So is this a localized "healing" type of compound or can I inject it basically anywhere and get overall joint pain relief?I posted on your other thread, but it should speed up the healing process and you will have reduced inflammation. That being said, it isn't something you notice right away. Those who say they feel the effects right away or just getting a placebo effect or they are getting a little of the numbing effects from it. I assume being neck surgery, you are not injecting in your neck. Maybe traps, rear or side delts.
Man, after 25 years of Jiu-Jitsu and 33 years of Muay Thai my body is just riddled with little nagging injuries not to mention my recent surgery.Yeah, coming from firsthand experience and training jiu-jitsu. I rely on this quite a bit, especially with the little nagging injuries you get from heavy grappling. When I do get a small injury or even a larger one like I’m currently going through with a pulled groin I do increase dosage to help with the healing process prior to using BPC I would use Motrin a lot over the past two years I would say I have probably only taken Motrin now once maybe twice