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The Long Haul



Oct 26, 2024
Take 2! Made another one but it was lost to the Aether. Short and sweet this time. Current stats: 24YO/5’7/220 pounds/19-25%BF. I did an inbody but I don’t really trust those things. If it said 19% I’m putting chips down on 25%.

History: Dumb Shit. Irresponsible cycles, lazy dieting, lack of cardio, bad coaching, etc. Earned the Young and Dumb t-shirt.

Current: Took a break from training to get my head right. Maybe two years? I was still lifting but not dialed in at all. Probably lost a lot of lean mass. Cut back work to weekends only so I can retrain up and hopefully finally be in a position to start competing next year but I’m not in much of a rush.

Much milder gear use. Sticking to test only with some other stuff sprinkled in here and there (winny before wedding photos, maybe deca/dbol to bulk up a bit, etc.). Currently just 400 test.

Not throwing weight around aka ego lifting. Focusing on ROM, lighter weights, time under tension, training to failure, the good stuff. I’ve always passively done this on and off but now it’s the main goal.

Current Meal Plan:
Meal 1

One scoop protein powder

One Kodiak oatmeal pouch

One tbsp peanut butter


8 ounces chicken breast

One cup rice, cooked

Two ounces shredded cheese

Meal 4

Two pouches tuna

Two ounces shredded cheese

One cup rice, cooked

Meal plan was solely based on the cheapest, most cost effective way to get my macros which I’m currently projecting as 192P, 192C (could probably be as high as 280-300), and 60-90F. Easy. I also don’t include vegetables with my meal plan cuz I like to switch it up pretty regularly.

My training routine varies. I go to a pretty big commercial gym and that place gets PACKED. Even in the off hours. I waited for a bench for 45 minutes one day at 1AM. So it’s pretty loose.

The goal for the next 4 months or so is hitting 192-195 and hopefully being around 12%. Not sure what the ultimate goal is. I know I’d like to compete when the time is right but don’t have a great idea of what my target weight should be. Originally I’d have liked to compete in classic and that probably wouldn’t be bad. For my height that would be 182 pound limit. And I just feel like I’d look starved at that weight. Maybe I’ll shoot for 212. We’ll see!

Thanks for reading this far and thank you to those who welcomed me into the community! Any advice is greatly appreciated and heeded. Or steer me to the proper place for that sort of thing ;)

Stay tuned for more, initial progress pics coming soon!


Oct 26, 2024
Bit of a hiatus until I was cleared to go by the doc, but we’re jumping in again after a week. Test lowered to 200 weekly, starting some cholesterol meds and vitamin D. Food and training for the day to be logged later.
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