But Stan bombed at the meet. He didn't make his 903lbs opener. Eric Spoto also failed at his 617lbs raw bench. There were a ton of big lifters at the Backyard Meet of the Century.
I think you meant 716lbs, but yes, he failed three times in a row. And in no fed I've ever seen would any of them counted anyway. Soft start, touch n go. They were bullshit, not to say he isn't one of the strongest benchers of all time.
Efferding should have opened with something he knew he'd smash, not 903. Bad decision IMO.
Lillebridge came in hurt (strained pec) and missed all three of his third attempts, but still totaled mid 2100s.
Overall, for all the hype, it's unfortunate that none of the guys shined. There was a female there though that smashed some records, can't remember her name.