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Taking Ivermectin



VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
There are off-label uses for a variety of medications but Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic first and foremost.

I won't argue that there are off label uses for it and research is ongoing but what I will argue is if the goal is to combat bacterial and viral infections, there are other medications better suited for those purposes.

Folks choices to take it or not isn't something I concern myself with.
Look at Uttar Pardesh, a region of India's poor, 200 million people. Ivermectin was instrumental in fighting COVID during the pandemic. The US media didn't report it. It is my area of study in my profession. But anyway, people seem to have a religion in this and stick with their faith no matter how high or low their IQ is or what the evidence is that is put before them. In the last 4 years I learned how much most of humans are just another herd animal.



Jul 14, 2021
Please look up the other ingredients-meds in your horse dewormer. knowing all cant hurt... for making the best choice.

If you can .. maybe get clean Ivermectin tabs,.... if you think as I do that this maybe one of the best choices! ?

I’m looking right now thank you

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Jul 2, 2012
I got some iver from overseas from a pharmacy… prolly indian but i got a bunch… never touched it… but thinking about it as i took epicor and people said oh it helps the immune system… sure did, helped me get sick and now im coughing my ass off and feel like garbage
BD Bodybuilder

BD Bodybuilder

Sep 25, 2024
Yes "Bro", I am 68, and with age comes wisdom. And long before I was 68, I was trained to think critically and ask questions like: If you are trying to say medical journal articles can't be trusted, why would you attempt to support your (false) assertion with a link to a medical journal article?
BD Bodybuilder

BD Bodybuilder

Sep 25, 2024
A close friend of mine said he takes this somewhat regularly saying that it can help people from getting sick and I was just wondering what your guises opinion is if it was looking into and getting some and if you know anybody taking it, I will say his skin does look good and he looks healthy.

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Inappropriate use of ivermectin during the COVID-19 pandemic​



VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011

Inappropriate use of ivermectin during the COVID-19 pandemic​

Look into Tess Lawrie. She has over 120 publications and was well respected in the research community before COVID. She did a meta analysis of Ivermectin that was positive overall in favor of the drug. Andy Hill was pressured to pull his authorship by a member of Parliament. You can find her recorded call to him online and her open letter to him. Since that time Lawrie has been politically destroyed like many others during this debacle. Others include Peter McCullough, a cardiologist and researcher with over 700 publications. He was chief editor of several top journals. He was also destroyed for his against the narrative work during COVID including support for such off label treatments. He was fired from Baylor for his staunch stance during the pandemic. From memory, he was an endowed chair. As a critical thinker you might want to take a wider view of the totality of the situation during this COVID mess. The list of highly respected scientists and medical professionals that have been destroyed for their stances against the narrative is long. It is easier to dismiss all of these professionals by looking at what happened to them as targets and the resulting charges, loss of licenses, jobs ect. But if you were on top of it while it happened the events tell a more nefarious tale. I have no confidence that any of this will be corrected or that justice will come. Sad but most likely true. I debated even posting this. People have formed their opinions. The lines have been drawn and cemented. Posting only poses a danger since I am in the profession and could be destroyed just like them. Good luck in your quest for the truth. It is very hard to find.

Have a nice day
BD Bodybuilder

BD Bodybuilder

Sep 25, 2024
Ivermectin is approved for use to treat certain infections/diseases in both animals and humans. But COVID is NOT one of them, and animal Ivermectin is NOT the same as human Ivermectin. Many people were taking animal ivermectin because they were unable to obtain human ivermectin, and that is dangerous. I remember a whole flock of those Qanon pseudoscience-believing idiots who lived around me in West Texas singing the praises of the Ivermectin they bought at the local feed and grain - right up until the whole flock of them came down with COVID.

Which proves once again... YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID.


VIP Member
Aug 14, 2012
Yes "Bro", I am 68, and with age comes wisdom. And long before I was 68, I was trained to think critically and ask questions like: If you are trying to say medical journal articles can't be trusted, why would you attempt to support your (false) assertion with a link to a medical journal article?
Well bro, I got one year of wisdom on you since I just turned 69. In the past medical journals had ethics, had you read the scientific journal I posted you would see that somewhere medical journals have fallen to the almighty dollar. Along with the all time huge profits 3-4 big pharma companies made off the clot shots, lot of people got their wallets stuff, shutting down any negative comments and methods to stop the spread of virus that would take away any of their profits. Even the FDA was guilty of spreading false negatives to help Pfizer sell a product that had not passed clinical trials and the Supreme Court forced them to retract their comments. In fact, both the Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine were forced to retract the negative articles they had published on antimalarial drugs because they faked some data. These three retractions showed that outcry over the accuracy of a flood of COVID-19 preprints, which are not peer reviewed, is only one problem. A lack of rigor in the rush to publish has also reached "elite journals at the top of the academic pyramid." Yea, sometimes receiving money to publish caused faked data.

One of those antimalarial drug that the scientific community trashed so hard was given to those of us who had the pleasure of serving in Vietnam. It was called Hydroxychloroquine. The Marine Corps didn't even soldiers what it was only to take it once a week. Never hear of anyone dying from taking the stuff or having any kind of side effects. There is a lot of valid, peer review data out there if you take the time to look and critically think.



Trump's Chief Volcano Surveyor
Nov 29, 2013
Ivermectin is approved for use to treat certain infections/diseases in both animals and humans. But COVID is NOT one of them, and animal Ivermectin is NOT the same as human Ivermectin. Many people were taking animal ivermectin because they were unable to obtain human ivermectin, and that is dangerous. I remember a whole flock of those Qanon pseudoscience-believing idiots who lived around me in West Texas singing the praises of the Ivermectin they bought at the local feed and grain - right up until the whole flock of them came down with COVID.

Which proves once again... YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID.
TID has some older fucks. Pretty sure I was I-Corps b4 anyone else here.
Just quiet down (a little, have some fun, this may be the best place you can be)


TID Board Of Directors
Apr 2, 2013
TID has some older fucks. Pretty sure I was I-Corps b4 anyone else here.
Just quiet down (a little, have some fun, this may be the best place you can be)
That is actually one of the things that I love about TID. Having a lot of the older guys and their experience and knowledge here.
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