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Taking Ivermectin



VIP Member
Aug 14, 2012
Does the truth finally emerge?


Currently, as of December 14, 2020, there is accumulating evidence that demonstrates both the safety and efficacy of ivermectin in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. Large-scale epidemiologic analyses validate the findings of in vitro, animal, prophylaxis, and clinical studies. Epidemiologic data from regions of the world with widespread ivermectin use have demonstrated a temporally associated reduction in case counts, hospitalizations, and fatality rates.

In the context of ivermectin's long-standing safety record, low cost, and wide availability
along with the consistent, reproducible, large magnitude of findings on transmission rates, need for hospitalization, and mortality, widespread deployment in both prevention and treatment has been proposed. Although a subset of trials are of an observational design, it must be recognized that in the case of ivermectin (1) half of the trials used a randomized controlled trial design (12 of the 24 reviewed above) and (2) observational and randomized trial designs reach equivalent conclusions on average as reported in a large Cochrane review of the topic from 2014.81 In particular, OCTs that use propensity-matching techniques (as in the Rajter study from Florida) find near identical conclusions to later-conducted RCTs in many different disease states, including coronary syndromes, critical illness, and surgery.8284 Similarly, as evidenced in the prophylaxis (Figure (Figure1)1) and treatment trial (Figures (Figures22 and and3)3) meta-analyses as well as the summary trials table (Table (Table3),3), the entirety of the benefits found in both OCT and RCT trial designs aligns in both direction and magnitude of benefit. Such a consistency of benefit among numerous trials of varying sizes designs from multiple different countries and centers around the world is unique and provides strong, additional support.

The continued challenges faced by health care providers in deciding on appropriate therapeutic interventions in patients with COVID-19 would be greatly eased if more updated and commensurate evidence-based guidance came from the leading governmental health care agencies. Currently, in the United States, the treatment guidelines for COVID-19 are issued by the National Institutes of Health. Their most recent recommendation on the use of ivermectin in patients with COVID-19 was last updated on February 11, 2021, where they found that “there was insufficient evidence to recommend for or against ivermectin in COVID-19.” For a more definitive recommendation to be issued by major leading public health agencies (PHA), it is apparent that even more data on both the quality and quantity of trials are needed, even during a global health care emergency, and in consideration of a safe, oral, low-cost, widely available and deployable intervention such as ivermectin.

Fortunately, large teams sponsored by 2 different organizations have embarked on this effort. One team, sponsored by the Unitaid/WHO's ACT Accelerator Program and led by the University of Liverpool Senior Research Fellow Dr. Andrew Hill, is performing a systematic review and meta-analysis focused solely on ivermectin treatment RCTs in COVID-19. Although a preliminary meta-analysis of 17 RCTs was posted to a preprint server in February, it is expected that by March 19, 2021, results from approximately 27–29 RCTs including almost 4500 patients will be presented to the WHO Guidelines Committee and that the epidemiologic studies reviewed above by Chamie et al were already presented to the committee in early March (personal communication with Dr. Andrew Hill). It is important to note that on February 5, the WHO Guidelines Committee announced that they had begun a review of the accumulating ivermectin data and expected to arrive at their own formal treatment recommendation within 4–6 weeks. If the above benefits in clinical outcomes continue to be reported in the remaining trials, it is hoped that this almost doubling of the current supportive evidence base would merit a recommendation for use by the WHO, NIH, and other PHA's would be forthcoming.

Because of the urgency of the pandemic, and in response to the surprising persistent inaction by the leading PHA's, the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development Panel was recently coordinated by the Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy Ltd to more rapidly formulate an ivermectin treatment guideline using the standard guideline development process followed by the WHO. Made up of long-time research consultants to numerous national and international public health organizations including the WHO, they convened both a steering committee and a technical working group that then performed a systematic review and meta-analysis. On February 12, 2021, a meeting was held that included an international consortium of 75 practitioners, researchers, specialists, and patient representatives representing 16 countries and most regions of the world. This Recommendation Development Panel was presented the results of the meta-analysis of 18 treatment RCTs and 3 prophylaxis RCTs including more than 2500 patients along with a summary of the observational trials and the epidemiologic analyses related to regional ivermectin use. After a discussion period, a vote was held on multiple aspects of the data on ivermectin, according to standard WHO guideline development processes. The Panel found the certainty of evidence for ivermectin's effects on survival to be strong and they recommended unconditional adoption for use in the prophylaxis and treatment of COVID-19.

In summary, based on the totality of the trials and epidemiologic evidence presented in this review along with the preliminary findings of the Unitaid/WHO meta-analysis of treatment RCTs and the guideline recommendation from the international BIRD conference, ivermectin should be globally and systematically deployed in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.


