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Tbol vs Dbol



VIP Member
Sep 19, 2010
It's interesting to hear you say that. I have never had any lack of response for any oral AAS. In fact, I've run tbol as low as 20mg ED, and have noticed its effect. Certainly not magic, but good results in both an increase in strength, and excellent muscle fullness. Running tbol and var daily at 20mg each was really nice!

The only AAS that I never responded to was EQ. It's funny how we're all so different.
That is funny since EQ used to be one of my personal favorites lol. Tbol seems to be one of the only things I don't respond to, or maybe I just haven't had any real tbol yet.


Apr 25, 2022
I have to wonder about this magical tbol. I have taken it 3-4 different times from different sources and never got a single thing from it even at 80mg per day. The dbol bloat it mostly sodium dependent I think.
tbol and oxybol provide me more strength ... though dbol is ok too except for the acne issue
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
I have to wonder about this magical tbol. I have taken it 3-4 different times from different sources and never got a single thing from it even at 80mg per day. The dbol bloat it mostly sodium dependent I think.
I am the same. It is not that I do not get anything, but it is a fraction of what I get from d-bol or winstrol. If I was to rank orals for me it would be:

1st: d-bol
2nd: winstrol (there are times I would rank it above d-bol)
a distant 3rd (tie): anadrol and anavar (depends on what I am doing)
4th: t-bol

Never tried superdrol. I have used halo a couple times for very short durations pre meet and if it was safe to take for any length of time it would be #1.


VIP Member
Sep 19, 2010
I am the same. It is not that I do not get anything, but it is a fraction of what I get from d-bol or winstrol. If I was to rank orals for me it would be:

1st: d-bol
2nd: winstrol (there are times I would rank it above d-bol)
a distant 3rd (tie): anadrol and anavar (depends on what I am doing)
4th: t-bol

Never tried superdrol. I have used halo a couple times for very short durations pre meet and if it was safe to take for any length of time it would be #1.
Funny my top two are the same. I LOVE dbol and winny works great for me at 50mg per day. I never really got much from var either but its just to expensive for me to raise the dose much above 40-50mg. Anadrol gets me huge but not as strong as some claim and it makes me tired. If I had an iron liver I'd likely just stay on low dose dbol or

500mg test per week and 50mg winny and proviron per day!


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2011
The best dbol I ever used came from Indonesia back in the 90's called DUPA. It was made by Syntex. After that, for the price, it was either the Thai pentagons, or the cheaper than hell Revorvit-B from Mexico.

Dbol made me pretty strong, not as much as Anadrol, but it was better than most other things I used.

I can feel both dbol and tbol after about a week, give or take a few days. Both give pretty good strength. For me, Tbol and Anavar feel close to the same, but I look better on Anavar. Tbol is usually a bit cheaper, though these days, the price of Anavar has went down considerably, so i'd opt for that as a top choice. That said, it can be good to switch it up.

Fack me on this thread, I didn't even read the first page, lol. I'm gonna have to post and then go read it:eek:
Oh yeah..... That Reforvit DEF comes in a close second place behind Pink Thai's. I had a 30ml bottle of Reforvit once and it was crazy good.


Mar 24, 2022
Not to beat a dead horse, but if it is just for strength gains you are not going to find anything better than d-bol. I think people run too high of a dose, which is why they see heavy water retention and BP issues. 25 mg a day is really all you need. Anything over 25 mg gives diminished returns, i.e. the sides far outweigh the gains above 25 mg.
Superdrol, Anadrol, Halotestin, ect are all better for strength
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Superdrol, Anadrol, Halotestin, ect are all better for strength
For the few weeks you can safely run them, yes. However, you can safely run d-bol 3-4 times longer than superdrol, anadrol and halo. A 15% increase strength over 8 weeks is going to help me build more muscle than a 20% increase in strength over 2-3 weeks. And in all fairness, your liver enzymes a couple days after starting superdrol or halo will already be reaching dangerous levels, so unless you are getting ready to step on stage or platform are not really worth it.


Mar 24, 2022
For the few weeks you can safely run them, yes. However, you can safely run d-bol 3-4 times longer than superdrol, anadrol and halo. A 15% increase strength over 8 weeks is going to help me build more muscle than a 20% increase in strength over 2-3 weeks. And in all fairness, your liver enzymes a couple days after starting superdrol or halo will already be reaching dangerous levels, so unless you are getting ready to step on stage or platform are not really worth it.
Halo is not particularly hepatotoxic (does not cause substantial liver enzyme alterations). What it does do is inhibit cortisol oxidation via 11β-HSD2 inhibition (increasing MR activation, potassium excretion, sodium and water retention, and increasing blood pressure).

Anadrol is very mild on liver enzymes and health parameters. There's no significant difference in toxicity nor any relevant health parameters between Dbol & Adrol.

Superdrol you have to be careful of, certainly. But I see guys running far too high a dose as a rule (10 mg daily is plenty).
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Halo is not particularly hepatotoxic (does not cause substantial liver enzyme alterations). What it does do is inhibit cortisol oxidation via 11β-HSD2 inhibition (increasing MR activation, potassium excretion, sodium and water retention, and increasing blood pressure).

Anadrol is very mild on liver enzymes and health parameters. There's no significant difference in toxicity nor any relevant health parameters between Dbol & Adrol.

Superdrol you have to be careful of, certainly. But I see guys running far too high a dose as a rule (10 mg daily is plenty).
Have you actually had blood work done while running any of those?


VIP Member
Sep 19, 2010
Superdrol, Anadrol, Halotestin, ect are all better for strength
I have to disagree with this one. On paper maybe, but I've taken everything listed except for superdrol and dbol was BY FAR better. 25mg of real dbol easily beats 50mg of anadrol and all Halo did was make me feel like I had the flu.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
yA bRo I hAvE, hBu?
Okay, you are one of those guys.

I have bloods done prior to cycle and a couple times throughout depending on what I am running, maybe every month if it is something new or crazy (which I don't do anymore). However, if it is a cycle I have ran many times before and I do not notice any sides outside the normal I might only do blood work once during the cycle just to see how things are going.

In regards to the impact of halo, anadrol and d-bol on my liver, I know how they impact my liver. I have taken each one while on 500 mg of test each week. I took halo for one week at 10 mg a day prior to a meet. I had bloods done the following week. I don't remember exactly how many days, but I would guess it was 3-4 days after the meet. I went from having a normal liver panel to having enzymes that had my doctor drawing up a half dozen more tests.

I can agree that mg for mg d-bol and anadrol are probably have the same impact on the liver, but at the effective doses for building muscle I don't see it. I need to run 100 mg a day of anadrol to get the same effect of 25 mg of d-bol. Now I know some people can run 50 mg of anadrol and get some benefit, but it didn't do anything for me at that dose. You could also argue there are those you can run just 10 mg a day of d-bol and get a ton out of it. After 30 days of 100 mg of anadrol my liver enzymes were well outside the normal range, while I have ran 25 mg of d-bol for 60 days and just started to get outside the normal range.

Never ran superdrol and likely never will even if my coach suggests it.
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