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Summer cycles of old crunchy grouchy PED abusers


Massive G

VIP Member
Apr 10, 2020
All I can say is for the last 3 weeks I loaded up on mostly test to supraphysiogical dose for my trip to Florida I added some other crap in as well like GH and I feel like shit and look like shit. Soft and bloated. I feel and look a lot better on sub q shit. Regardless I am done. Will order some topical and just do hrt. Time to stop dreaming and realize high doses and mixed compounds aren't for these old mid 50 bones. Days of past glory are long gone and I won't make it to 60 living like this. Stay safe everyone.
Odd post... that was when I was in the midst of my Florida vacation.

Interestingly enough, I have been on a higher dosed cycle for the past month to keep my levels up for a vacation i
the midwest since we are flying and won't be taking anything for 10 days.

Right now, I feel fantastic on 750 mg a week of sustanon and testoviron.
Looking back to 2021 2022 2023 and 2024 on my trips to Florida I always felt like shit. Head stuffed up miserable fatigue etc.

I chalk it up to allergies as other than May 2024 we go down in early December and my body must be allergic to all the shit flying around.


VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
Odd post... that was when I was in the midst of my Florida vacation.

Interestingly enough, I have been on a higher dosed cycle for the past month to keep my levels up for a vacation i
the midwest since we are flying and won't be taking anything for 10 days.

Right now, I feel fantastic on 750 mg a week of sustanon and testoviron.
Looking back to 2021 2022 2023 and 2024 on my trips to Florida I always felt like shit. Head stuffed up miserable fatigue etc.

I chalk it up to allergies as other than May 2024 we go down in early December and my body must be allergic to all the shit flying around.
Correct me if I'm wrong but you seem to do well with test alone at a dialed in dose.


VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
Yes thats true I do like deca too but it just doesn't seem to have a place anymore over 50. They can embalm me when I die with sustanon and I definitely would rest in peace!
This last round deca at just 100 mg/w really helped my knee. not like 100 % better but big difference.
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VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
Isaiah 60:1-2 is pretty horrifying.
I should add to this. not sure what the context of this was when I posted it. So today I went back and looked. In one of the newer bible, New International Version, it basically says the Jews of Zion will conquer all others and they shall basically be their slaves as you go into chapter 61. Then go to King James and it is completely different. I read a book on Cyrus Scofield a while back. The Scofield bible was funded by the early Zionists in the early 20th century and had changes and margin notes leaning into dispensationalism and the return to Zion and the end times, in line with these chapters. Anyways, very off topic but as far back as you look u can see the narratives change, even in what is suppose to be from God's mouth to the pen of man. For now I think I'll just stick with Mathew, Mark, Luke and John and leave the warring tribe stories to others that like to war with tribes. fuck I went on a tangent.


VIP Member
May 27, 2013
I have been trt only since Covid. I just finished up 10 weeks of 100mg Cyp + 100mg Primo E every 5 days, and then 1mg week of semaglutide. I leaned out and hardened up nicely. I'll be coming back to this same mini cycle next spring. I'm going to stay on the semaglutide for another month or so and drop a little more weight heading into the fall. I alway gain a few during football season lol.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
I have been trt only since Covid. I just finished up 10 weeks of 100mg Cyp + 100mg Primo E every 5 days, and then 1mg week of semaglutide. I leaned out and hardened up nicely. I'll be coming back to this same mini cycle next spring. I'm going to stay on the semaglutide for another month or so and drop a little more weight heading into the fall. I alway gain a few during football season lol.
Just curious how your estrogen levels were when you ran test/primo at 1:1? I've heard some people state that the primo really tanked their estrogen levels, and they needed to run a higher test/primo ratio, and at the higher ratio they were quite pleased.


VIP Member
Dec 17, 2019
Just curious how your estrogen levels were when you ran test/primo at 1:1? I've heard some people state that the primo really tanked their estrogen levels, and they needed to run a higher test/primo ratio, and at the higher ratio they were quite pleased.
I am testing that theory now with 50 mg Primo E every 5 days with my HRT (100 mg TC, 20 mg TP every 5 days and 500 IU HCG M and R). So far my E2 to T ratio runs a 9 - 10. pg/ml to ng/dl so E2 runs pretty high and I'd like to get it down and see how I feel but not AI crushed down bc I feel like shit when it is low and joints blow up. So if my T level is 800 E2 is about 80 - 85. First time around added 10 mg OX/d, no effect on E2. Second time 50 mg of Mast E with the HRT every 5 days. Had no effect on E2. This time 50 mg Primo E. Will have labs done in a couple weeks and post the results. Very curious about the E2. Now these doses are pretty clinical even low for that, but regardless, I feel better on each, but differently for each. The only other lab value altered was HDL. Most with OX (-40%), a little with Mast (-15%), will see with Primo.


