Interesting... I took an extra day off b/c SS wasn't feeling well. The extra day paid off. My groin felt good when squatting today. I miss counted the first set of the final set so I kept it at 4 reps. I didn't break out the belt and I started to use more weight in Oly front squats. I'll slowly push it for the next 6 weeks or so and see how it goes. I killed it today on Z-Press... ending it on a high note. It's time to sub it out though b/c I'm beginning to stall on the.
My squat warm ups are: Hip circle walks; forward, backward, and lateral (I use M. Bell's black hip circle). Goblet squat w/ 10kg plate and still wearing the hip circle. Glute Bridges done with bodyweight and really flexing at the top. I usually do a couple sets of each 12-15 reps.
B. Squat~ 145x3, 195x3, 235x3, 275x3, 305x5, 360x5, 360x5, 415x4, 415x4
no belt but wore knee sleeves on 360 and 415 sets
Z-Press~ 75x7, 115x5, 150x5, 160x5, 170x5, 180x4
elbow sleeves and broke out wrist wraps on 170 and 180 sets
Oly Front Squat~ 135x5, 225x4, 245x4, 265x4
no belt but wore knee sleeves for every set
Standing Leg Curl~ 25x10, 30x9, 30x8