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Testosterone is Low Again



Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Feb 15, 2013
Got some blood work done here last week (the draw was on 10/6).
I've done a bodybuilding show on 8/27; and now in prep for a few weeks for another show for 10/29.

For the past few mos, I've sort of laid off on my testosterone injections for some reason. Lazy or thinking other things i'm taking will make up for it. Well, it has not lol.

Testosterone19(was 503 on 06/03/2022)
Free Testosterone(Direct)2.3(was 4.9 on 06/03/2022)
Sex Horm Binding Glob, Serum14.9 flagged as Low(was 43.0 on 06/03/2022)
FSH69.4(was 85.8 on 06/03/2022)
Estradiol 12.6(was 17.8 on 06/03/2022)
Progesterone 0.2 (was 0.2 on 06/03/2022)
Alkaline Phosphatase43 flagged as low44-121 is the range
ALT (SGPT)35 flagged as high0-32 is the range
HDL Cholesterol29 flagged as lowlow range is 39
LDL Chol Calc (NIH)111 flagged as highrange is 0-99
Cholesterol, Total152range is 100-199
Triglycerides56range is 0-149

Can't believe my test is that low. No wonder i'm not feeling the greatest LOL. I prefer it when it is upwards of 200 or so....that is personally.

When i get off my current cycle, that is when my HDL/LDL should go back to normal.

Currently on: Anavar, Primo, Nolvadex.


Aug 3, 2017
Hey, Good luck Bova, I got few questions: What's the limit for TRT? and one more question what's the difference between Testosterone and Free Testosterone (Direct). Because that is so low levels compared to Testosterone.


VIP Member
Dec 17, 2019
200 ng/dl is about where you would "feel better" on T. Supported by the literature. What is the cycle you are running?


VIP Member
Dec 17, 2019
Hey, Good luck Bova, I got few questions: What's the limit for TRT? and one more question what's the difference between Testosterone and Free Testosterone (Direct). Because that is so low levels compared to Testosterone.
Limit depends on benefits vs sides and that varies depending on tolerance/acceptance of sides (cosmetic) and individual reponses, it varies widely for a given blood conc per genetics. TRT in a female doesn't even exist in main stream medicine and if it did, it would be limited to what is normal for a female, less than 50 ng/dl or so, not enough to really make any difference in anything. Free T is the amount that circulates unbound to SHBG and other proteins, in very simple terms, what binds to the AR and causes the effect or is converted into E2 or DHT and also causes an effect. One can have a normal total T and because of high SHBG have a low free T.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
Wilson6, so is it fair to say that while Bova's total test is quite low, her free test is not correspondingly as "bad" because the anavar is decreasing her SHBG, and consequently, the little test she does have in her system is not being bound as heavily as would be otherwise, but instead is "free" to do its anabolic thing?


VIP Member
Dec 17, 2019
Wilson6, so is it fair to say that while Bova's total test is quite low, her free test is not correspondingly as "bad" because the anavar is decreasing her SHBG, and consequently, the little test she does have in her system is not being bound as heavily as would be otherwise, but instead is "free" to do its anabolic thing?
In theory but I wouldn't drop the test while running a cycle, it too provides anabolic support and a floor when she comes off the var/primo. That's a year round. If you look at the % free of total on 6/9 it is 3.78% (19/503). Currently 12.1% (2.3/19) along with a 2.9x drop in SHBG. So almost an equiv increase in % free T to a drop in SHBG. Now how one feels isn't just T, but also DHT and E2. With an E2 at 12.6, tamoxifen doesn't make any sense, there's very little E2 in the system, even with T on 6/9, not much aromatization and that's not what causes water retention, its ANG II/ALD. When T drops you drop DHT and E2. E2 is needed for the joints, cardiovascular system, skin, brain and libido. DHT is needed for drive and libido. Tamoxifen is also a mixed angonist and antagonist. Blocks E2 in breast tissue and turns on growth in the endometrium, also increases risk of clotting. If one is concerned about the water, drop the T a couple weeks out. The idea is to continue to increase lean mass over time, can't do that without a base esp in women, there is no PCT. Regarding E2 and fat, I do not believe E2 makes you fat, it is the lack of androgens that do. I've worked with women that are BC survivors on anastrozole for years. Their E2 is < 5. You'd think they be ripped, not at all. They feel and look like shit even with exercise and diet. Add in T and they drop fat and add muscle like a sci fi movie. It's not the E2, one of the biggest myths that keeps getting repeated.


Aug 3, 2017
Add in T and they drop fat and add muscle like a sci fi movie. It's not the E2, one of the biggest myths that keeps getting repeated.
Will that make estrogen blockers insufficient?


VIP Member
Dec 17, 2019
Will that make estrogen blockers insufficient?
Unnecessary unless in a guy for example there is Sx of excess (gyno) but I'd try Mast or Proviron first before an AI, just too hard to keep E2 stable with AIs that were designed to crush E2 in women with BC. The half lives don't line up. We tend to do things because they've always been done or because of what everyone says, but often times not because we've tried something and journal'd the responses or know what it really does in you. If you look at Bova's E2 with a T of 500, it's still in post meno range. I sure wouldn't want it lower than that, in fact I'd rather see it around 50 for health reasons. We have been bombed for years that E2 is bad, its not.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Feb 15, 2013
Hey, Good luck Bova, I got few questions: What's the limit for TRT? and one more question what's the difference between Testosterone and Free Testosterone (Direct). Because that is so low levels compared to Testosterone.

Hey @IronBreez the limit for TRT is going to depend upon the person. I worked with my doctor (one that specializes in anti aging hormone therapy) and he has me on a prescription for test cyp, i think its 25mg every other week, but i usually do a smaller amount once a week....usually, but like i said before, i haven't been doing this.

Having said that....knowing that i'm on Primo and looking at my test #'s......does one not think that i have some good shit??? let's take a moment on that LOL.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Feb 15, 2013
Hey, Good luck Bova, I got few questions: What's the limit for TRT? and one more question what's the difference between Testosterone and Free Testosterone (Direct). Because that is so low levels compared to Testosterone.

Wait @IronBreez did you mean to ask the limit to the test #? Well ive had mine at 300 before and i felt great. i've had it at 600 before and i felt great, but doc didn't like it LOL. I think personally my sweetspot is between 250-350. AGain, that is the # for me and how i "feel".


Aug 3, 2017
Thank you.
Few questions from the article if you may. How come one patient had level of 75 test and highest one had 461, from similar implant. Or did the implant just work different way in every person.
Also I wish they had mention the effect on menstrual cycle, there were just mention that test subjects were pre and post menopausal women.

@BovaJP I actually ment the level that TRT is needed, which @Wilson6 gave answer before. But good to hear your personal reference from your own experiences.
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