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Thoughts on training, diet and steroids



May 31, 2011
posted this on another board and got a lot of good feedback so thought i would post it up here, just some random thoughts on gear, training and whatnot, told admin that i would post it up.

training - train heavy get strong as fuck, progress in strength, get to a certain size and strength and then VOLUME training..... it fucking works.
I am probably weaker than i have ever been in the past, yet i am carrying more muscle than ever before, especially in my shoulder area, I cannot military press anywhere near what i use to {but im still pretty damn strong} but i come in and blitz the living shit out of my shoulders with higher reps {15-30 rep range} and do more sets, I was in the gym today hitting shoulders and turned to the side and looked in the mirror, and normally i don't impress myself but today i said WTF? they have grown immensely over the last two years. I am actually glad now that i have so much shoulder and knee pain that it has changed the way i train and its fucking working
arms are def. hit with more volume and i try and get the most blood filled pump that i can possibly get, I still hit a set of something heavy once in a while down in the 6-10 rep range, but for the most part i try and kill myself in the gym with volume till i just can't take the pump anymore and quit. Build a base with power then volume that bitch UP "pump up the volume" {song} ha ha.

nutrition - mountain dog diet, thats all i gotta say about that...LOL if you don't know go to the articles section of the board ( and read up my friends, add some LBA's {great nitrogen retention} and {super hydration} to that diet and your golden. if eating higher carbs no need to pound so much protein as carbs are protein sparring {thanks George Farah}. and last but not least in nutrition and this is the big one.... take enough GH and you can fucking damn near eat anything its true, i have seen friends do it and was like WTF.

gear- O BOY here we go. I believe different body types respond better to different gear. if you are a naturally lean person then the old bread and butter stack is for you, test, deca, d-bol. it will make you grow like a weed. If you are chubby or gain weight very easily then tren is your drug, you will respond best to test, tren, and say EQ. the leaner you are the better you respond to drugs {this is so fucking true}. so if you are thinking about doing your first cycle and your a young 20something guy, diet down naturally to a decent bodyfat {6-10% range} and then hit the sauce, you will thank me for this info later, never really noticed this until i read a post by none other than gh15 himself and then started noticing the people around me that were geared up and the lean guys were the one exploding off of cycles! i have put this to the test over the last couple of years on some friends and WOW.
last but not least add GH to any cycle and that cycle will become x amount more effecient! HGH is the number one weapon in your bodybuilding arsenal, save your money, buy some and find out just what the fuck im talking about. especially if you are an older guy, you can eat more and gain more without the added chub. start lean, start cycle, add HGH, and then eat your ass off and watch yourself become a bigger and bigger version of your already lean self. the more GH you add the less gear you have to use. if you are at a stand still with a cycle, instead of upping the dose, add more GH and boom off to the races {provided that diet is sufficient in cals, and nutrients for growth}. Of course the more gear you take the bigger you will get, but also the more side effects you will have! its a double edged sword.
peptides are a great way to clean out and keep some gains slowly coming in the offseason and helps staying leaner, im a believer!!

ok just rambling now, as i think more i will add more, or as questions arise i will add more. hey im at work and bored! sorry


May 31, 2011
Re: some thoughts

thought - tren is a potent ass muscle builder!!! {like you didn't know} but seriously you have no idea until you know someone with cattle and they show you the cattle before fina pellet injections and after fina pellet injections serious fucking muscle builder right there. If you can't grow off tren then you just can't fucking grow! a little goes a long fucking ways also, so don't just jump up to pro dosages's with this shit, with great power comes great side effects.....TREN!


May 31, 2011
Re: some thoughts

thought - training... take advantage of the negative portion of each excersise! this is where the most muscle tissue is torn. emerics training is based on this and phil hernon has posted on this also. i will do this for a while, very slow controlled negatives with someone pushing on the bar on the downward {negative} stroke then releasing and me firing up on the positive. and then i will switch to a more branch warren, johny jackson style of just explosive lifting {with better form than they use cause im just a chicken shit like that} i am currently doing the explosive lifting now with higher reps while dieting, as i get leaner i will opt for a more controlled negative style lifting {I noticed shelby lifts like this} very controlled and taking advantage of the negative portion of the movement.


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2011
Re: some thoughts

Nice write up b-boy and welcome to the board. I know of you from PM and IM, and your physique speaks for itself. This guy knows his shit.

Thanks for mentioning the mountain dog diet. I found the article you mentioned and have started reading it. It's a great read. I'll have to dig deeper into later, but I've already found some things I'm going to incorporate.


May 31, 2011
Re: some thoughts

Nice write up b-boy and welcome to the board. I know of you from PM and IM, and your physique speaks for itself. This guy knows his shit.

