Flat Bench
Bar x 15 x 2
95 x 12
135 x 12
185 x 11
225 x 6
135 x 19 AMRAP
DB Flat Bench
40 x 12,10,12
Incline Bench
95 x 12,10,10,9
Pec Deck
40,40,100,100 x 12 x 4
Triceps Pushdowns
130,145,160,195 x 12 x 4
TRX Ab Saw x 12,6
CarbNite, Day 36: ?
Forgot to weigh myself before coffee and breakfast but felt a bit leaner than before. Afraid I went over 30g last night with some hickory smoked pulled pork so I went a little harder today.
Forgot to mention I do 10 minutes brisk walking on the treadmill before lifting every day, trying to keep my HR in the 60-70% range. Today I did 15 minutes. Rest periods between sets were long enough to let my homie get a set in - we just switched off over and over til the last set. He’s been out for a while too so we have the same goal: get leaner.