At first I thought it was gonna be stupid and too cheesy, but it had a lot of action, and the plot although simple, was pretty interesting. I have to give the Koreans some credit on this one, it was good. They use the same actors/actresses in most of their films and shows it appears, lol. Sort of like Adam Sandler movies, heh heh heh. I think you may like this one Jipped. There are a few corny scenes, but overall not bad, and it's always expected in these types of films anyway...especially lower budgeted ones.I heard this was pretty good. I need to check it out.
That was one of my favorite shows, it's fukking sick weird and cool! The ending is a gdamn trip...pretty dramatic end with a cliffhanger for season 2!About halfway through Outer Range. Anything with Josh Brolin I'm gonna have a look. Outer Range is pretty good. It's way the fark out there but really interesting at times.