VIP Member
Jun 16, 2020
Which proves once again... YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID.
Especially when "stupid" is listening to the likes of the FDA that rushed an approval (obvious pressure and coercion), Fauci, who's net worth jumped $12.6M during covid, Pfizer that made over $80 billion off it, liberal universities that suddenly rushed studies and published articles that normally take years but received substantial funds from the government and sources that made lots of money off them also. I spent 36 years in higher ed at a major research university and I know the stuff that goes on. I have two daughters a sister and a niece in the practicing medical fields that saw things first hand that they knew was BS and risked their jobs speaking out against it. One daughter's hospital that required vaccination of all staff, secretly stopped requiring it, thankfully before my daughter was to get it. My oldest gave thousands of shots and refused it herself and was willing to get fired because she saw first hand what it was doing. I also have lots of friends in research that called bullsh*t once they looked into it...and finally someone here multiple time in this thread whom I trust VERY much that it a scientist and their field. So yeah, you just keep sucking the governments & big pharma's nutsak, because ...yeah, you just can't fix stupid.


Jul 2, 2012
You never got the dick-pix I sent????

That was what was in that pick? Man i am really loosing my eye sight… no wait… i got oerfect vision i just kept squinting and squinting

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


TID Board Of Directors
Nov 29, 2013
That was what was in that pick? Man i am really loosing my eye sight… no wait… i got oerfect vision i just kept squinting and squinting

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It was pretty cold that day ... :(


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Sep 21, 2011
Ivermectin is approved for use to treat certain infections/diseases in both animals and humans. But COVID is NOT one of them, and animal Ivermectin is NOT the same as human Ivermectin. Many people were taking animal ivermectin because they were unable to obtain human ivermectin, and that is dangerous. I remember a whole flock of those Qanon pseudoscience-believing idiots who lived around me in West Texas singing the praises of the Ivermectin they bought at the local feed and grain - right up until the whole flock of them came down with COVID.

Which proves once again... YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID.

Are you saying that the Ivermectin compound in veterinarian options is different than that of the human prescription options? The actual compound itself?

Can you explain how the compound is different?

I am just trying to see if you believe this, or maybe there is another context of which you meant?
jipped genes

jipped genes

VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
Are you saying that the Ivermectin compound in veterinarian options is different than that of the human prescription options? The actual compound itself?

Can you explain how the compound is different?

I am just trying to see if you believe this, or maybe there is another context of which you meant?
The ivermectin molecule is the same from vet to human. Now the difference is, vet stuff as it is meant to be paletable for animals i.e. vet stuff has a sugary paste that has apple flavor so a horse will consume it People can just take pills. Also concentration. A 900 lbs. horse will need a much higher dose. That is where the problems arise. People do not dose vet stuff properly. Now ivermectin is SUPER safe but if you take too much it can make you sick.

Hell, dogfood is safe for a person to eat. it is low quality and lacks many vitamins and minerals we need but it is consumable without ill effects.

BMJ, I know you like to eat mighty dog chunks in gravy on toast when you are bulking for cheap protein so you are all good.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Sep 21, 2011
The ivermectin molecule is the same from vet to human. Now the difference is, vet stuff as it is meant to be paletable for animals i.e. vet stuff has a sugary paste that has apple flavor so a horse will consume it People can just take pills. Also concentration. A 900 lbs. horse will need a much higher dose. That is where the problems arise. People do not dose vet stuff properly. Now ivermectin is SUPER safe but if you take too much it can make you sick.

Hell, dogfood is safe for a person to eat. it is low quality and lacks many vitamins and minerals we need but it is consumable without ill effects.

BMJ, I know you like to eat mighty dog chunks in gravy on toast when you are bulking for cheap protein so you are all good.

Well, i'm going the transgender route these days and eating cat food instead since I identify as having a vagina:D


TID Board Of Directors
Oct 17, 2010
The ivermectin molecule is the same from vet to human. Now the difference is, vet stuff as it is meant to be paletable for animals i.e. vet stuff has a sugary paste that has apple flavor so a horse will consume it People can just take pills. Also concentration. A 900 lbs. horse will need a much higher dose. That is where the problems arise. People do not dose vet stuff properly. Now ivermectin is SUPER safe but if you take too much it can make you sick.

Hell, dogfood is safe for a person to eat. it is low quality and lacks many vitamins and minerals we need but it is consumable without ill effects.

BMJ, I know you like to eat mighty dog chunks in gravy on toast when you are bulking for cheap protein so you are all good.
I only eat Farmer's Dog. Add some pink Himalayan salt (the real stuff) to it, and it tastes like shitty meatloaf.

On a more specific note, people that took the vaccine need to start researching the patents of the nanotech from 2013 (and prior) to what they allowed themselves to be injected with. In my humble opinion, it is a payload tied to the roll out of 5G.

As you digest that and think I am full of shit, any of you that have had radiation treatment for cancer understand that the symptoms of radiation sickness are strikingly similar to that of COVID-19. Never vaxxed, never had COVID that I know of - but I was in full cancer treatment mode from late 2019 - 2021. Hell, I was so sick...I might have had COVID. The people that had "the bad COVID" felt almost as bad as I did. Same symptoms. Why?

I was as high risk as a person could be for contracting COVID-19. Told all my doctors the same thing. "I know. I can read. I have zero immunity. But I will die before you put more poison in me." They tried to suffocate me with masks DURING TREATMENT. Stupid m*****F******. Western medicine has been around for about 100 years...and we are churning out med school graduates that (1) cannot think and (2) are taught to give a Decadron and antibiotic every time a patient sniffles. STOP IT.

Have a great day. Headed back to the cave.
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