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VIP Member
Dec 28, 2011
T-Bar Rows
Bar x 15 x 2
25 x 12
50 x 10 x 3

Seated Cable Rows
75 x 12 x 3

Overhead Cable Rows
55 x 12 x 4

HS iso-Pulldowns
25 x 12
50 x 12 x 3

DB Curls
15 x 15 x 3

CarbNite, Day 29: 306.5 lbs

A month into the diet and Wifey and I are down 25 lbs total. So much easier to succeed with support.
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VIP Member
Nov 3, 2012
Congrats on dropping lbs and having a partner in crime!
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VIP Member
Dec 28, 2011
Leg Press
1 pps x 12
2 pps x 12
3 pps x 12

Leg Extensions
100 x 12 x 3

Iso-Leg Extensions
25 x 12 x 3

Seated Iso-Hamstring Curls
25 x 12 x 2
50 x 12

Seated Calf Raises
70 x 12 x 3

Hanging Leg Raises
x 12 hahaha

CarbNite, Day 30: 305.7 lbs

In there with my good friend today - great feeling. Looks like we’re back in business - still lil’ weights now, not letting ego get in the way.


Bad Mother
Sep 27, 2010
Get yo ass under a squat bar. Nice work, señor!
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VIP Member
Dec 28, 2011
Get yo ass under a squat bar. Nice work, señor!

It’ll come...
And thank you homie.

Today’s work:

Flat Bench
Bar x 15 x 2
95 x 12
135 x 12 x 4

DB Flat Bench
40 x 12 x 3

Iso-lateral HS Prases
1 pps x 12 x 3

Incline DB Bench
30 x 12 x 3

Triceps Pushdowns
2 Dropsets til failure
Starting with 135

Some evil abdominal bullshit x 4

CarbNite, Day 31: 304.2 lbs

My dude is working nights now and wants to get back at it so we linked again today for a push day. Felt a lot stronger... coincidence?
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VIP Member
Dec 28, 2011
T-Bar Rows
Bar x 15 x 2
25 x 12
50 x 12 x 3

Seated Cable Rows
75 x 12 x 3

Wide-Grip Pulldowns
55 x 12 x 4

HS iso-Pulldowns
25 x 12
30 x 12
35 x 12

Cable Biceps Curls SS Forearm Curls
20 x 12 // x 12 x 3

Hanging Leg Raises
x 10 x 2

CarbNite, Day 34: 309.4 lbs


TID's Official Donut Tester
Oct 14, 2012
Nice work man!. How do you like carb nite so far?
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VIP Member
Dec 28, 2011
Nice work man!. How do you like carb nite so far?

Bleh. Hahaha - it’s not too bad. Lots of cooking which gets in the way sometimes, but from transformation standpoint I embrace it wholeheartedly. Shirts and pants are already fitting differently and since my strength is shit I don’t notice a decline in training quality because walking to the gym raises my heart rate.

I talked with an old head who is running the same program. He reminded me I’m back in the gym and muscle memory is going to get real rather quickly so ignoring the scale for a few weeks would be wise. Not literally ignoring it but being less emotionally invested - the numbers won’t adequately describe fat loss. This dude is jacked the fuck up and is coming back from a tricep tendon tear. Took a piece of bone off with the tearing - bananas. He’s doing CarbNite in theory but uses the IF concept and only eats from mid-day til bedtime. I’ve researched that too but didn’t come up with much. Looking forward to picking his brain next time he’s around. He’s almost 50 and looks like James Harrison.

I know I’m hungry as shit now that I’ve jumped back in the gym, particularly on/after leg day. I think I’m going to start counting calories so I can manipulate intake accordingly. I’m really digging this slow tweak approach I’m using with this fat loss. No extreme changes, just incremental. It’s challenging to not go all-in!
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VIP Member
Dec 28, 2011
Flat Bench
Bar x 15 x 2
95 x 12
135 x 12
185 x 11
225 x 6
135 x 19 AMRAP

DB Flat Bench
40 x 12,10,12

Incline Bench
95 x 12,10,10,9

Pec Deck
40,40,100,100 x 12 x 4

Triceps Pushdowns
130,145,160,195 x 12 x 4

TRX Ab Saw x 12,6

CarbNite, Day 36: ?

Forgot to weigh myself before coffee and breakfast but felt a bit leaner than before. Afraid I went over 30g last night with some hickory smoked pulled pork so I went a little harder today.

Forgot to mention I do 10 minutes brisk walking on the treadmill before lifting every day, trying to keep my HR in the 60-70% range. Today I did 15 minutes. Rest periods between sets were long enough to let my homie get a set in - we just switched off over and over til the last set. He’s been out for a while too so we have the same goal: get leaner.
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VIP Member
Dec 28, 2011
Flat Bench
Bar x 15 x 2
95 x 12
135 x 12
185 x 11
225 x 6
135 x 19 AMRAP

DB Flat Bench
40 x 12,10,12

Incline Bench
95 x 12,10,10,9

Pec Deck
40,40,100,100 x 12 x 4

Triceps Pushdowns
130,145,160,195 x 12 x 4

TRX Ab Saw x 12,6

CarbNite, Day 36: ?
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