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Steroid Dealer at Gym



VIP Member
Dec 20, 2017
I go to the gym every 5 days. Last week I walk into the locker room and there's a guy talking to another guy about steroids. The dealer was young and looked like shit but made himself out to be some kind of expert. After he said some stupid shit I looked at the other guy and corrected him and shook my head at him as they walked out. He looked at and smiled and mouthed 'I know'.
Couple days ago I walk in and he's sitting there running a steroid seminar to about 4 young 20 yr olds, if that. After a few minutes I barked out 'I hope you all realize that you are to young to be doing that shit'. They all were like 'Oh no we have no intentions of doing any of that'. I said great cause you will fuck up your life if you do. They all walked out and after a while it dawned on me that the guy is trying to sell steroids to anyone to make money. The next time I go in I'm gonna go in a little earlier to see if I can catch his entire act.
How would you guys handle this cause I ain't gonna just leave him alone to end up hurting people.


VIP Member
May 23, 2011
That's a tough one. For some you'll look like an ass for trying to stop people from doing evil steroids, others may think your just a bitter old man (depending on age).

I would handle it by asking him questions you know he can't answer then correct him then tell him to pound sand and stop trying to sell it being he knows nothing


Trump's Chief Volcano Surveyor
Nov 29, 2013
Is the Gym owned and managed by the same him/her/them, or is it owned offsite and managed by him/her/them paid employees?

Any of those possibilities could face legal and/or financial trouble if LE knew what you've observed on the premises.

Who you implicate, who you shield, who you tell first and how you do it would be up to you.


Drama Queen senior Vip
Sep 1, 2010
Personally, I am too old (53yo) to even care anymore about stuff like that. You can only do so much, and even if you did jump in and say something, it isnt like they are going to listen to you anyways. I just mind my own business. Ive overheard conversations in the past, and just put on my Bose headphones and walk away. People are going to make their own decisions, 20yo are adults.


VIP Member
Sep 5, 2012
Man, what a pickle. I work with a couple of younger adults...and media taught them about steroids, they dont need a drug dealer. I kid you not, there is a fat 23 year lady I work with, she knows all about anavar, winstrol and such. It caught me off gaurd...and sure enough I started look at some fitness stuff on IG and my feed was full of dealers in no time. I think it's a lot more out there now due to social media. Honestly I wouldn't stop anyone from using stuff, I'd just tell them to use less than most say and see how they respond to it, and don't go using a drug to counteract another drug. Either pay the cost to go on the ride or don't go on it at all.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Turn his ass in to the gym owner/manager. That is all you can and really should do. If they want to allow it in the gym then so be it.

My son told me a couple years ago they were injecting in the boys locker room at school and he sounded like he was more intrigued than anything else, so I came clean with my 25 years of use. It just so happens we were driving 12 hours to a bromance fishing trip, so it was appropriate. He actually listened to me a hell of a lot more after that when it came to training, supplementation, nutrition, etc... I was kind of offended he thought I was natural. LMAO.


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2011
The crazy thing is the misinformation is truly bad. First cycles with Tren and 1 gram of damn Test! I kid you not the shit information on social media is really disturbing


VIP Member
May 23, 2011
I remember when I first got into the gym scene back in 1997ish there was a guy at our gym that later became an ifbb pro would walk in the gym hold up his gym bag in the air and about 20 guys would follow him to the bathroom and then one by one they'd all be walking out of the bathroom rubbing their hip.

He later on got arrested for dealing in steroids. I'm not surprised because of how open he was about it. I went to school with a guy that owned a gym also and he was the same way you walk in the door you sign your membership here's your needles and testosterone have at it. He also got arrested and my understanding he died from blood pressure complications plus I can imagine the stress of being arrested for that. Took down a bunch of police officers firemen. It was a huge deal where I live


VIP Member
Dec 20, 2017
I'm gonna go in a little earlier today and hopefully catch him in the middle of his locker room seminar instead of at the end. The guy is obviously an empty skull knucklehead and my concern is some young guy falling for his hyped up steroid spiel and following his advice and getting hurt. The gym is owned by an individual, husband and wife, so I want to at least find out who he is and go from there. I'll probably tell him my source has retired and I'm in need of some 'professional' help. How can someone be so freakin stupid to be doing what he is doing right out in the open with the consequences available to him?


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2011
I'm gonna go in a little earlier today and hopefully catch him in the middle of his locker room seminar instead of at the end. The guy is obviously an empty skull knucklehead and my concern is some young guy falling for his hyped up steroid spiel and following his advice and getting hurt. The gym is owned by an individual, husband and wife, so I want to at least find out who he is and go from there. I'll probably tell him my source has retired and I'm in need of some 'professional' help. How can someone be so freakin stupid to be doing what he is doing right out in the open with the consequences available to him?
Yeah what dbag. Hope you are able to get the owners involved
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