On days off between main workouts do either brief HIIT session on bike and/or grip/forearm work, calves and core strengthening work


VIP Member
Dec 9, 2010
6-8 sets per body part
Reps 1-6
Heavy heavy heavy 90-100% max

I do a lot of block work

Half reps --sometimes top half of lift next prob bottom
Maybe a week of full reps

Basically always changing
Hell still hit 405 on bp full rep 3x only on trt and dnp

About to blast for a few mths so let's see if I can get to LK size
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