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Testosterone is Low Again



Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Feb 15, 2013
Thank you.
Few questions from the article if you may. How come one patient had level of 75 test and highest one had 461, from similar implant. Or did the implant just work different way in every person.
Also I wish they had mention the effect on menstrual cycle, there were just mention that test subjects were pre and post menopausal women.

@BovaJP I actually ment the level that TRT is needed, which @Wilson6 gave answer before. But good to hear your personal reference from your own experiences.

@IronBreez ok this was all governed by my doctor. My natural test levels are like 6 and 7 (without anything). Given this, and i informed my doctor i only wanted to do TRT, i did not want to incorporate progesterone or estrogen (both were low as well), but given my goals and wants and needs i only wanted to do Test. Because i could get the biggest benefit from it. I am post menopausal so i don't care about menstrual cycle.
Given all this, the doctor suggested 25mg every other week.


VIP Member
Dec 17, 2019
Thank you.
Few questions from the article if you may. How come one patient had level of 75 test and highest one had 461, from similar implant. Or did the implant just work different way in every person.
Also I wish they had mention the effect on menstrual cycle, there were just mention that test subjects were pre and post menopausal women.

@BovaJP I actually ment the level that TRT is needed, which @Wilson6 gave answer before. But good to hear your personal reference from your own experiences.
That's why I don't like pellets, too much variability in absorption from person to person. sc inj is the best way to go easy to control the dose. Menstrual cycle depends on dosing, get the T high enough, it will stop (from the trans lit). All AAS/SARMs will stop the menstrual cycle, even var. again depends on the individual and dose. One note, if you plan on having kids, you shouldn't be going down this road until that's done. Sure lots of women BBs still have kids BUT, don't bet the farm on it and with SARMs we have no idea what the long term sides could be in women.
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