VIP Member
May 27, 2013
Just curious how your estrogen levels were when you ran test/primo at 1:1? I've heard some people state that the primo really tanked their estrogen levels, and they needed to run a higher test/primo ratio, and at the higher ratio they were quite pleased.

I didn't do any bloods, but felt and feel great. I've been doing this long enough to go by feel on a lot things like E2, etc.

My E2 def used to run on the higher side when I was doing bigger cycles back in the day. That might have something to do with me being fine with any E2 lowering that might have been going on. I'm also obvisouly running a very low dose.

I'm actually surprised at how vascular I got, and how much harder I looked after just a 10 week run at this low dose. Week 6 I really started seeing changes. It wasn't a tren cycle, but I saw noticable differences. I def recomped more then lost weight even with the sema. I only lost around 5 lbs, but I went down a full pants size. I def have a fuller and leaner look through my shoulders, chest and arms. I know this is real primo too. I didn' get Eq or tren or NPP or whatever else gets faked for primo. I've run all those so much that I know this wasn't them.

I'm 44. My college aged nephew asked me if I'm on trt on the 4th of July, and another group of college frat boys asked me if I "was on gear" at a beach bar a week or so later. So I guess that's enough to let me know that things were trending well at this point in my life.

This was actually my first time running Primo. I was always an athlete and then powerlifter, and more of a good old fashioned Test/Deca/Dbol guy. I had a few tren runs. I also liked winny and EQ 20-25 years ago when I was still playing football. Primo always seemed to expensive, and everyone I knews comments on bang for the buck, not great for strength, yada yada yada. It just never seemed worth it to me.

As a guy in mid-40's now and only running little bitch cycles from hear on out - Primo will be one of my new go-to's.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
Responding to the above two posts, I'm seeing significant various in anecdotal reporting on primo operating as an AI. Some people have reported no effect on their E2, while others have reported a pronounced effect.

In fact, I'm seeing some people who would start seeing E2 elevation above 500mg/wk test, upping their test to 750-1000mg/wk and adding primo at 300-500mg/wk and getting good E2 control with the additional anabolic bump of the primo. So they were getting the test boost + primo boost anabolically. Seems interesting and I think this definitely works for some people.

The only wrinkle with the above scenario is when boosting test to 750-1000mg/wk, what improvement is the increased test compared to the primo? What I mean is, what if I bumped the test to 750-1000 and simply added in aromasin 2x/week? Seems like a cheaper solution, unless the primo is providing a synergystic effect with some of the aesthetic benefits that it's known for.


VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
Responding to the above two posts, I'm seeing significant various in anecdotal reporting on primo operating as an AI. Some people have reported no effect on their E2, while others have reported a pronounced effect.

In fact, I'm seeing some people who would start seeing E2 elevation above 500mg/wk test, upping their test to 750-1000mg/wk and adding primo at 300-500mg/wk and getting good E2 control with the additional anabolic bump of the primo. So they were getting the test boost + primo boost anabolically. Seems interesting and I think this definitely works for some people.

The only wrinkle with the above scenario is when boosting test to 750-1000mg/wk, what improvement is the increased test compared to the primo? What I mean is, what if I bumped the test to 750-1000 and simply added in aromasin 2x/week? Seems like a cheaper solution, unless the primo is providing a synergystic effect with some of the aesthetic benefits that it's known for.
I feel like shit on Text/AI. I feel great on test/primo. The later seems easier to dial in as well. Primo is an anabolic steroid. The AIs are not. I don't know if it's worth it trying to measure the difference that might be present comparing the two approaches. Primo seems to give a much different look than Test/AI to me. So there is that. The biggest downside of Primo is the price. I don't even think fakes are much of an issue anymore either especially if you've been in the game for years and know your way around.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Finished off contest season at 40 mg test prop, 40 mg mast e and 25 mg tren a a day, which I pulled 10 days out and switched to 40 mg winstrol a day then 100 mg a day the last few days. This is the highest cycle I ran in a decade and talk around backstage at Nationals, was 5-10x less than what most of the guys were running.

Stayed off everything for a week after the show and added in 200 mg of glutathione a day. Now doing 20 mg test prop, 10 mg test cyp and 15 mg mast e a day. I will slowly drop the prop and increase the cyp each week until it is just cyp and mast e then I will bring the mast e up to match the cyp. I was thinking about straight blasting a bunch of gear this growth season to try and put on as much mass as possible, but decided to let the food do most of the work. That and insulin and GH. Instead of keeping the GH at 2-4 iu like usual. I am going to titrate it up each week until I am cruising at 8 iu for most of the growth season. The plan is not to carb cycle, as it causes me to binge eat and just try and get in 300-400 g protein, 400-500 g carbs and 50-60 g of fat each day. Leveraging lantus and humalog as needed. I pull labs at least every 2 months, so I will be paying attention to insulin a lot and if a diet break is need to bring sensitivity back, so be it. I have 26-28 weeks to grow before I hit the maintenance phase of 4-6 weeks then contest prep starts all over again. After that, it is blast time.
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