Been out for a long time, and that is all my fault. I could make excuses but the fact is I mostly just dropped off the forums for a while.
As for the lifting I have been mostly consistent with the exception of about 5 months at the end of last year. Had a few nagging injuries that held me back and my work was sending me everywhere from Georgia to Maine to Hawaii. Now that those little injuries are mostly gone I am getting my strength back up and hopefully advancing beyond where I was.
Also in the last couple of years I bulked up to 265-ish and had some fairly good numbers which were(if you are interested):
Squat: 515
Bench: 375 (always a weak lift for me)
Deads: 635
Press: 275 <---- Yes strict
Now my numbers are way down from these as I current sit at 210 pounds with these numbers:
Squat: 385-405 (this lift took the hardest hit)
Bench: 305
Deads: 555-ish, I got 515 for a tough triple a couple of weeks ago so "555" is where I think I am at
Press: 205
Thats it for now. I got a couple of vids from the last couple of days I will post up as soon as they finish downloading