Valentino has more than synthol in his arms, or they'd be smaller and less "oily" by now. The oil is absorbed by your body, so it's not a permanent piece of the puzzle. In terms of definition, I haven't lost any, if anything, it's increased. The stretching and pushing from within the muscle gives you the effects you're looking for, when done properly.Im interested in watching your development in your log. First thin g i think of when i think of synthol is that clown Greg Valentino. So that puts a negative bias on it for me. A big bloated arm with zero definition is what i imagine in my mind . What about an arm that is cut,striated and defined? Can synthol improve or add definition to that or just gonna add mass to your arm??
Good log and informative to read. Never tried the product before, but would like to read about it and learn.
Do you mix shots with any short acting esters, or are you purely using syntherol?
I've been doing it a while, never really had any issue. I'll throw a bit of winny or tren in there sometimes. Different strokes...Mixing gear and SEO in the same shot is not recommended.
All you will be doing is stuffing more irritants into an already irritated area leaading to more inflammation and more chances of scar tissue.
On top of that the SEO will allso interfere with proper absorbtion of the gear.
This is not to say that it won't work. Some people have had much success using site enhancing oils this way but they will all also tell you that the scar tissue they have was also attained this way.
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