You just contradicted yourself. You said there was a difference between the two, then you say "test is test."
Do you live for drama gixx? Lol, funny dude.
Anyways the puffy face could have been from too much sodium in my diet, or maybe i retained water from one ester more compared to another. But as far as GAINS, absolutely the same.
...I would of started Test E but i think i should stack with that cycle and not just do Test E alone...2nd cycle might be Test E , Deca, Dbol...
i ran sust for my first cycle ever, stacked deca and anadrol with it. I pinned 2 a week and ran 750 weekly. im with kbd I gained 30 lbs of muscle, staid lean the whole time, and i loved it. I have since switched to test e or c and recomend that to everyone for their first cycle who comes to me. Just seems easier, more stable, and cheaper. as for prop...i hate pinning that much, just gave away 5 bottles i had left
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