Thanks for mentioning the mountain dog diet. I found the article you mentioned and have started reading it. It's a great read. I'll have to dig deeper into later, but I've already found some things I'm going to incorporate.

yes, john has changed the way i will eat forever... grass fed beef, farm fresh eggs when i can get them or cage free from the grocery, wild caught salmon. great diet..... great nutrition+intense training+hormones= one freaky SOB!


I Look Good...
Sep 13, 2010
Re: some thoughts

thought - tren is a potent ass muscle builder!!! {like you didn't know} but seriously you have no idea until you know someone with cattle and they show you the cattle before fina pellet injections and after fina pellet injections serious fucking muscle builder right there. If you can't grow off tren then you just can't fucking grow! a little goes a long fucking ways also, so don't just jump up to pro dosages's with this shit, with great power comes great side effects.....TREN!

These statements are extremely over exaggerated. I grow way more on a low dose test than a high dose tren.

For me tren is like any other typical heavy androgen. Just a hardener and some extra veins. Its pretty much the same shit as masteron, except maybe a little more muscle gains with tren than mast. Other than that, HUGE muscle gains? Lol no way jose.


May 31, 2011
Re: some thoughts

These statements are extremely over exaggerated. I grow way more on a low dose test than a high dose tren.

For me tren is like any other typical heavy androgen. Just a hardener and some extra veins. Its pretty much the same shit as masteron, except maybe a little more muscle gains with tren than mast. Other than that, HUGE muscle gains? Lol no way jose.

well you throw up a pick of how big test has made you and I'll throw up a tren pic and we will compare, you using the words extremely over exaggerated is the only reason i responded, every one is entitled to an opinion, but don't go off the deep end on me brother! I will check the members pic section for your pics, if they are not there then please by all means post up a pic in this thread and show me just how "extremely over exaggerated" my statement was. actually I thought it was pretty much common fucking sense amongst "VETS"


May 31, 2011
Re: some thoughts

well you throw up a pick of how big test has made you and I'll throw up a tren pic and we will compare, you using the words extremely over exaggerated is the only reason i responded, every one is entitled to an opinion, but don't go off the deep end on me brother! I will check the members pic section for your pics, if they are not there then please by all means post up a pic in this thread and show me just how "extremely over exaggerated" my statement was. actually I thought it was pretty much common fucking sense amongst "VETS"

OK KBD i will throw out an apology for my statements, seen your arm thread pic and you post saying

Listen i work just as hard here for my physique. I eat and train right, i dont appreciate coming on here and being insulted. RR and Admin you know my behavior has changed dramatically, and i avoid confrontation as much as possible.

I dont rag on anyones physique unless they are gonna pick on me. Sure im not huge, nowhere near it. But i feel like i have done a damn good job. And SAD quit throwing out how many years ive been cycling, that doesnt mean shit. If i wanna grow ill EAT more. But i have a certain look im going for, thats why i dont run super physiological dosages of AAS or eat 5000-7000 calories a day for maximum growth.

So can we agree here that we all have different goals? Or am im just going to continuously be ridiculed of my physique. Maybe i dont wanna be jacked like ajdos and osiris and deadweight and many others. Maybe i have my own look. And regardless of what you guys say about how i look. Im still proud because i still put in the hard work to get it.

And you know what SAD, im going to apologize for all the things i said about YOUR physique, because your working hard for it. So i take back everything i said about you. Just gonna be the REAL BIGGER man, and drop this.

everyone does have different goals, mine is to be as big as humanly possible thats why im a fan of tren, IT IS A POTEN MUSCLE BUILDER, whether you want to accept that fact or not!


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
Re: some thoughts

I definately agree that different genetics respond differently to different types of gear. No doubt about it.

I've always wondered if I've subconciously gotten more lazy with my diet when I'm using a strong compound because it's more forgiving. That's one of the reasons I don't like to use heavier doses. I just don't exercise the requisite discipline, and subconciously fall off on the intensity of my training or my diet because I'm running a higher dose of X and Y.

I love what tren does aesthetically to my physique. I like what a spot-on diet does to my physique even more. Sadly, upping the tren is easier than cleaning up the diet.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
Re: some thoughts

4 weeks ago at start of my diet....18 weeks out

YouTube - ‪

Looking good! Good luck on the NA show, it's quite competitive. Lots of strong competitors there. Keep us updated on the progress!


May 31, 2011
Re: some thoughts

Looking good! Good luck on the NA show, it's quite competitive. Lots of strong competitors there. Keep us updated on the progress!
it is!!! did it in 2007 and got 3rd in the light heavy's, hoping for a class win this time around
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