Did I say he didn't? If he was smart he had someone else do it...but I wouldn't know on either account.
The implication seemed clear to me.
"Stango if he had half a brain would never touch or get near the items he sold but rather have a series of ways to collect the money."
"Its not a mystery how these sources operate. ....they are well protected by layers of remailers, others who only cook or press tabs,"
Over the years it was crystal clear that he did the cooking. He often commented on being behind his brewing or still awaiting on raws to convert, why he didn't go higher dose, getting a new pill press, that he didn't want to produce halo. In fact, on AB, where I am most familiar with, it seems that most of the sources are doing the cooking. You're on that board. Remember TM when he announced he was going to start making oils? The reason why strng products were considered high quality in the beginning was he did everything. Sometimes even commenting how much he produced in a certain time period.